
Finalized! 11 movies will be launched in the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024

author:Versatile pineapple 5x

[Deflagration Dragon Boat Festival stalls! ] The movie carnival begins, revealing the untold stories and emotions behind the screen

Finalized! 11 movies will be launched in the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024

Dear friends, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and this year's film market can be described as star-studded and lively! Whether you are a sci-fi fan, action control or a drama party, this year's Dragon Boat Festival file has a blockbuster waiting for you to unlock. From the wasteland adventure of Mad Max: Berserk Goddess, to the fictional war of American Civil War, to the domestic masterpieces "Sweep the Dark: Never Give Up" and "Stop-and-Go", each one hides countless heart-warming star stories and behind-the-scenes secrets. As your senior entertainment blogger, I'm here to take you to find out today and see the gossip and emotions behind these blockbusters!

Finalized! 11 movies will be launched in the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024

First, let's focus on Mad Max: Berserk Goddess. This high-profile prequel not only continues the consistent wasteland aesthetic and exciting plot of the "Mad Max" series, but also makes bold innovations in the cast. Anya Taylor-Joy and "Hammer Brother" Chris Hemsworth, the collision of two powerful actors undoubtedly injected new vitality into the film. But you know what? During the filming process, Anya and "Brother Hammer" experienced an interesting story of "not fighting, not acquaintance". It is said that when the two first met, there was a slight disagreement because of their different understandings of the characters. However, it was these disagreements that sparked their creative passion and allowed them to dig deeper into the inner world of their characters. In the end, with their superb acting skills and tacit cooperation, they successfully created a pair of unforgettable screen CPs.

Finalized! 11 movies will be launched in the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024

Next, let's turn our attention to The American Civil War. This bold fictional film of future warfare depicts a brutal and real world for us in a "dystopian" fantasy approach. The protagonists in the film not only have to face the cruelty of war, but also seek survival and dignity in the ruins. And behind this movie, there is also a touching star story. As the heroine in the film, Kirsten Dunst is not only an excellent actress, but also a warrior who dares to challenge herself. During the filming, she not only had to deal with the harsh shooting environment, but also challenged the complex character development. However, it is these challenges that make her cherish every shot even more and do her best to interpret the inner world of the character. Her professionalism also infected the entire crew, making everyone put more effort into this movie.

Finalized! 11 movies will be launched in the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024

Of course, when it comes to domestic movies, how can we not mention "Sweeping the Dark: Never Give Up"? Directed by Five Hundred, this film tells a thrilling story of anti-crime and evil. In the film, the master and apprentice played by Xiao Yang and Fan Chengcheng accidentally captured the underworld boss who had been absconding for many years, which caused a series of bizarre old cases and storms. And behind this movie, there is also a touching story between master and apprentice. During the filming process, Xiao Yang, as a senior actor, not only used his own experience to guide Fan Chengcheng, but also always cared about his life and emotions. And Fan Chengcheng also humbly learned from Xiao Yang and worked hard to improve his acting skills. The tacit cooperation and sincere friendship between the two make this movie even more touching.

Finalized! 11 movies will be launched in the Dragon Boat Festival in 2024

Finally, let's talk about Stop-and-Go. This film takes the theme of realism as the starting point, and tells the story of Wu Di, an older young man, who returns to his hometown after hitting a wall in a big city. Wu Di in the film not only faces the lows and difficulties of life, but also the pressure and expectations of family, friends and society. However, it was these pressures and challenges that made him more determined to pursue his dreams and beliefs. And behind this movie, there is also an interesting story between Hu Ge and Gao Yuanyuan. As representatives of the national male gods and goddesses, the two showed high professionalism and tacit cooperation during the filming process. They interacted very well on set, often discussing characters and plots together, and often chatting and joking together during breaks. This light-hearted atmosphere not only makes their performances more natural and realistic, but also fills the whole crew with laughter.

In this Dragon Boat Festival, we can not only enjoy these wonderful movie works, but also feel the emotions and stories behind the stars. They have used their own efforts and sweat to present us with a series of touching masterpieces, so that we can feel the beauty and strength of life while watching the movie. So don't hesitate! Come to the cinema to experience the movie carnival of this Dragon Boat Festival stall! Let's praise and call for these excellent movies and stars together!

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