
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.
I finally know the reason why women are getting worse and worse.

In ancient times, there was a prosperous country called the Splendid Country. The four seasons here are like spring, the products are abundant, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The most eye-catching people in the splendid country are those women who are as beautiful as flowers and have outstanding talents. However, in recent years, it has been found that these women seem to have gradually lost their former charm, and their overall temperament and talents are much worse than before, which has plunged the whole country into deep anxiety.

The princess of the splendid country, named Yaqin, she is naturally beautiful, smart and clever, and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Since childhood, Yaqin has been favored by her father and mother, as well as admired by the people of the whole country. However, as she grew older, Yaqin gradually found that the sisters around her, those who used to study and play with her, became more and more mediocre, and some even became tainted with bad habits.

Yaqin wondered why these women were getting worse and worse. She decided to find out for herself. So, she changed into civilian clothes, left the palace, and began her quest.

Among the people, Yaqin visited many women, talked to them, and learned about their lives and thoughts. She found that most of these women lived under the feudal rites of etiquette, and they were required to abide by various rules and not to go beyond the thunder pool. Their words, deeds, and dress must conform to men's aesthetic standards. In such an environment, women's individuality and talent are suppressed, they lose themselves and become less and less confident.

In addition, Yaqin found that many women are facing the pressure of marriage. In those days, women's marriages were often arranged by their parents and matchmakers, who had no choice. Many women are forced to marry someone they don't like and live miserable lives. This bondage of marriage has severely traumatized the hearts of women, and they can no longer pursue their dreams and love as freely as in the past.

What makes Yaqin even more sad is that some women did not choose to resist after encountering misfortune, but chose to go against the grain. They believe that this is the arrangement of fate and cannot be changed by themselves. This negative attitude has made them lose the opportunity to change their fate, and their lives have become more and more bleak.

In the process of searching, Yaqin befriended a woman named Wan'er. Wan'er comes from a poor background, but she is smart and studious, and she is full of hope for the future. However, due to the poverty of her family and the shackles of feudal etiquette, Wan'er was unable to continue her studies and could only do some trivial housework at home. Despite this, Wan'er did not give up on her dream, and she took every opportunity to learn knowledge and improve her abilities.

Touched by Wan'er's tenacity and perseverance, Yaqin decides to help Wan'er achieve her dreams. She used her identity and status to win the opportunity for Wan'er to enter the palace to study. In the palace, Wan'er showed amazing talent and potential, and she soon became the best in the palace.

Wan'er's success gave Yaqin hope. She realized that as long as women dared to rebel against the shackles of feudal etiquette and have the courage to pursue their dreams and love, they would be able to get out of trouble and succeed. As a result, Yaqin began to use her influence to call on women across the country to stand up against the shackles of feudal etiquette and pursue freedom and happiness.

Under Yaqin's advocacy, more and more women began to wake up. They began to bravely pursue their dreams and love, and were no longer bound by feudal etiquette. The women of the splendid country gradually radiated a new brilliance, and the whole country became more prosperous and prosperous.

When Yaqin returned to the palace, she saw the friends with whom she had studied and played. They are no longer the mediocre they used to be, but have become confident, beautiful, and talented. Their smiles were full of happiness and satisfaction, which made Yaqin feel extremely relieved and proud.

At this moment, Yaqin understands that the reason why women are getting worse and worse is because they are bound by feudal etiquette and religion, and they have lost the courage to pursue themselves and their dreams. As long as they dare to rebel against this bondage and pursue freedom and happiness, they will be able to shine new and become their true selves.

This story teaches us that no matter when and where we are, we should be brave enough to pursue our dreams and loves, and not be trapped by any constraints. Only in this way can we become our true selves and live our own wonderful and worthy.