
Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

author:Anime lovers

Agumon's popularity is on par with Kirmon's, but in terms of potential, Agumon may be at the bottom of the spectrum in the past when it comes to the protagonist's partner Digimon, why do you say that? Let's first look at the level of normal evolution of the subgumon.

Evolutionary Chain: Agumon - Tyrannosaurmon - Mecha Tyrannosaurmon - Battle Tyrannosaurmon

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

If Taiyi doesn't choose to evolve with Ah He, the battle tyrannosaur is the strongest form of the sub-ancient beast, for this single strength, I don't think it's worthy of the identity of the protagonist, after all, the battle tyrannosaurus is just an ordinary ultimate body, and it has been deflated many times in the first season, and has been abused by the slightly stronger ultimate body like the Clown Emperor, here is only the first season, not the reboot version, and then look at the evolution chain of the protagonist beast in other seasons.

The protagonist of the second season, the V-Cub Beast Evolution Chain: The V-Cub Miracle ➕ Armor evolves into a golden-armored drakemon

V-Baby Beast Normal Evolution: Zhigao - Douding - V Baby - V Dragon - Sky Soar V Dragon - Ultimate V Dragon Beast

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

Even if the V-Cub does not evolve with the Flying Insect Beast, relying on its own ability, it can also evolve into the Golden Armor Dragon Beast and the Ultimate V Dragon Beast, you must know that these two paladin forms are members of the Royal Knight, which shows the great potential of the V Baby Beast,

The evolution chain of the protagonist of the third season, Kielmon: Kirmon - Gulamon - Great Gulamon - Destroying Demon Dragonmon

Kirmon - Gulamon - Great Gulamon - Red Lotus Knight - Red Lotus Knight True Red Lotus Form

Kirmon can evolve into the Destruction Dragonmon of the Four Dragons, the Red Lotus Knight Beast of the Royal Knights, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast Crimson form by fusing Grani, but I don't know if this is a single Digimon.

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

The fourth season protagonist beast fire god beast evolution chain: fire god beast - fire dragon beast - fire dragon beast - ancient tyrannosaurus - caesar tyrannosaurusmon

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

Caesar Tyrannosaurus has the strength to defeat the Emperor Rider Dunasmon, but Caesar Tyrannosaurus should not be considered a monomer, and finally find a protagonist whose monomer strength is weaker than Taiyi.

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

The protagonist of the fifth season, the big Agu Beast S

Agumon S Evolutionary Chain: Agumon S - Earth Tyrannosaurmon - Metal Tyrannosaurus - Flash Tyrannosaur - Flash Tyrannosaur Burst Form

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

Agumon S - Agumon S Destruction Form

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

Agumon s can not only perform explosive evolution, has the combat power of a royal knight, but also has defeated Bellifimon, and also has the form of winged Agumon S Destruction Form, and has defeated the World Tree 7D6 [laughing cry] The strongest Agumon is well deserved.

Season 5 Protagonist Partner Beast Roaring Beast Evolution Chain: Roaring Beast - Roaring Beast (Ver.) → Omega Roaring Beast

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

The most terrifying thing about Roarmon as the future king of Digimon is its strong compatibility, which allows any Digimon to merge into one, and there is no upper limit.

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

To sum up, the talent of Agumon is really a relatively mediocre one among the protagonist beasts of the past generations, so in order to make up for this problem and increase the individual combat ability of Agumon, the official deliberately strengthened the personal ability of Agumon in the remake version or the theater version

The remastered version of the Agumon evolved battle tyrannosaurmon is called the "God of War" Tyrannosaurmon, except for the finale that merges into an omegamon, the rest of the time is a one-man show of war violence, and you can also use the Saiyan Genki Bomb

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Trip gives Agumon a new form, and the deep bond between Agumon and his partner achieves the legendary ultimate evolution at the end of the infinite possibilities.

Agumon - Bond of Courage This is the strongest monomer evolution of Agumon, and its strength is already above Omegamon, allowing Agumon to make a qualitative leap in its monomer combat ability.

Digimon: Agumon may be the least potential male protagonist in all generations

If you consider the evolutionary route of the Bond of Courage, then I feel that the potential of the subgumon will have to be re-evaluated

Personally, I think: Roarmon (King of Digimon), > Agumon S (Destruction Mode), > Kielmon (True Red Lotus Form), > Agumon (Bond of Courage), > V-Baby (Ultimate V-Dragon), > Vulcanmon (Caesar Tyrannosaurusmon)

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