
At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

author:Creek reads the world

In June 1995, a new life quietly came to an ordinary rural family in Zhuqi Township, Minhou County, Fujian Province, and she was Huang Silin. Although the family is not wealthy, the family is full of laughter, Huang Silin is like a delicate seedling, bathed in the warm arms of his parents, growing up healthy and happy, constituting a harmonious and beautiful family picture.

However, the world is unpredictable, only four years have passed, and the originally warm and harmonious family picture scroll has instantly broken into pieces. A sudden accident shattered the peaceful life, Huang Silin's father unfortunately fell from a height, resulting in high paraplegia, and since then he needs others to take care of his daily life.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

What's even more tragic is that the desperate mother chose to end her life, and in just a few days, the Huang family went from happiness to fragmentation.

In this instant, Huang Silin transformed from a carefree child to the pillar of the family, when she was only seven years old! Looking at her mother's departing figure and her father lying on the bed, Huang Silin's heart was full of fear and uneasiness, but she firmly decided to use her immature shoulders to support this broken home.

For children at that age, they should have enjoyed a carefree childhood, rather than the pressures of life like Huang Silin. However, fate is always so tricky, she can only face it bravely, so the seven-year-old girl took on the responsibility of the family and embarked on the journey of filial piety.

Time flies, and it's 2021 in a blink of an eye. In this year, Huang Silin won the 8th Moral Model Nomination Award, and her perseverance and filial piety deeply touched the hearts of countless people, and all walks of life spoke highly of her deeds.

Looking back, in order to get rid of dependence on external aid and be able to independently support the livelihood of a family of three, Huang Silin resolutely gave up the stable job assigned by the government. In the eyes of others, this so-called "iron rice bowl" is a heavy shackle for her, making it impossible for her to take care of her family wholeheartedly.

As she drifts into the depths of confusion, a familiar scent awakens memories of her past. That's the unique flavor of my father's beloved braised pig's trotters! In order to fulfill his father's wish, Huang Silin did not hesitate to devote himself to learning the art of making this delicacy, and after unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in developing a wonderful recipe.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

Since then, she has decided to make the most of her time with her children, setting up charming and bustling vendors selling exclusive braised pig's trotters.

It was her father's deep love that inspired her to challenge her life and explore new career areas, which ultimately helped her achieve her dream of becoming financially independent.

Those entrepreneurial years, which were full of ups and downs and hardships, were always soaked in tears and hard work. However, whenever he thinks of his beloved relatives who cannot be separated and depend on each other, Huang Silin emerges with the tenacity and courage and full confidence to fight fearlessly and move forward firmly.

At the age of seven, Huang Silin took charge of the spoon for the first time and cooked a unique plate of "detergent bean sprouts". That day, she was engrossed in turning the ingredients in the pot, while her father lay peacefully on the bed and patiently taught her how to do it properly.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

Despite the hectic process, Huang Silin always maintained perseverance and determination, and finally mastered the cooking skills after many attempts.

However, as she waited expectantly for the dish to come out of the pan, bubbles of various sizes suddenly appeared in the pan, which frightened her. "Dad, is this dish still edible?" She carefully held the plate and asked her father with a puzzled face.

It turned out that when cleaning the pots and pans, Huang Silin accidentally left an excessive amount of detergent residue. Tasting the bean sprouts with a peculiar smell, my father's eyes flashed with relief and bitter tears.

It is gratifying to her daughter's filial piety, and it is sad that she has to take on the responsibility of the family at a young age.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

His father's tears fell on the bean sprouts, and Huang Silin was more determined to repay his father with practical actions. Since then, she has given up the opportunity to further her education and devoted herself to caring for her father, who is paralyzed in bed.

In those 21 long years, how did Huang Silin shoulder the responsibility of the family alone? She was always the first to wake up every morning and carefully prepare a delicious breakfast for her father; hurried home at noon and fed my father personally; At night, I need to get up frequently to change my father's diaper and turn over...... She has never neglected any trivial household chores, and dutifully fulfills the duties of a filial daughter.

While other peers enjoyed a happy and carefree childhood, Huang Silin could only listen to bursts of laughter from the entrance of the village; While other children thrive under the care of their parents, she faces all kinds of illnesses and cold alone...... As a child, the burden she bears is too heavy, and she pays a huge price for the innocent joy she deserves.

However, in Huang Silin's heart, his father has always been the most important spiritual sustenance, and losing his father means losing everything. Therefore, during this long 21-year wait, she never showed the slightest complaint or hesitation, and even had to postpone the completion of high school until later in order to fight for the opportunity to study.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

Because in her eyes, her father is undoubtedly the most solid support for the family.

After marriage, Huang Silin's husband Liu Yihe deeply understood and accepted her special family environment, took the initiative to take care of her paralyzed mother-in-law, and walked hand in hand with Huang Silin, supported each other, and walked through every journey of life together.

In fact, Huang Silin's decision to choose to enter the marriage hall was indeed a little hasty. But she was already very relieved to find such a confidant and lover who was willing to fight side by side with her.

"Although the marriage came in a bit of a hurry, I was very satisfied to find a partner who accepted my father and understood me." Huang Silin said with emotion.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

Because of this, Liu Yihe finally firmly decided to marry Huang Silin and share the responsibility of the family with her. Since then, every time he goes out to eat or attend a party, Huang Silin always carefully gives his father the warmest "princess hug", placing him in the car, and his face is full of happy smiles.

"You're like a sweet child." Huang Silin often said affectionately. The father, on the other hand, would respond with gratitude: "Go and enjoy the food, don't let your time go to waste."

This heartwarming little detail vividly shows the couple's thoughtful care and mutual support.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

With her husband's full support, Huang Silin was finally able to strike a work-life balance. She is fully engaged in the daily life of caring for her father and two children, and despite the increasing pressure of life, her heart is becoming more and more full and determined.

Because no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, there is always someone who walks side by side with her and gets through it together.

When we talk about Huang Silin's deeply touching cause, we have to mention her feat of successfully placing her unconscious father, who weighed more than 100 pounds, in a wheelchair by herself.

This young girl, relying on her outstanding wisdom and unyielding perseverance, skillfully used the surrounding wooden planks, chairs and other simple utensils, and finally miraculously realized the miracle of moving her father to a wheelchair, which is undoubtedly shocking!

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

What's even more sad is that whenever Huang Silin takes his father out for a walk, he will always encounter strange stares from passers-by, as if he is looking at a pair of gorillas. To circumvent this embarrassment, she began to carefully avoid crowded places.

However, there are always some unexpected episodes in life. Once, for example, a sprinkler watched them for a long time, and Huang Silin couldn't help but feel uneasy. She turned her head suddenly, her gaze was firmly at the worker, and the two looked at each other for a long time, and Huang Silin's heart beat faster, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

To the beat of her heartbeat, she quickened her pace and quickly pushed her father away from the scene. However, when they traveled more than 100 meters away, Huang Silin still couldn't resist the urge to look back, and the worker still stood quietly in place, as if he was deep in thought.

At this moment, he suddenly gave a thumbs up, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, although he didn't make any sound, but this small body movement gave Huang Silin great encouragement and recognition.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

For the first time, she truly felt the understanding of the outside world, and since then, her determination to make progress has only strengthened.

We sincerely hope that all parents in the world can enjoy family happiness, good health, and all things go well. And their children can also chase their dreams and ambitions without worry, and let their youth sweat and burn their passions.

At the same time, we hope that everyone can be like Huang Silin, understand the traditional virtue of filial piety to the elders, and take practical actions to care for and care for the loved ones around them.

Just like Huang Silin, she has won the praise of the whole society with her consistent perseverance and filial piety in the past 21 years; Her story has spread widely and touched the hearts of countless people.

At the age of 7, her filial mother died, and she relied on her paralyzed father for her life, but her ending made people break their defenses

In 2017, Huang Silin won the high honor of "Top Ten People Who Moved Fujian"; In 2019, she was re-elected as a moral model in Fuzhou; In November 2021, he was nominated for the 8th Moral Model Award.

The source of all this comes from her simple and sincere filial piety. Yes! If it hadn't happened so suddenly, if his father hadn't been severely paralyzed, and if his mother hadn't chosen to take the extreme path of suicide, Huang Silin would have lived a completely different life and embarked on a completely different life trajectory.

However, the big hand of fate has ruthlessly landed on everyone's shoulders, giving them a variety of different encounters and responsibilities However, the tenacious and unyielding Huang Silin resolutely chose to shoulder the burden of this family and gave up many personal pursuits, just to take care of his father who was paralyzed in bed with all his heart In the journey of life, not everyone can show such deep filial piety, firm will and selfless dedication as Huang Silin However, we sincerely expect, No matter where fate pushes everyone, they can embrace a kind heart, use practical actions to care for those they love deeply, and strive to become a warm force in this world.