
Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

author:Lao Cui said history
Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word? It's a puzzle of history. As the grandmother of the Sheng family, Lin Yushuang has a transcendent status, and even the eldest lady of the Sheng family has no way to take her. However, Sheng Hong's daughter-in-law Hai Shi only needed a few words, leaving Lin Yushuang speechless and completely losing her authoritative position in the Sheng family. Is there another hidden meaning in this? What did Lin Yushuang do wrong to let herself fall into such a field? And how did the Hai clan use verbal tricks to make Lin Yushuang's dominant position collapse in an instant? What kind of thrilling story does this veil of mystery hide? Let's find out.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

1. Lin Yushuang's background and identity

Lin Yushuang was born in a prominent family near Huai'an since he was a child. Her father, Lin Bao, is a well-known local Hanlin, who is well-written and highly respected by the government and the opposition. Lin Yushuang has been smart and clever since she was a child, can write poetry and writing, and has been influenced by her family history since she was a child, and her character is good, which can be called a lady.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

When he reached the age of Jilu, the Lin family chose a good son-in-law to accept, and finally married Lin Yushuang to the young owner of the Sheng family. The Sheng family is also a famous family in the local area, with a lot of wealth and a prominent lintel. After the Lin family married into the Shengmen, he first gave birth to a daughter, and then gave birth to a son, Sheng Changfeng.

However, the good times did not last long, Lin Yushuang's husband died early, and she, a widow, was still in the prime of life, so she took over the entire Sheng family's housework. With her excellent resourcefulness and skill, Lin Yushuang became more and more powerful in the Sheng family and took over the power. The Sheng family is at the mercy of her arrangement.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Even the eldest lady of the Sheng family had no choice but to obey Lin Yushuang's face. Lin Yushuang refused to give in, and used all means to succumb to the eldest lady, and gradually took control of the entire Sheng family. The rest of the Sheng family was powerless to resist at all, so they could only let Lin Yushuang, the "aunt", rule the entire family.

Especially after Sheng Changfeng was born, no one in the Sheng family dared to provoke this powerful aunt. Because Lin Yushuang firmly controlled the human pillar of the future head of the Sheng family. She can do things in secret and influence the heirs of the Sheng family. For the sake of their own interests, no one in the Sheng family dared to provoke Lin Yushuang.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

2. Lin Yushuang's dictatorship in the Sheng family

With her tenacious personality and extraordinary skills, Lin Yushuang soon established her authority in the Sheng family and took over the power. She pointed fingers at the Sheng family, and there was no room for others to object.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Lin Yushuang overrode the eldest lady of the Sheng family and became the actual head of the Sheng family. The eldest lady of the Sheng family is just a name, and it is Lin Yushuang, the mother-in-law, who really controls the power of the family. Any decision made by the eldest lady must be approved by Lin Yushuang before it can be implemented.

If the rest of the Sheng family went against Lin Yushuang's wishes, she would have many henchmen and cronies under her to help her drive away and reprimand. Lin Yushuang is almost a little tyrant in the Sheng family, acting recklessly, and others dare not and cannot disobey her decision.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

The incident of Sheng Changfeng's concubine back then is a typical example. was supposed to be the eldest lady of the Sheng family to handle the marriage, but Lin Yushuang personally selected a confidant's daughter to take a concubine for Sheng Changfeng. Although the eldest lady has opinions, she can only obediently obey Lin Yushuang's mercy.

Later, when the Hai family married into the Sheng family, Lin Yushuang was even more protective of her. I am afraid that once this daughter-in-law takes power, she will weaken her power in the Sheng family. Therefore, Lin Yushuang secretly set up many obstacles from the beginning, wanting to exclude the Hai clan from the power core of the Sheng family.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

She first instructed her cronies to set up a lot of tricky tricks in Hai's new house to create household accidents and cause trouble for Hai's. Later, he secretly instigated the servants to make trouble and sow discord against the Hai family, trying to make the Hai family's sesame blossom and retreat.

Lin Yushuang was arrogant and arrogant, and he didn't take Hai's daughter-in-law in his eyes at all. She thinks that as long as she continues to control the power of the Sheng family, the Hai family, a person with a foreign surname, will never be able to make any waves.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

However, Lin Yushuang obviously underestimated Hai's scheming and resourcefulness. How could this daughter of a famous family in Yancheng be able to deal with her as a violent person? Later facts proved that Lin Yushuang's arrogance was the beginning of her doomed loss.

Three. Hai used words to bring down Lin Yushuang

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Lin Yushuang's arrogance finally angered the Hai family. In an incident in which Sheng Changfeng's concubine Minglan was severely beaten by his own sister Mo Lan, the Hai clan saw the opportunity and used verbal tricks to overthrow Lin Yushuang's dictatorship.

The reason for the incident was that Mo Lan was jealous of Minglan beauty, and slapped Minglan in the Sheng family garden until her cheek was on the verge of breaking her appearance. Sheng Hong happened to not return that day, and when he came back, he was very angry to learn about it. He immediately summoned Lin Yushuang and Mo Lan to him, ready to interrogate them on the spot.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Seeing this, Lin Yushuang immediately wanted to excuse Mo Lan, trying to intercede for her death in front of Sheng Hong and escape punishment. Before she could speak, the Hai clan took the opportunity to speak for Minglan first.

Hai first said tactful and euphemistic words, telling the truth of the matter, and at the same time showing that he did not witness it on the spot, and did not know what the truth was. This first cut off Lin Yushuang's possible slander space.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Then she invited the fourth son of the Sheng family to testify in due time, and asked the fourth son to tell the truth about everything that happened that day. The fourth prince recounted that he witnessed the whole process of Mo Lan beating Minglan with his own eyes, and even more frightened that even if he lied, he would never be able to take the college entrance examination.

Under the testimony of the fourth son, Mo Lan obviously had nothing to say. But Lin Yushuang still refused to give up, she planned to take advantage of the Sheng family's eldest lady's anger for a while, fish in troubled waters, and excuse Mo Lan.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

At this time, the Hai clan spoke again and asked Sheng Hong: "Could it be that as long as there are any contradictions and conflicts in the future, the sisters can beat and scold their sisters at will and disobey their mothers-in-law?" As soon as the words changed, it showed that Lan Ruozhen was disfigured, but it hurt the Sheng family's beautiful physique.

These few questions have undoubtedly led Sheng Hong's mind to the right path. And Hai's didn't stop there, she immediately came up with a strong corroboration and hit Lin Yushuang so hard that she had nothing to say.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

4. The underlying reasons for Lin Yushuang's loss of power

On the surface, the Hai clan defeated Lin Yushuang's dictatorship in the Sheng family with sharp words and elaborate strategies. But the deep reason for Lin Yushuang's loss of power still stems from Sheng Hong's great disappointment and dissatisfaction with her.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

A few years ago, although Sheng Hong was dissatisfied with Lin Yushuang's arrogance, she still had some respect in her heart because she was her biological mother. In addition, Lin Yushuang really has a good skill, so Sheng Hong let it go, and she did whatever she wanted in the Sheng family.

But as time went by, Sheng Hong saw that Lin Yushuang was becoming more and more arrogant, and he took him, the head of the Sheng family, in his eyes at all. Not only that, Lin Yushuang also obstructed his daughter-in-law Hai's entry into the core decision-making, obviously wanting to completely exclude Hai's.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

This made Sheng Hong very disappointed in Lin Yushuang, and accumulated a lot of resentment in his heart. It's just that there has been no suitable opportunity and reason for him to turn his face and fight back.

As the saying goes, if you hold grudges for too long, you will explode with more power. Lin Yushuang made a blatant maintenance mistake this time and violated Sheng Hong's bottom line, which undoubtedly provided him with an excellent opportunity.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

And Hai saw this, and she first used verbal means to bring down Lin Yushuang's argument. Then he followed the temptation step by step, and secretly manipulated Sheng Hong's view of Lin Yushuang, so that he could completely see Lin Yushuang's arrogance.

For example, she deliberately told Sheng Hong about Lin Yushuang's insult to her "poor daughter-in-law" in the past, which further intensified Sheng Hong's dissatisfaction with Lin Yushuang. Another example is that she deliberately praised the noble character of the Lin brothers in front of Sheng Hong, implying that Sheng Hong should avoid being as arrogant as Lin Yushuang and so on.

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Under the careful hints and guidance again and again, the Hai family finally made Sheng Hong completely disappointed in Lin Yushuang, and no longer regarded her as a respected relative, but felt that she was his biggest confidant. As a result, in the next struggle, Sheng Hong completely stood on the side of the Hai clan, causing Lin Yushuang to finally lose power.

5. Conclusion: Lin Yushuang's fall is a warning to future generations

Grandmother didn't clean up Lin Yushuang, why could the Hai family dispose of her in front of Sheng Hong with a word?

Lin Yushuang was just a smart and capable housewife at the beginning, and she was valued by the Sheng family for her outstanding resourcefulness. But power eventually made her arrogant and domineering, and gradually degenerated into an arrogant, domineering and domineering family tyrant.

Lin Yushuang not only overrode the eldest lady of the Sheng family and monopolized the power, but even Sheng Hong, the head of the Sheng family, did not dare to do anything to her. She acted recklessly against the Sheng family, and others had no right to resist at all.

In the end, Lin Yushuang's arrogant behavior completely angered Sheng Hong, and under the careful planning of the Hai family, Lin Yushuang completely fell from the peak of the Sheng family's power, and the past was gone.

Lin Yushuang's fall is a wake-up call for future generations, and the abuse of power and arrogance and domineering will eventually lead to his own destruction. Even within the family, one should remain humble and courteous in order to achieve long-term peace and stability.

The fundamental reason why Lin Yushuang suffered this fate was that she lost the most basic ethics and the bottom line of life, indulged her arrogance, and finally made a big mistake. If she could be cautious and dignified, she might not end up like this.


Therefore, future generations should learn from it, and remember not to imitate Lin Yushuang's aggressive skills and domineering, which will eventually be the first step towards the abyss. Only by grasping one's own power and always having a sense of reverence can one avoid the frosty downfall.