
The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

author:Chuangyi is important

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

In an old town, there was a carpenter named Li Tie. He was known for his skill and honesty. However, Li Tie's life was not all smooth sailing, and his wife, Liu, was a greedy and lazy woman, who often quarreled with him over trivial matters. In order to make a living, Li Tie had to work outside all the year round, leaving only the Liu family to take care of the housework at home.

One day, Li Tie was invited to work by a large family in the town, whose owner was surnamed Zhang and was a wealthy landowner. There is a big black dog in the yard of the Zhang family, and every time Li Tie goes to the Zhang family to work, he will see this black dog. At first, the black dog was just a skinny one, but as time went by, Li Tie found that the black dog was getting fatter and fatter, and the meat on his body was about to hang to the ground.

Li Tie secretly wondered in his heart, how could this black dog be so outrageously fat? He couldn't help but ask the servant of the Zhang family, who told him that this black dog was the master's treasure, and he ate better than others every day, and the master also specially invited a veterinarian to treat it to ensure that it was healthy.

After Li Tie heard this, he was even more puzzled. He thought, no matter how well this black dog eats, it shouldn't be like this, could it be that there is something strange in this?

As the days passed, Li Tie's time working in Zhang's house became longer and longer. He noticed that every time he left Zhang's house, the black dog would look at him with a strange look, as if to hint at something. Li Tie was uneasy, but he couldn't say why.

One night, Li Tie was ready to go home after finishing his work. He was walking home when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the direction of Zhang's house. He walked over curiously, only to see that the courtyard of the Zhang family was brightly lit, and a group of people gathered around, as if they were discussing something.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

Li Tie took a closer look and saw the big black dog lying on the ground, motionless. The owner of the Zhang family had a sad face, and there were several veterinarians standing next to him, as if they were discussing countermeasures. Li Tie's heart moved, could it be that something was wrong with this black dog?

He crept to the side and pricked up his ears to eavesdrop. I heard a veterinarian say, "This dog is probably suffering from a strange disease, I have never seen such symptoms." Another veterinarian also shook his head and said, "Yes, the meat on this dog's body doesn't seem to grow naturally, but was forcibly injected by something." ”

Li Tie was terrified when he heard this, and he couldn't help but step forward and ask, "May I ask the doctors, what kind of disease does this black dog have?" ”

When the master of the Zhang family saw that it was Li Tie, he sighed and said, "Master Li, you don't know, this black dog is my family's baby, but recently it has suddenly become so obese that even the veterinarian can't find out the reason." I've called the best veterinarians in town, but they all say they can't do anything. ”

After Li Tie heard this, his heart became even more uneasy. He remembered what Liu usually did at home, and suddenly had a terrible thought. Don't...... Is this black dog's obesity related to Liu's?

Thinking of this, Li Tie couldn't stay any longer. After saying goodbye to the master of the Zhang family, he hurried home. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Liu sitting at the table eating and drinking, and the table was full of various delicacies.

Li Tie was furious, and he rushed forward and asked, "What good things do you eat at home every day?" Why don't you cook for me? ”

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

Liu was taken aback by him, and said hesitantly: "I...... I didn't eat anything, it was just some homely food. ”

Li Tie didn't believe her words, he looked around, and finally found a strange jar in the corner of the kitchen. When he opened the jar, he saw that it was something black and smelling bad.

"What is this?" Li Tie roared angrily.

Liu's face turned pale, and he was speechless. Li Tie already had the answer in his heart, he grabbed Liu's arm angrily, and asked loudly, "Is this black dog's obesity related to you?" Did you do something out of the contents of this jar? ”

Liu was frightened by his momentum, and finally couldn't help crying. "Yes," she admitted...... I fed the black dog with the fat oil in this jar...... I just want it to grow fatter so that the owner of the Zhang family can be happy and give me more rewards......"

After Li Tie heard this, he trembled with anger. He didn't expect Liu to do such a thing, and he didn't expect it to be related to the obesity of the black dog. His heart was filled with remorse and anger, and he decided to immediately cut off relations with Liu.

He said coldly to Liu: "You greedy woman, I don't want to see you again." From this day on, we are no longer husband and wife. With that, he turned and walked away, never looking back.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

From then on, Li Tie lived alone, he worked hard, and was no longer dragged down by Liu. And the black dog also gradually recovered his health under the treatment of the veterinarian. As for Liu, she lost her husband and reputation because of her actions, and eventually became the laughing stock of the town.

This folk tale teaches us that greed and laziness often bring bad results. One should maintain the qualities of integrity and honesty and stay away from the temptations of evil and greed. Only in this way can we live a happy and stable life.

Indignation and insecurity.

As the days passed, Li Tie's life gradually returned to peace. He no longer went to Zhang's house to work, and tried to avoid meeting with Liu. Whenever he walked on the streets of the town and saw those fat domestic animals, he would involuntarily think of the black dog, and an inexplicable fear would swell up in his heart.

One day, Li Tie was working at home when he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. He put down his work, walked to the door and opened it, only to see a stranger standing in the doorway, pale and panting.

"Master Li, it's not good! Something is wrong! The stranger said eagerly.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

Li Tie's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" ”

The stranger gasped and said, "Yes...... It's the Zhang family! The black dog suddenly went berserk and bit several people to death! Now the whole town is in chaos, and everyone is talking about it, saying that the black dog is possessed by a monster! ”

After Li Tie heard this, he was shocked. He remembered the strange obesity of the black dog and what Liu had done, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding in his heart.

He hurriedly asked, "What about the master of the Zhang family?" Is he okay? ”

The stranger shook his head and said, "I don't know, I only heard that the Zhang family is now blocked, and no one will be allowed to enter." Master Li, you have dealings with the Zhang family, so you should quickly hide so as not to get into trouble. ”

With that, the stranger hurried away. Li Tie stood at the door, looking at his distant back, his heart full of unease.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

He decided to go to Zhang's house to see what was going on. He walked through the streets of the town and came to the door of Zhang's house. I saw a few guards standing at the door, holding sticks and looking serious. When they saw Li Tie coming, they blocked his way.

"This is the Zhang family, and idle people are not allowed to enter!" The guard shouted.

Li Tie hurriedly explained: "I am a former carpenter of the Zhang family, and I heard that something happened here, so I came to take a look." ”

The guards glanced at each other, and one of them, who seemed to be the leader, said, "Okay, you go in, but don't run around and don't talk nonsense." ”

Li Tie nodded and walked into the door of the Zhang family. I saw that the yard was a mess and bloodstained. He looked around, but found no sign of the black dog. He walked up to the servants of the Zhang family and asked about the situation.

The servant told him that the black dog had gone berserk and had killed several servants and had also bitten his master. Now the owner is unconscious, and his life and death are uncertain. The black dog was also subdued by everyone and locked in a cage.

After Li Tie heard this, his heart became even more uneasy. When he walked to the cage, he saw the black dog lying inside, his eyes red and his mouth dripping with saliva, looking terrible.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

He looked closely at the black dog's body and found that its body was covered with strange runes. These runes emit a faint glow, as if they had some kind of mysterious power.

Li Tie's heart moved, and he remembered the fact that the Liu family fed the black dog with fat oil. Could it be that these runes have something to do with fat oil? Could this really be a sign of a youkai possession?

He decided to go to Liu to ask for clarification. He left Zhang's house and hurried home. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Liu sitting in the corner of the house, looking depressed.

Li Tie walked up to her and asked coldly, "What exactly did you do to that black dog?" What's going on with these runes? ”

Liu was so frightened by him that he trembled and couldn't speak. Li Tie shouted angrily: "Say it quickly! Otherwise, I won't be able to spare you! ”

Liu was forced by him to have no choice, so he had to cry and tell the truth. It turned out that in order to make money, she not only fed the black dog with fat oil, but also secretly carved these runes on the black dog. These runes are an ancient spell that is said to make domestic animals grow faster and fatter.

After Li Tie heard this, he trembled with anger. He didn't expect Liu to do such a thing, let alone that it would lead to such terrible consequences.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

He glared at Liu and said, "You stupid woman! You are greedy for money, and you do not hesitate to harm people's lives! Did you know that these runes not only hurt the black dog, but also the innocent people! ”

Liu cried and said, "I didn't know it would be like this...... I just want to make money......"

Li Tie's heart was full of anger and disappointment, and he didn't want to say another word to Liu. He turned and left, deciding to go to the Taoist priest in the town to find a solution.

He walked through the streets of the town and came to the town's Taoist temple. He explained the situation to the Taoist priest, who frowned and said, "These runes are indeed an ancient spell used to fatten livestock. But if it is not used properly, it will attract evil spirits. The black dog has been invaded by these runes and has become a monster. We must get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise the inhabitants of the town will be in danger. ”

Li Tie hurriedly asked, "Then how to get rid of it?" ”

The Taoist priest told him that he needed to prepare some magic weapons and charms to ward off evil spirits, and then perform a ritual to expel the demonic energy from the black dog.

After Li Tie heard this, he immediately took action. He travels around to raise the items and money he needs. After a few days of hard work, he finally had everything ready.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

The Taoist priest set up a dharma field in Zhang's house and began to perform rituals. Li Tie stood aside, uneasy in his heart. He watched as the Taoist priest chanted mantras and brandished magic weapons, praying in his heart that everything would go well.

After much effort, the ritual was finally over. The Taoist priest was tired and sweaty, but he had a relieved smile on his face. He told Li Tie that the demonic aura on the black dog's body had been successfully expelled, and now it had returned to normal.

After Li Tie heard this, the big stone in his heart finally fell. He hurriedly ran to the cage to check, only to see the black dog lying there, although he was still fat, his eyes had regained their clarity, and the runes on his body had disappeared without a trace.

The master of the Zhang family also gradually woke up under the treatment of the Taoist priest. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to Li Tie and promised to take good care of the black dog and not let it suffer any harm again.

And Liu, after experiencing this incident, also deeply realized his mistake. She apologized to Li Tie and promised not to be greedy in the future and to be a good person. Although Li Tie was already very disappointed in her, he saw that she had sincerely repented, so he did not pursue it further.

Since then, there has been no such strange incident in the town. The black dog also gradually regained his health and became the loyal guardian of the Zhang family. And Li Tie, because of this incident, became even more famous and became a respected figure in the town.

The carpenter went out to work, and when he saw that the black dog of the owner was getting fatter and fatter, he immediately went home and divorced his wife

He continued to live a quiet and fulfilling life, busy with carpentry work every day, and enjoying the beauty of life with friends over tea in his spare time. And Liu, under his supervision, gradually got rid of the problem of greed and laziness, and learned to be diligent and thrifty.

As the years passed, Li Tie and Liu gradually grew old. However, whenever they recall that experience, an inexplicable emotion swells up in their hearts. They are glad that they were able to wake up in time and avoid a greater disaster. At the same time, they also deeply realized that people should maintain the qualities of integrity and honesty, and stay away from the temptations of evil and greed.

This story has been passed down in the town for a long time, and has become a warning and inspiration for generations to come. It teaches us that greed and laziness often have bad consequences, and that integrity and honesty are the cornerstones of our path to a happy life. Only by adhering to these qualities can we remain sober and determined in our lives and avoid going down the wrong path.

And the story of Li Tie and Liu has also become the most legendary story in this town. Whenever someone mentions their name, it triggers a wave of admiration and admiration. Their experience has not only brought profound lessons to themselves, but also left a valuable legacy for future generations.

In this way, the story of Li Tie and Liu has been passed down through the years and has become an eternal legend. And their stories will continue to inspire future generations to bravely face life's challenges, uphold integrity and honesty, and pursue happiness and a better life.