
Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

author:Big Mac

Express into a mountain, the door of the heart is locked: the loneliness and call behind the old man

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

In this era of rapid development of the Internet, express delivery has become an indispensable part of people's lives. From everyday items to holiday gifts, from work documents to personal items, almost everything can be delivered to you by courier. However, in this world full of convenient express delivery, there is a shocking phenomenon: an old man's home is full of millions of express delivery, but none of them have been opened. This can't help but make people wonder, what happened to this old man? Why would he turn a blind eye to these deliveries?

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

First, the express delivery is staggering

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

Imagine walking into this old man's home and being greeted by a mountain of express packages. They are tall or short, large or small, and colorfully fill the room. These couriers seem to have become a unique scenery in the lives of the elderly, but the loneliness and helplessness contained in them are little known.

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

Second, the old man was silent, and his heart was locked

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

In the face of this million express delivery, the old man seemed unusually calm. He was neither excited nor annoyed. He just sat silently on the sidelines, watching these deliveries, as if he was watching a movie that had nothing to do with him. This calmness makes people feel uneasy and also makes people more curious. What the hell was the old man thinking? Why would he be so indifferent to these deliveries?

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

3. Explore the truth and uncover the mystery

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

After some understanding, we finally uncovered the truth of this mystery. It turned out that these couriers were not purchased by the old people themselves, but advertising packages sent by merchants to promote their products. Because the old man doesn't understand online shopping, he doesn't understand the origin and purpose of these express deliveries, so he hasn't opened the package. But what's even more shocking is that the old man is not really indifferent to these couriers. He was actually eager to open them and see what was inside. However, he hesitated because he was afraid that he didn't know how to operate or break things. This psychological barrier creates an invisible barrier between the elderly and these couriers.

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

Fourth, the lonely old man calls for love

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

When we get to know the life of this old man, we can't help but feel sorry and sympathy for him. He lives alone in this world full of couriers, but he can't enjoy the joy of unpacking couriers. He longs to communicate with his family and friends and share the moments of his life, but for various reasons, he can't do so. This loneliness and longing makes the elderly need our love and companionship even more.

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

5. Looking forward to the future and advocating care

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

In my opinion, the story of this old man is not just an individual case, it reflects a deeper social problem: the loneliness and helplessness of the elderly in modern society. With the rapid development of society and the advancement of science and technology, we are often prone to ignore the feelings and needs of the elderly around us. They may not need much material care, but they need our companionship and love.

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

Looking to the future, I firmly believe that with the progress of society and the change of people's attitudes, we will pay more attention to the quality of life and spiritual needs of the elderly. Governments, communities, families and individuals should all be actively involved in caring for the elderly. The government can formulate relevant policies and measures to protect the basic life and rights and interests of the elderly; The community can organize various activities to enrich the spiritual life of the elderly; Families and individuals should spend more time with the elderly and care about their inner world.

Millions of express delivery piles are piled up at home, but none of them are dismantled! What is this old man missing?

Let us work together to create a warm, harmonious and loving living environment for the elderly. Let their old age be full of sunshine and hope!