
If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

author:The truth of Jinfeng's covenant is forever

What is fate?

Someone asked the hermit. The hermit replied: Fate is fate.

The man was confused and asked the monk. The eminent monk said: Fate is the cultivation of the previous life.

This man did not understand his previous life, so he asked the Buddha. The Buddha was silent, pointing to the clouds in the sky.

This person looked at it, the clouds rose and fell, and he had an epiphany: the fate cannot be sought, the fate is like the wind, and the wind is uncertain. Cloud gathering is the edge, and the cloud dispersion is also the edge.

Everything in the world is born because of fate, and when fate gathers, things are there; If the fate is scattered, the thing will be destroyed.

The long river has passed for thousands of years, and I smile and ask who is a frequent visitor in the world. In the final analysis, fate is nothing more than that: if it is deep, it will gather more, and if it is shallow, it will go with it.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the relationship is deep, the first time we meet is an old acquaintance.

Acquaintance with Jun Chu is like returning to an old friend.

The moon is new at the end of the world, and the morning and dusk are the most lovesick.


When cold meets warm, there is rain; Winter meets spring, there are years;

Heaven meets earth, and there is eternity; People meet people, and there are emotions.

When people who are destined to meet meet, there will always be a sense of déjà vu. is like what Jia Baoyu said when she first saw Daiyu: "This sister, I have seen it before." ”

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is shallow, no matter how long you are together, you are not a confidant.

The saying goes: "There is a white head as new, and the cover is as old as before." ”

How? Know and don't know.

——Liang Han Zou Yang, "The Book of the King of Shangliang in Prison"

Many times, we always think that if we meet, we can last forever.

But fate has always been said to be deep and shallow.

Not all intimacy lasts forever, and not all the hands of the son can grow old with the son.

Some people are destined to only accompany you for a while, no matter what, I still thank you for accompanying me through the long night and spending a good time in my life.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is deep, even if fate goes round and round, you will also meet.

The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night, and blows down, and the stars are like rain.

BMW carved cars are full of fragrance.

The sound of the phoenix flute moves, the light of the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance all night.

The moth snow willow is golden, and the smile is full of dark fragrance.

The crowd is looking for him thousands of times,

Suddenly looking back, the man was there, and the lights were dim.

- Song Xin Qiji, "Qingyu Case: Yuan Xi"

Fate is a wonderful thing.

The mountain misses the water for a journey, and the water surrounds the mountain for a lifetime; The wind waits for the clouds, and the clouds drift for a lifetime.

There is a kind of companionship, always waiting wordlessly in the years, when you step on thousands of rivers and mountains, suddenly look back, still never give up.

Gu Cheng said, whether you are by my side or in the sky, as long as you think of you in the corner of this world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is shallow, even if there is a fate to meet, it will be lost.

Last year, in this door today, the peach blossoms on the faces of the people were red.

The face of the person does not know where to go, and the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

——Don Cui Hu "The Title of the Capital City Nanzhuang"

I only remember that spring, you smiled like a flower, and now the scene is still the same, and people are no longer ......

In the world of impermanence, separation and union are the norm, and many times, we only want to be together, not separated. But I still can't resist everyone scattered in the crowd.

What you can't go back to is the past, and what you can't keep is the scenery. Fate is coming, treat each other well; When fate is over, I will part.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is deep, the south and the north will eventually meet.

The rolling Yangtze River is passing away, and the waves are sweeping away the heroes.

Success or failure turns empty.

The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times.

On the white-haired fisherman river, accustomed to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze.

A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet.

How many things in ancient and modern times are laughing and talking.

——Ming Yang Shen, "Linjiang Immortals, Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water"

In this life, whether rich or poor, we are all passers-by between heaven and earth; In this life, whether it is complete or regretful, we are all walkers in time.

So why care about grievances. When you meet the person you want to meet, you can drink a glass of wine and chat for comfort, which is a great blessing in life!

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is shallow, even if they meet, they may not be able to be together.

The spring water and spring pond are full, and the spring grass grows in spring.

Spring people drink spring wine, and spring birds make spring sounds.

I was not born, and I was old.

You hate me for being late, and I hate you for being early.

People are thousands of miles away, and the intention is in a cup.

Just think about the long future, sail and wait for the wind.

Since entering the Changxin Palace, each pair of lonely lamps has cried.

Boudoir town can't be opened, where does the dream come from.

Don't travel a thousand miles, and there is no time to come.

On the thirtieth day of the month, there is no night without lovesickness.

- Don Anonymous, Untitled

Some encounters, no goodbye, come unstoppable, scattered and untraceable, deep and shallow, in fact, it has long been destined.

Even though time flies, at least, the memories never fade away.

I only hope that in the midst of all the impermanence and changes, you will try your best to live a more brilliant life and live your best life. May you look back on half your life, live up to yourself, and not be afraid of the future.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is deep, it is neither early nor late to finally get together.

Xinfeng wine fights ten thousand, how many years has Xianyang Ranger.

The meeting spirit is the king's drink, and the horse is a high-rise weeping willow side.

- Don S. Wang Wei "Four Songs of Youth"

The most sultry part of life is that you never know who will be there in the next moment, in the next place, sooner or later, not far or near, to meet you again and wait for you.

May we have at least one such encounter in our lives, no matter when, no matter where, if we meet someone who is destined, please cherish it.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is shallow, although there is a happy day, there will eventually be a parting time.

The autumn breeze is clear, the autumn moon is bright,

The fallen leaves gather and disperse, and the jackdaws are frightened.

When do you know when you will see each other? It's embarrassing to be on this night!

Enter my lovesick door, know my lovesickness,

Sauvignon Blanc long memories, Sauvignon Blanc is infinite,

I knew it was so stumbling, how could I not know each other at the beginning.

- Don Li Bai "Three Five Seven Words"

Encountering an elegant landscape can change your mood for the day;

Meeting someone amazing can change your life for the rest of your life.

It's just that no matter how beautiful the butterfly is, it can't fly to the sea after all, and no matter how long the green silk is, it can't reach the end of the year.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is deep, even if you don't say anything, you can cherish each other.

Last night's stars and last night's wind, the west side of the painting building and the east of Guitang.

There are no colorful phoenix wings, and there is a little bit of wisdom in the heart.

The next seat sends the hook spring wine warm, and the Cao shoots the wax lamp red.

Yu listened to the drum and responded to the official, and went to the Malan platform to turn the tent.

——Don Li Shangyin, Untitled, Last Night's Stars, Last Night's Wind

The telepathy between each other is a tacit perception. My gestures, smiles, words and deeds, and a heart, you all understand it.

You don't need too many words, you don't need to express it loudly, you will have a heart-to-heart connection, and that is the most gentle. The most comfortable, the most enjoyable and the most beautiful acquaintance.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

When the fate is shallow, it is better to let the sorrow dissipate with the wind.

Whoever forsakes me will not remain in the day of yesterday;

Those who disturb my heart will have many troubles today.

The long wind sends autumn geese thousands of miles, and you can be a tall building for this.

Penglai's article is built on the bones, and Xiao Xie is clear in the middle.

All of them want to fly with great joy and want to go to the blue sky to see the bright moon.

Draw the knife and cut off the water, the water is more flowing, and the glass is more sorrowful.

Life is not satisfactory in the world, and the Ming Dynasty spreads flat boats.

——Don Li Bai, "Xuanzhou Xie Junlou Farewell School Shu Yun"

Some losses are already doomed, and some disappointments are inevitable; Some have, pass away quietly, some get, Nan Ke dreams.

It's yours, it won't go, it's not that you can't stay. After half a life, we all have to learn: gains and losses are like clouds, learn to face them calmly, fate is like flowing water, and the breeze sends white clouds.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world

A lifetime of wind and moon and fate, poor and leisurely, and up to leisurely. I am still sleeping, not a god, who is an immortal?

We will meet countless people in this life, love, laugh, cry, forget, and still accompany each other in the end, very few, but extremely precious.

When the wind rises, smile at the falling flowers, and when the wind stops, look down at the sky. Flowers bloom and fall, clouds roll up, fate can not be found, people in this life, do not have to force.

All the prosperity and withering of the world, you have to be idle and sing;

If you can let him go with everything, you are a free person in the world.

Let us in the pure years, everything comes and goes like the wind.

If you have to be idle and sing, you are a comfortable person in the world