
I wanted to "improve" my genes through my beautiful wife, but my "conditions" were too poor and I laughed crazy


The well-known comedian Qiao Shan once humorously shared his original intention of choosing a mate in a variety show, and frankly admitted that he had hoped to "improve" his genes by finding a beautiful wife. However, the truth did not seem to be as he wished, and this remark quickly sparked heated discussions and ridicule among netizens.

I wanted to "improve" my genes through my beautiful wife, but my "conditions" were too poor and I laughed crazy

For Qiao Shan's two daughters, their cheeks are chubby, and they don't have a little shadow of their mother, they look exactly like their father Qiao Shan, they are simply a reduced copy of Qiao Shan.

I wanted to "improve" my genes through my beautiful wife, but my "conditions" were too poor and I laughed crazy

As a leader in the comedy industry, Qiao Shan has won the love of the audience with his wonderful performances in many film and television works and variety shows. In the latest episode of the variety show, Qiao Shan chatted with the guests about family and life. When talking about the criteria for choosing a mate, Qiao Shan did not shy away from saying that he did have the idea of finding a beautiful wife to improve his genes. He laughed that he feels that genetic improvement is like planting flowers, and that high-quality seeds are needed to produce more beautiful flowers.

I wanted to "improve" my genes through my beautiful wife, but my "conditions" were too poor and I laughed crazy

However, Qiao Shan also admitted that reality did not develop exactly as he expected. After marrying his wife, he discovered that genetic improvement did not happen overnight. Qiao Shan's humorous ridicule made the guests and the audience laugh, and they all said that Qiao Shan's honesty and humor were impressive.

Qiao Shan's remarks quickly sparked heated discussions on social media. Some netizens expressed their understanding of Qiao Shan's thoughts, after all, everyone has the pursuit and expectation of a better life. At the same time, some netizens ridiculed: "Teacher Qiao Shan, are you hinting that your appearance needs to be improved?" Some netizens said: "Qiao Shan's sense of humor is really innate, and this self-deprecating way makes people like him even more." ”

In fact, the relationship between Qiao Shan and his wife has always been very stable. They support and encourage each other in life, and face the challenges of life together. Although Qiao Shan ridiculed his dream of genetic improvement in the show, it also reflects his love and cherishment of family and life from the side.

I wanted to "improve" my genes through my beautiful wife, but my "conditions" were too poor and I laughed crazy

Regarding Qiao Shan's remarks, some experts said that genetic improvement is not a simple matter, it involves knowledge in genetics, biology and other fields. Moreover, a person's physical appearance is not the only factor that determines their worth and happiness. What is more important is whether the personalities, values and lifestyles of both parties can be compatible with each other.

In addition, Qiao Shan's remarks also triggered people's thinking about the criteria for choosing a mate. In today's society, many people will have various expectations and requirements for their significant other. However, true happiness often comes from mutual understanding and support on both sides. Therefore, when choosing a partner, we should pay more attention to the inner qualities and personality traits of the other person, rather than just looking at physical appearance and material conditions.

I wanted to "improve" my genes through my beautiful wife, but my "conditions" were too poor and I laughed crazy

In short, although Qiao Shan's self-exposure has aroused heated discussions and ridicule among netizens, it also allows us to see his love and cherishment of family and life. At the same time, it also reminds us of the importance of paying attention to our inner qualities and personality traits when choosing a partner.