
Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

author:Good luck keeps coming

China's richest man, Mr. Cao Dewang, has attracted a lot of media and public attention in recent years.

However, what is surprising is that he chose to hand over all his property, up to 16 billion assets, to a wife who does not have much culture in the eyes of the outside world. This is not a momentary impulse, nor is it a blind choice, but an affectionate confession, a continuation of a warm life.

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

When the reporter mentioned this, Cao Dewang's face did not show too much gorgeousness and exaggeration. He just said indifferently: "This is my wife, my other half, she should have it all." These words seem to answer all the questions of the outside world. Indeed, why would such a huge amount of assets be handed over to a seemingly inconspicuous wife? Behind this, there is an ordinary and extraordinary love story.

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

When Cao Dewang and his wife met in Weiwei, the two went through ups and downs hand in hand, and experienced countless hardships and hardships together. In the early days of Cao Dewang's business, his wife was his most solid backing, silently supporting him and accompanying him through the most difficult moments. Now, when Cao Dewang became famous, he chose to hand over everything to his wife, which was the best reward for her years of dedication.

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

However, while handing over the property, Cao Dewang also repeatedly told his wife: "You have to remember that you didn't climb to the coffin, and don't give the money to your son." This sentence revealed Cao Dewang's deep worries.

He feared that if he gave his property to his son too early, he might become too dependent and lose the motivation to struggle. This is also a test for his wife, who he hopes will give his son the right guidance at a critical moment.

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

"I'm worried that you're early, your son has gone out with his wife and children, and you have no one to take care of." This sentence is even more moving. Cao Dewang is not only an entrepreneur, but also a father, a man who cares about his family and family.

His concern is that when property is passed on to the next generation prematurely, it can cause unnecessary problems for the family. He hopes that his wife will continue to take care of the family and take care of herself and her grandchildren after a hundred years.

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

Cao Dewang's decision is undoubtedly an adherence to the traditional concept of family. In this materialistic society, many people give up their families and family affection for money and power. However, Cao Dewang used his actions to tell the world that family and family affection are the most valuable wealth in life. He chose to hand over the property to his wife, hoping that his wife could continue to inherit the warmth and happiness of the family.

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

This decision also allows us to see another side of Cao Dewang as a successful entrepreneur - a man with deep emotions and a sense of family responsibility. With his actions, he interprets what is called "man" and what is called "family". How can such Cao Dewang not make people respect?

Cao Dewang gave 16 billion assets to his wife and advised: If you don't climb to the coffin, don't give the money to your son

Looking back on Cao Dewang's life, it is not difficult to find that his success is not only in how much wealth he has, but also in the fact that he has a happy family and a wife who can be with him through thick and thin.

This may be the secret of his invincibility in the business world, and the reason why he can leave everything to his wife with peace of mind in his later years. Such Cao Dewang is worthy of learning and admiration from each of us.