
The novel "It is difficult for a lover to become a family" (87): The shadow of the past

author:Idle reading and hard reading

"What about Xiao Geng? Why haven't you come yet? ”

"He's not coming. I sent him away for something else. Survey the water surface, let's go, there are enough people! ”

Yuxiu's heart suddenly tightened again. With her unique sensitivity, the woman immediately thought of the silent meadow path that she was going to pass by today, and the empty seven-star bubble that even water ducks would feel lonely, and she couldn't help but recall with worry and fear that there had been one or two times when Brother Xu Hong was alone with her, and suddenly burst out with an irrepressible lust impulse. At that time, if he hadn't coldly and sternly refused, he would have had the trap of lust, thus desecrating the pure love between them. Therefore, a frightened and sweet premonition made her furrow her slender eyebrows, and she said in disgust:

"You, go back and change Xiao Geng!"

Xu Hong ignored her completely, just picked up a hot, shiny green onion cake, and said amusefully while chewing greedily: "I can't help but come to such a delicious oil cake!" ”

Yuxiu disguised it as if someone had insight into the secret in her heart and said:

"Originally, this oil cake was prepared for Xiao Geng. You're in for a treat! To give! As he spoke, he handed Xu Hong a few plastic bags, "Quickly load the oil cakes, tea eggs, and intestines, let's hurry up and get on the road!" ”

What a sunny summer day! The sky, the blue of the walan; White clouds and the flickering scorching sun shone down, steaming the meadow path sandwiched between half-man-high artemisia grass to the heat of a brazier. There was not a hint of wind, not even the grass on either side of the trail swaying. A wave of heat rushed towards Zhong Xuhong and Zhang Yuxiu, who were walking on the path. The former carried a rangefinder on his shoulder and a triangular ruler in his hand, while the latter carried a satchel full of food and a pair of green military kettles filled with liquor and cool white water, and a rangefinder in his hand. Both of them are preoccupied, but it is difficult to speak; No one spoke, except for the occasional grinding of elbows against the artemisia.

In fact, Xu Hong was carrying the token of Yuxiu's personal promise in his pocket, and he wanted to spy on the secrets of the other party's heart for more than 20 years, so he resolutely decided to risk the disapproval of public opinion to accompany his former lover to survey the water. Last night, the old Mrs. Zhong, who has always been lenient and strict with herself, was the first to blame her son for Yuxiu in a complaining tone:

"Hong, you have to talk about her Yuxiu! Later, your uncle thought about her very well and arranged for her, and promised to transfer her to work in the city first, and then find a suitable partner for her after she has a household registration. What a place to go to have such a bodhisattva-hearted leader! But who would have thought that the sharp-eyed Yuxiu not only didn't agree, but also said something inappropriate, and then your uncle was so angry that he dropped the cup. This time, Yuxiu doesn't care! ”

Mom has been learning for a long time, and the deepest impression on Xu Hong is that Yuxiu refused to be transferred to the city, and also refused to go into the city to find a partner! suddenly touched his nerves of love: why did she resolutely not leave Laotun? Isn't it all because of me? Infatuated Yuxiu, Yuxiu, who I am ashamed of you for the rest of my life!

The novel "It is difficult for a lover to become a family" (87): The shadow of the past

I remember that year he was falsely imprisoned by the rebel commander Dong Dianshun, squatting in the county detention center for half a year, and on the day of his acquittal, just in time for his wife Shujuan to give birth to a poor cat, Mrs. Zhong asked Yuxiu to bring him a change of clothes and pants to pick him up at the county detention center. When the two of them came out of the detention center, she looked at his mouth full of grassy beard and his cheeks, which had been thinned into two pits, and tears welled up in her eyes.

He pretended to be light-hearted and funny: "Am I not like a human being?" I really want to take a picture like this and keep it as a souvenir! She said that she didn't agree to let him take pictures, but she forced him to go to the barber shop on the street to get a haircut, trim his face, and reappear as a brother Xu Hong in her heart.

Later, he accompanied him to a restaurant. At that time, he had a dime and a plate of workers, peasants and soldiers' popular dishes, and he actually swallowed ten big steamed buns in a row. was so frightened that she repeatedly dissuaded: "Don't, you want to die!" At the same time, tears rolled out of his heart.

Out of the restaurant, they both walked twelve miles back to Tun, and passed by the river where he carried her across the river when he was a child. Suddenly, he saw her bare white neck on her open-collared shirt shining with sweat, and he recalled the sweet feeling of her sideburns touching the back of her neck when she crossed the river on her back as a child, and couldn't help but grab her hand excitedly, and asked, "Do you remember what we said when we crossed the river with you?" ”

He noticed that her plump, calloused hand, which he was holding, was also trembling slightly. The deep tears in her eyes were about to roll out again, but in a trembling voice, she said, "Forget everything, forget everything!" Forgetful people are happy people! With that, he withdrew his hand and walked into his head.

Last year, they went to the province together to attend a meeting of representatives of township enterprises, during which he accompanied her to visit the former site of the secondary school of finance and accounting, where she studied. In the night on the way home, he was forced to irrepressible love affair, and once again asked her to reunite, and swore that as long as she had a tacit expression, he would hold a family meeting and divorce his wife Shujuan when he returned to Tun. It scared her for a moment. She coldly refused, and ignored him for days. …… This is Yuxiu, who can never be understood by kind-hearted mothers!

Last night, her daughter-in-law Shujuan didn't have the slightest resentment about herself, but she waited for him very dedicatedly. From the cabinet, he took out a few dozen yuan a pound of high-quality jasmine tea and a Chinese brand filter cigarette of dozens of yuan a piece, drank it as much as he could, and smoked it as much as he could. There is also a little contrived tenderness and charm on his face. It's just that in his wife's tenderness and charm, he always feels more or less that there is a hint of a smile that a woman can only have after winning in love. This greatly angered him, so that when the two of them shared the bed at night, he couldn't help but coldly push away the soft arm and the warm body close to him that his wife stretched out towards him in order to maintain his holy feelings for Yuxiu.

To be continued......

This novel is set against the backdrop of rural reform in the north and depicts real life at that time.

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