
Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

author:Xiao Jiang's emotional story

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. The story comes from life, polished and edited, please read rationally.

Li Ming leisurely walks along the paths of the community park, the afternoon sun shining through the gaps in the leaves and spilling on the winding paths. He enjoyed the tranquility until the conversation between the two old men broke it.

"Lao Wang, have you heard? The old Zhang family next door had a conflict again. An old man in a gray sweater said.

"Oh? What's wrong with it? Another gray-haired old man asked curiously.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"It's not because Lao Zhang helped his neighbor repair the roof, but the family didn't give money, and the two families are now in trouble." The old man in the gray sweater shook his head.

"Well, that's what I always say, never do your neighbor two favors, one is to borrow money, and the other is to help with things." The white-haired old man sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

When Li Ming heard this, he was shocked. He was a warm-hearted man who often helped his neighbors with various problems, never thinking about the consequences.

"Lao Li, what do you mean by that?" The old man in the gray sweater was obviously a little puzzled.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"You think, money is easy to lend out, but it's hard to get it back. Help to do things, do a good job, people may not be grateful; If you don't do it well, you end up at nothing. The gray-haired old man explained.

"But aren't we neighbors just trying to help each other?" The old man in the gray sweater retorted.

"Help is due, but in a way. When we are old, we have to know how to protect ourselves, and don't end up doing bad things with good intentions. The gray-haired old man said earnestly.

Li Ming listened to the conversation between the two old men, and his heart was mixed. He thought that he had lent money to Zhang Qiang to help Wang Li solve family disputes, all of which were out of kindness, but did they really not cause any trouble?

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"Lao Li, what you said makes sense." The old man in the gray sweater seemed to be convinced.

"Yes, we have to learn to help others and protect ourselves at the same time." The white-haired old man nodded.

Li Ming walked away slowly, but he was pondering the words of the two old men in his heart. He realized that while it was important for neighbors to help each other, it also required wisdom and boundaries.

Li Ming returned home and sat on the sofa in the living room, full of thoughts. He recalled the scene when he once lent money to Zhang Qiang, when Zhang Qiang was in urgent need of money at home, and Li Ming did not hesitate to lend a hand.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, there is something urgent at home, can you lend me some money?" Zhang Qiang said anxiously at the time.

"No problem, everyone is neighbors, and it's right to help each other." Li Ming replied with a smile without the slightest hesitation.

However, as time went by, Zhang Qiang seemed to forget about repaying the money, and only exchanged a few words of greetings every time they met, never mentioning the matter of money. Li Ming felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he was embarrassed to ask for it.

Then, he thought of helping Wang Li resolve family disputes. Wang Li and her husband often quarrel over trivial matters, and Li Ming, as a neighbor and a retired teacher, feels that it is her duty to persuade her.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"Teacher Li, you look at our family, can you help persuade you?" Wang Li pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"Of course you can, husband and wife should communicate more and understand more." Li Ming patiently persuaded them and eventually helped them reconcile.

However, afterwards, Wang Li's husband was a little dissatisfied with Li Ming and thought that he was nosy, which made Li Ming feel very embarrassed.

"Teacher Li, you are really our savior, if it weren't for you, we might still be arguing." Wang Li said gratefully.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"It's okay, Wang Li, the harmony between husband and wife is the most important thing." Although Li Ming was a little uneasy in his heart, he still comforted Wang Li.

Looking back now, Li Ming felt a little lost. He didn't know if his zeal had really helped them, or if it had caused them trouble.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Li Ming got up to open the door and found that it was Zhao Min standing outside the door.

"Uncle Li, hello, I'm Zhao Min, who has just moved in." Zhao Min greeted with a smile.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"Oh, Zhao Min, welcome, welcome, is there anything you need help with?" Li Ming responded enthusiastically.

"Actually, I've had some legal issues lately, and I'd like to ask you." Zhao Min said with some embarrassment.

Li Ming's heart tightened, he thought of the advice he heard in the park, but in the face of Zhao Min's request for help, how could he refuse?

"Of course, come in and sit down, and we'll talk slowly." Li Ming smiled and invited Zhao Min into the house.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Zhao Min sat on the sofa of Li Ming's house, looking a little cramped and uneasy. She held a stack of papers in her hand, and her eyes revealed a desire for help.

"Uncle Li, I've been having some legal problems recently, and I've heard that you used to be a teacher and have some knowledge of the law, so I'd like to ask you to help look at these documents." Zhao Min said softly, with a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Li Ming looked at Zhao Min with some hesitation in his heart. He thought of the words of the old man in the park, but his heart softened again in the face of the helpless young neighbor in front of him.

"Zhao Min, tell me first, what's the problem?" Li Ming asked gently.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Zhao Min handed the document to Li Ming and began to talk about her problem: "I was dealing with a real estate dispute recently, but I don't understand some of the terms proposed by the opposing lawyer, and I am afraid that I will not be able to handle it well." ”

Li Ming took the document and looked at it seriously. He read as he discussed the terms of the document with Zhao Min.

"Here, you look at this clause, it means something like this......" Li Ming patiently explained.

Zhao Min listened carefully, nodding from time to time, her eyes gradually became firm: "Uncle Li, as soon as you say that, I understand." However, I'm still worried that I won't be able to handle it well. ”

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Li Ming thought for a while, and then said: "In this way, I can help you sort out your thoughts, but for specific legal operations, I suggest that you still find a professional lawyer for consultation." ”

"Really? Thank you so much, Uncle Lee! Zhao Min smiled gratefully.

Li Ming responded with a smile: "No thanks, neighbors should help each other." However, you also need to learn more yourself, after all, legal knowledge is important for everyone. ”

Just then, the doorbell rang again. Li Ming got up to open the door and found that it was Zhang Qiang standing outside the door, carrying a bag of fruit in his hand.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"Teacher Li, this is the fruit I grow at home, give you a taste." Zhang Qiang said with a smile, with a hint of apology in his eyes.

Li Ming was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhang Qiang to come suddenly to visit, let alone bring fruit.

"Zhang Qiang, what are you ......" Li Ming asked hesitantly.

"Mr. Li, I know that I have embarrassed you about borrowing money before, this is a little bit of my heart." Zhang Qiang said sincerely.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Li Ming's heart warmed, and he realized that the relationship between people is not a simple loan relationship, but requires more understanding and communication.

"Zhang Qiang, I have received your wishes, but we can solve the matter of money slowly." Li Ming patted Zhang Qiang's shoulder, and his tone was full of tolerance.

Zhang Qiang nodded, with a relieved smile on his face: "Thank you, Mr. Li, you are such a kind person." ”

Li Ming's decision to help Zhao Min caused quite a stir in the community. Wang Li and Zhang Qiang soon noticed Li Ming's special attention to their new neighbor, and they began to feel dissatisfied.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

One evening, Li Ming was about to go out for a walk, but Wang Li and Zhang Qiang happened to be waiting for him at the gate of the community.

"Mr. Li, I heard that you have been helping Zhao Min deal with legal issues recently?" Wang Li's tone was obviously sour.

"Yes, Zhao Min is in some trouble, I tried my best to give her some advice." Li Ming replied calmly.

Zhang Qiang also interjected: "Mr. Li, we are also old neighbors, when you helped us before, I didn't see you so attentive." ”

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Li Ming felt a little embarrassed, he didn't expect his behavior to cause such a misunderstanding.

"Wang Li, Zhang Qiang, you misunderstood. I just saw that Zhao Min had just moved in, and he was not familiar with the place, so he could help if he could. Li Ming explained.

Wang Li obviously didn't buy it, she sneered: "Teacher Li, are you disliking our old neighbors?" ”

"Of course not, you are all good neighbors of mine, how can I dislike it?" Li Ming hurriedly defended.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Zhang Qiang looked a little helpless: "Teacher Li, we didn't mean that. I just feel that your concern for Zhao Min makes us feel a little neglected. ”

Li Ming took a deep breath, and he realized that he might really not have handled the relationship between his neighbors.

"I get it, I should pay more attention to balance. Well, I'll try to be fair to every neighbor in the future. Li Ming said sincerely.

Wang Li and Zhang Qiang glanced at each other, seemingly satisfied with Li Ming's promise.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

"Teacher Li, we know that you are a good person, but we just hope that you can treat everyone equally." Wang Li's tone softened a lot.

"Yes, Mr. Li, we believe in you." Zhang Qiang also agreed.

Li Ming nodded, he knew that he needed to be more careful in handling the relationship between his neighbors, and he couldn't let such a thing happen again.

"I will, thank you for the reminder." Li Ming said with a smile.

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Wang Li and Zhang Qiang left with peace of mind, while Li Ming stood where he was, thinking about how to better maintain the harmony between the neighbors.

After some communication with Wang Li and Zhang Qiang, Li Ming deeply reflected on his behavior. He realized that helping neighbors is a virtue, but more important is how and when to help. He decided to take a more appropriate approach to maintaining harmony among his neighbours.

A few days later, the community held a party, and Li Ming specially invited Wang Li, Zhang Qiang, and Zhao Min, hoping to take the opportunity to lighten the mood.

At the party, Li Ming first expressed his apologies to Wang Li and Zhang Qiang: "Wang Li, Zhang Qiang, I apologize for the behavior that may have made you feel neglected before. I just want to help every neighbor. ”

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

Wang Li listened to Li Ming's words, and a relieved smile appeared on her face: "Teacher Li, we know that you are kind, but you haven't turned a corner for a while. ”

Zhang Qiang also smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Li, we all know that you are a warm-hearted person, but I just hope that you can consider our feelings more in the future." ”

Zhao Min looked at Li Ming gratefully: "Uncle Li, I am really grateful for your help before, and I will also strive to be a good neighbor in the community." ”

Li Ming nodded, he felt very pleased: "We are all a family, we should help each other and understand each other." ”

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

The atmosphere of the party gradually became lively, and the neighbors began to exchange their life experiences, sharing joys and troubles. Li Ming also took the opportunity to popularize some basic legal knowledge to his neighbors, especially about the handling of neighborhood relations.

"When dealing with neighborhoods, we should learn to respect, understand and communicate." Li Ming said seriously.

After hearing this, Wang Li was deeply touched: "Teacher Li, you are right, we should indeed communicate more and understand more. ”

Zhang Qiang also nodded in agreement: "Yes, communication is the key to solving problems. ”

Advice: Never do these two favors to your neighbors, even if the relationship is good!

After the party, Li Ming sent Zhao Min home, and on the way, Zhao Min said to Li Ming: "Uncle Li, thank you for today's mediation, I feel much better now." ”

Li Ming replied with a smile: "Zhao Min, don't thank me, this is what we should do." Remember, no matter what the problem is, communication is always the first step. ”

Through this gathering, Li Ming not only repaired his relationship with Wang Li and Zhang Qiang, but also made Zhao Min more integrated into the community. More importantly, he learned how to help others while maintaining a harmonious relationship between his neighbors.