
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

There is new news about the case of Big S suing Wang Xiaofei! Wang Xiaofei was also miserable, "520" couldn't have a good time with his fiancée, so he flew to Taiwan Province to respond to his ex-wife's lawsuit. Not surprisingly, Big S put on a shelf and still didn't show up.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

But this time Wang Xiaofei also learned well, according to the Taiwan entertainment industry, neither Da S nor Wang Xiaofei attended the trial, and only the lawyer team was fighting. There are no results released so far, and it seems that it will be a tough battle.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

Previously, some netizens broke the news that Da S was sick and hospitalized before the trial, but there was no news from the Taiwan media, and the industry also said that she was not really sick, which may just be the reason why Da S did not go to court, after all, there is no reason better than taking sick leave.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

The industry also said that in fact, Big S has sued nearly 20 times to this point, and it is very likely that he no longer wants a definite result, and he has to sue if he thinks of anything, that is, he uses the prosecution to mess with Wang Xiaofei and disgust her ex-husband. You can also stir up your own heat.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

It is even more ironic that "someone" uses the lawsuit as a stage for a show and a means to disgust others and create trouble for others.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

In fact, it is not difficult to see that Big S may not have as much traffic as Wang Xiaofei in Taiwan Entertainment, and the clothes Wang Xiaofei wore in court are enough for Taiwan media to study for several days, but on the contrary, on the side of Big S, no matter how he praises Gu Junye, there are no new topics and concerns, which are far less lively than the divorce lawsuit. Constantly suing Wang Xiaofei may also want to be topical, after all, the Taiwan media treats "Wang Xu's Divorce" as an episode, tracking and reporting.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

For this lawsuit, the industry said that it will not be so easy to get a result, if it is really a share issue, it involves a lot of things, and it is necessary to provide various data property certificates. Moreover, Wang Xiaofei's hotel is now equivalent to being acquired by a large group, and the matter of shares is really not a result of a trial.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

Moreover, in the case that both parties are not present, one party can completely propose to suspend or postpone the trial, and it seems that the front line of this lawsuit should not be short.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

No wonder Wang Xiaofei revealed in the live broadcast room that she would have to stay for about three days when she was leaving. At the beginning, the anchor next to him also said that Wang Xiaofei went to Taiwan Province because the company had a plan, and Wang Xiaofei also laughed at herself and said, "It's not the company's plan (me), it's someone else's plan."

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

Regarding the issue of equity, Wang Xiaofei is not unprepared, before the hotel faced a cooperative acquisition, the equity was frozen and re-planned, Wang Xiaofei took the opportunity to withdraw from the hotel's affiliated companies in the mainland, transferred 40% of the large shares to others, and withdrew his shares and left. If Big S wants hotel shares, she can't get any points from the mainland company, and it is even more difficult in other places. The industry complained that Big S just wanted to make a show about the prosecution, and he didn't understand it at all.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

It can also be seen from the few times that the exposure is not for alimony, or for painting, and now he is eyeing shares, in short, he is trying his best to get money from Wang Xiaofei's pocket. Wang Xiaofei's main concern is the problem of the child, but Big S still doesn't let Wang Xiaofei see it, and wants to take child support.

The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around
The latest progress of the big S Wang Xiaofei lawsuit! Both parties did not attend, and the industry complained that the woman was messing around

The two have been fighting a lawsuit for so long, but there is no result, not only consuming themselves, but also consuming their children, and also consuming public resources. I hope the two can end the divorce as soon as possible.

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