
Tu Lei was rumored to be in chaos in his private life again, but this time Tu Lei no longer gave in and vowed to be held accountable to the end

author:Blue Planet 456

On May 17, 2024, a netizen on the Internet named Sauerkraut Satiety appeared on the scene and broke the news that Tu Lei's private life was chaotic.

Tu Lei was rumored to be in chaos in his private life again, but this time Tu Lei no longer gave in and vowed to be held accountable to the end

According to this blogger, Tu Lei has two problems, one is that Tu Lei has a bad relationship with his wife, and the other is that Tu Lei has a special relationship with many female fans offline, and there are many post-00s.

Less than a year later, on July 25, 2023, a woman reported Tu Lei for harassing and raping her. After that, Tu Lei called the police in time, and the local police quickly investigated the ins and outs of the matter, and also returned Tu Lei's innocence.

Tu Lei was rumored to be in chaos in his private life again, but this time Tu Lei no longer gave in and vowed to be held accountable to the end

And this time, less than ten months later, Tu Lei once again fell into rumors of chaos in his private life. This can be described as very angry for Tu Lei, on the afternoon of May 17, Tu Lei publicly responded to the matter through his online account, Tu Lei claimed that he had reported the case, and Tu Lei said that this time he would be held accountable to the end.

Tu Lei was rumored to be in chaos in his private life again, but this time Tu Lei no longer gave in and vowed to be held accountable to the end

Judging from the current revelations against Tu Lei, these two points are difficult to stand. Tu Lei has a relationship with his wife, only the two of them know, when Tu Lei's wife did not stand up and break the news, how can others prove that Tu Lei and his wife have a bad relationship? After all, it is normal for a husband and wife to quarrel a few times a day, and it is impossible to say that the relationship between husband and wife is not good because of a quarrel?

In addition, this revelation is even more difficult to obtain evidence for the relationship between Tu Lei and offline female netizens. Time has passed for a long time and I don't say it, after all, no girl involved has come forward or the victim has come out to break the news, how can others have evidence? It is estimated that this whistleblower is at most hearsay.

To sum up, most of these revelations are fake, unless the parties involved come forward and have some credibility. It is estimated that this is also the reason why Tu Lei is very angry, after all, this is a person sitting at home, and the disaster comes from heaven. Last time, you can say that people are sick, and Tu Lei really can't help it, even if you don't forgive, there is nothing you can do. But this time is different, Tu Lei will definitely be held accountable to the end. I wonder how this time the sauerkraut will be full?

In fact, judging from the online reaction to this incident, most netizens still believe Tu Lei, after all, the whistleblower is not the party. Many netizens think that Tu Lei has offended people by hosting the show for so many years, which has caused many people to be unhappy with him, and it is possible that he has been secretly correcting him.

As far as Tu Lei himself is concerned, although he has been very low-key in recent years, he still has a lot of influence as the big V among the big Vs on the Internet. In terms of the number of fans, Tu Lei, Crazy Brother Yang, and Simba have always been among the top three.

Tu Lei was rumored to be in chaos in his private life again, but this time Tu Lei no longer gave in and vowed to be held accountable to the end

Because of this, the words surrounding Tu Lei have never been broken, even if Tu Lei rarely broadcasts live.

However, some netizens believe that if the sauerkraut is full and dares to break the news in real people, it is possible that there is evidence in hand, otherwise ordinary people know that this is a crime, who will do it? And some people cited the example of the artist Wu Moumou, saying that when he first broke the news about Wu Moumou, Wu Moumou also swore that he was fine.

In any case, if the whistleblower is suspected of spreading rumors without evidence, I believe the law will definitely not let her go. All this, I believe that there will be results soon. After all, the last time the police opened a case and announced the results of the investigation, it was only four days.

Let's wait and see!

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