
After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early

author:Sharp-eyed life

"Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." This poem aptly depicts people's love of fine wine and the cherishing of happy moments.

Wine, as a part of traditional Chinese culture, is not only an emotional bond, but also a medium for gatherings and celebrations. In your spare time, invite three or five friends, raise a glass to drink, and talk about the world, how pleasant.

However, as we enter retirement, will this comfort still be the same?

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early

Retirement is an important turning point in life, it means that we can take a break from our busy work and start to enjoy a more free and peaceful life in our old age.

At this stage, our lifestyles and social circles will change significantly. Although wine is still a condiment in life, it is particularly important to choose who to drink with and how to drink it.

In particular, we should be wary of those who like to drink "small idle wine". So, what is a "little idle wine"?

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early
After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early


This kind of drinking buddies are full of enthusiasm and seem to want to share the happiness in the wine glass with others all the time. They always find it boring to drink alone, so they are keen to call friends and create a lively atmosphere.

However, life after retirement should be more quiet and indifferent. Frequent socializing will not only disrupt the original life routine, but also may affect the health of the body.

In addition, these drinkers often have limited financial resources, and they may want to show their superiority through the wine party, or try to take advantage of the food.

In the long run, associating with them can put an additional burden on our finances and lives. Therefore, for this type of drinking buddy, we should keep a certain distance and avoid our lives being disturbed too much.

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early


With the improvement of quality of life, our requirements for diet are getting higher and higher. After retirement, we should pay more attention to the health and quality of our diet and enjoy an exquisite life.

However, there is a group of drinkers who seem to have to raise their glasses whenever they have a drink. Behind this behavior, there is often an over-dependence on alcohol.

Long-term excessive alcohol consumption will not only cause serious damage to the body, but may also affect the harmony and happiness of the family. In the company of such people, we not only have to worry about their physical health, but also may be affected by their irresponsible behavior.

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early


In retirement, we often meet a special type of drinking buddies who not only like to continue to have fun after drinking, but are also always keen to engage in various entertainment activities.

Stimulated by alcohol, these people seem to have endless energy and enthusiasm to turn every night into a party.

However, for retirees, physical function and energy are no longer as exuberant as they were when they were younger. Continuing to engage in high-intensity recreational activities after drinking, such as karaoke, dancing, or even staying up late to play cards, can pose a potential health risk.

What's more, these activities often come with high stakes that can be devastating in the event of an accident.

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early

In addition to the physical risks, this type of entertainment can also have a negative impact on family and social relationships. Frequent nighttime activities can disrupt family rest, and some entertainment that requires financial investment can also lead to financial disputes.

In the long run, this will not only affect the quality of life of the individual, but also may disrupt the otherwise harmonious social circle.


People who like to drink are always the ones people love and hate in the social circle. They always seem to find a reason to avoid paying the bill and are keen to get involved in drinking parties.

For retirees, associating with such people will undoubtedly increase their financial burden, and more importantly, their behavior often reflects an irresponsible and unsympathetic attitude.

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early

Such people need to be especially vigilant after retirement. They may be present frequently at various gatherings, but rarely contribute their part.

They may use excuses such as "forgot to bring money" or "phone out of battery" to avoid paying their share. In the long run, this kind of behavior will not only make other friends feel dissatisfied, but also affect the atmosphere of the entire social circle.

Interpersonal communication after retirement should focus more on quality and sincerity. Those who like to rub alcohol tend to focus only on immediate benefits and ignore long-term relationship building. In the company of such people, the quality and atmosphere of retirement life will be affected to varying degrees.

Retirement should be a stage of leisurely and savoring life. It's important to choose who you're spending this time with.

After retirement, you should stay away from people who drink "small idle wine", what is "small idle wine"? Know early, benefit early

Staying away from those who like to drink "small idle wine" is not indifference, but adherence to the quality of life in their later years. After all, it is with like-minded friends that you can truly enjoy the comfort and tranquility of retirement.

I hope that every retired friend can find a lifestyle that suits him and spend quality time with a partner who treats him sincerely.