
She is the "Queen of Tertiary Films": debuted at the age of 16, became "overnight" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31

author:Pleasant sunshine


She is the "Queen of Tertiary Films": debuted at the age of 16, became "overnight" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31

In recent years, with the emergence of various popular film and television dramas, more and more actors have entered the audience's field of vision, and the various roles in film and television dramas have also made the audience memorable, they are either distressed, or touched, or hateful, all kinds of different emotions are inseparable from the actors' wonderful acting skills.

Among the many film and television actors, Qiu Shuzhen can be said to be a very representative actor, she has starred in film and television dramas that have left a very deep impression on the audience, and Qiu Shuzhen's acting skills are also very good, she can control a variety of different types of roles, so she is deeply loved by the audience.

However, although Qiu Shuzhen's acting skills are very good, in her acting career, she had a very difficult transformation experience, which made her almost quit the entertainment industry, but even so, Qiu Shuzhen still did not give up, but through her own efforts, she successfully completed the transformation again and again, and finally became a powerful actor loved by the audience.

And after Qiu Shuzhen's successful transformation, she made a decision that surprised everyone, that is, she actively chose to quit the entertainment industry when her career reached its peak, and such a decision also made many people speculate about her life, and they speculated that it was because of Qiu Shuzhen's family problems that such a decision would be made.

She is the "Queen of Tertiary Films": debuted at the age of 16, became "overnight" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31

1. From Level 3 to mainstream films

Speaking of Qiu Shuzhen, I believe that many people's impression of her is still stuck in some film and television dramas she starred in when she was young, especially the "Naked Lamb" she starred in when she was 18 years old, which can be said to make her popular overnight, and thus successfully embarked on the road of acting.

However, the film and television drama "The Naked Lamb" did not bring Qiu Shuzhen any benefits, but made her bear the label of a third-level queen, and such a label also made Qiu Shuzhen embark on a very difficult road of transformation in her subsequent acting career.

Because of the label of a third-level queen, it has always been difficult for Qiu Shuzhen to get rid of such an image in her subsequent acting career, even through some other types of film and television dramas, the audience still has a strong prejudice against her, thinking that she is only suitable for starring in some third-level works.

However, even in the face of such difficulties, Qiu Shuzhen still did not give up, but through her own efforts, she gradually got rid of the label of the third-level queen, and successfully washed her image through some other types of film and television dramas, so that the audience could re-recognize her.

Especially after starring in "Farewell My Concubine", Qiu Shuzhen's acting skills have been unanimously recognized by the audience, and everyone slowly discovered that Qiu Shuzhen is not a third-level queen, she can also control various different types of film and television drama roles, and she can perform very well.

So it can be said that it is through the success of some mainstream movies that Qiu Shuzhen finally succeeded in getting rid of the label of the third-level queen, and her appearance also gave the audience a new understanding of the third-level actress, no longer just staying on the appearance, but paying more attention to the inner strength of the actor.

She is the "Queen of Tertiary Films": debuted at the age of 16, became "overnight" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31

2. Be brave enough to let go and choose to quit the entertainment industry

And just when the audience re-recognized and fell in love with Qiu Shuzhen, she made a surprising decision, that is, when her career reached its peak, she chose to take the initiative to quit the entertainment industry, which also made many people feel very pity.

After all, Qiu Shuzhen's acting skills are very good, and she has also gone through a lot of hard work to achieve today's achievements, so many people think that her appearance can make the audience see more excitement in film and television dramas, but unexpectedly, she chose to quit the entertainment industry.

For Qiu Shuzhen's decision, many people have speculated about her life, and they have speculated that such a decision will be made because of family problems, after all, developing in the entertainment industry does cost actors a lot of time and energy, and some people may be too busy with work and ignore their family members.

However, even in the face of the temptation at the peak of her career, Qiu Shuzhen still did not change her decision, but chose to let go bravely, quit the entertainment industry, and instead lived an ordinary life, like ordinary people, to enjoy the beauty of life.

She is the "Queen of Tertiary Films": debuted at the age of 16, became "overnight" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31

3. True happiness in ordinary life

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, being able to achieve certain achievements and be loved by many audiences is the real happiness, and Qiu Shuzhen's decision, perhaps in the eyes of others, is giving up her own happiness.

However, perhaps it is through her own efforts that Qiu Shuzhen has found true happiness, she does not think that fame and fortune are what she chases, but feels that inner peace and happiness are the most important, and only by living an ordinary life can she find true happiness and satisfaction.

Therefore, even if she gave up her acting career, Qiu Shuzhen did not feel regret because of this, but felt that her current life was very beautiful, and through her own experience, she also told the audience that life is not just about fame and fortune, but more importantly, she can find inner peace and realize her true pursuit.

And her experience also gave the audience a great inspiration, making everyone understand that in the process of chasing dreams, we must also learn to cherish the people and things in front of us and find inner peace, which is the most important part of life and the part that can bring you true happiness.

She is the "Queen of Tertiary Films": debuted at the age of 16, became "overnight" at the age of 23, and retired from the circle at the age of 31


Through Qiu Shuzhen's story, I believe that many people have a new understanding of her, and also understand that the retirement of film and television stars is not necessarily because of any problems, but a very brave choice, they can maintain inner peace and pursue true happiness in their lives.