
Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

author:Shengsheng Jianpu

The current chengguan is becoming less and less popular

Recently, the Shenyang uncle used bricks to slap over the chengguan caused quite a stir, although the uncle was taken away by the police for beating people, but most netizens are on the side of the uncle, thinking that the uncle is right, the chengguan is too much.


It can be seen from the video that the uncle did not do it for no reason, but because the chengguan was unreasonable and pushed the uncle's wife down, which completely angered the uncle, so he picked up a brick and smashed the chengguan.

At the beginning, when there was an argument between the two sides, although the chengguan kept pushing the uncle, the uncle did not move, but just asked the chengguan: "Are you here to create a conflict?" ”。

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

At the same time, the uncle's wife has also been dissuading him, and told the chengguan: "Her husband is sick, he has also been a soldier, and he is a demobilized soldier", asking them to stop pushing, but the chengguan did not stop.

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

After that, there was a scene in the video, where the chengguan pushed down the uncle's wife, and the uncle started to beat someone.

When the uncle was taken away by the police, the uncle's wife was also very worried, she personally took the petition and went to the street to seek everyone's help, and people without exception voluntarily signed the petition and wanted to speak for the uncle.

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!
Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!
Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

As soon as this happened, netizens were all fried.

Some netizens said that the chengguan did too much, if he hadn't bullied the uncle's wife, the uncle would not have been able to beat people, in the final analysis, it was the chengguan who caused it.

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

This chengguan is too unreasonable, and the veterans have all retired, and they still don't let him go

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

found that all the media didn't mention that there was an aunt, what went wrong?

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

Why is the whole country applauding? Don't reflect on it? I don't know what happened to this uncle in the end, and I don't know if someone can protect him.

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

Why is the uncle emotional? Who is responsible for the agitation?

Subsequent! The uncle who used bricks to shoot the chengguan was a soldier, and the chengguan went too far, and the uncle couldn't bear it!

How can it be said that the uncle has also been a soldier, if he hadn't been forced to a dead end by the city management, how could he have made such an impulsive move? How can a veteran who once made great contributions to the country not be angry when he set up a stall in his later years, but was brutally treated by the city management?

But ah, then again, although this uncle is reasonable, it is really wrong to hit people with bricks. As the saying goes, "impulse is the devil", and this uncle also did stupid things on impulse.

So, when you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you still have to stay calm. After all, "reason goes all over the world, and it is difficult to move an inch without reason", we have to use reason to convince people and use the law to protect our own rights and interests. At the same time, I also hope that the chengguan can understand the difficulties of the citizens more and stop letting similar things happen again.