
What does a loveless marriage look like? Some netizens said: It's not the same as I thought!

author:Lonely Journey 21

In the discussion of Zhihu, a controversial topic surfaced: where will a marriage without a love foundation go? The answers from netizens are varied, and there are many refreshing opinions. For those with romantic aspirations, the idea of "spending time together without love" can be overwhelming. They believe that a marriage without love is like missing a soul and cannot be called true happiness.

What does a loveless marriage look like? Some netizens said: It's not the same as I thought!

However, we need to dispel a common myth: the idea that marriage and love are intimately linked is a misconception. This misconception causes many people to stumble on the path of marriage, looking for that ethereal feeling of love. But in reality, the nature of marriage is far more complex and diverse than we think.

What does a loveless marriage look like? Some netizens said: It's not the same as I thought!

Marriage is not just an extension of love, but a combination of deeper emotions and responsibilities. It gives us a new social identity and requires us to take responsibility for our family and partners. This responsibility goes beyond mere love and becomes an important bond that holds the marriage together.

What does a loveless marriage look like? Some netizens said: It's not the same as I thought!

Love, indeed, is wonderful and desirable. It is the mutual attraction of the heart, the blending and resonance of emotions. But marriage is not only maintained by love. In fact, the word love is not mentioned in the Marriage Law, but focuses more on practical issues such as the distribution of property. This seems to tell us that marriage is not just based on love, but a more complex social and legal relationship.

What does a loveless marriage look like? Some netizens said: It's not the same as I thought!

Some people say that a marriage without love is like a dead tree that cannot stand the test of time. However, is it really because of a lack of love? Perhaps, the root of the problem lies in our expectations and understanding of marriage. When we put aside too many expectations and face marriage with a more peaceful attitude, we may find that even if there is no strong love, marriage can still bloom with a different kind of brilliance.

So, what do you think about this issue as you are reading this? We look forward to your valuable comments in the comment area and discuss the true meaning of marriage with us.