
The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father

author:Worry-free evening breeze IH

Today, I saw such a video on the Internet, which is thought-provoking and I want to share it with you.


Video content: A man, Mr. Yang, told about his father's tragic death when he suddenly fell to the ground after eating and drinking.

According to Mr. Yang's description, his father wanted to go out for a walk because he didn't want to stay in the hospital all the time, so he came to a restaurant near the hospital to eat.

The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father

It can be seen from the video: In fact, Mr. Yang's father is quite tough and agile, and after eating, he may be the owner of the restaurant, and he also helped him get a glass of water. Mr. Yang's father took a sip and sat on the stool, who would have thought that he would suddenly fall backwards.

The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father
The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father
The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father

Although the store called a doctor in time, and the hospital was only two or three minutes away from the hotel, Mr. Yang's father was not rescued because of his special condition (suffering from heart disease).

Mr. Yang said that he was very sad, he didn't expect his father to leave so suddenly! At the same time, I also feel that it is a pity that life is really fragile sometimes, and I hope that everyone can take advantage of the opportunity to spend more time with the elderly at home.

In this regard, Mr. Yang expressed his special gratitude to the hotel owner, who called the doctor as soon as his father fell, and thanked the hotel owner for being so kind to his father, cooking for him, and helping him get water, so that his father could leave with enough food and drink!

Netizens are hotly discussed

The old man also has a good death, and when he meets a good boss, he feeds and drinks for the old man for his family. At the same time, the boss is also a good retribution, and he met a reasonable family member.

The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father

"I finally saw a store that didn't scold the store, after all, it would be a reason that people were gone in your store, so why should you lose money, and now the well-wishers are afraid of it"

The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father

The old man's son is a sensible man, and he is an example for young people to learn from.

The old man was full of food and drink and suddenly fell on his back and died! Son: Thank you to the kind boss for cooking and fetching water for my father

Life is so much caught off guard, we have always thought that the coming day is long, many things like to wait for the future, and so on, but we don't know that the coming day is not long, and the accident will come!

Therefore, filial piety to parents should be done as soon as possible, do everything you want to do immediately, grasp the present, not wait for the future, there are too many uncertainties in the future, don't regret it too late!

Thank you for watching, tell us what you think, see you in the comment area!

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Statement of work: The source of the material is the Internet