
Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

I'm entertaining

2024-05-28 21:59Published in Shandong

On May 17, Rao Jun, chairman of Hubei Xianning Hengli Sports, died at the age of 55.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

Although the obituary did not clearly tell Rao Jun the true cause of death, his sister seemed to confirm in her voice that her brother was the life she gave up, and he left his mother in her 90s, as well as her unmarried son and beloved wife, leaving her relatives in endless grief and difficult to accept this fact.

Hengli Sports only made the news of Rao Jun's death public on May 26, and on the 27th, the company released the latest personnel changes, Rao Jun's only son Rao Zhonghao will take over the company as the assistant to the chairman of Hengli Culture and Sports, and he will continue to run the company with his father's will.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

Last year, Rao Jun told him that he planned to let his son come to Hengli Sports after graduation, but he didn't expect to take over in such a way, and Rao Jun gave 11% of the shares under his name to his son in September 2022, Rao Jun held 40% of the shares, Rao Zhonghao held 11% of the shares, and the shares in the hands of the father and son accounted for 51%.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

After Rao Jun's death, Rao Zhonghao also updated the dynamic mourning for his father, he thanked everyone for mourning his father, he will inherit his will and work hard in sports, and he also wants to talk to you about some things.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

In the video, Huan Zhonghao is wearing a green shirt with white sweatpants, sunny and handsome, I really can't imagine that his son is so old, how can Mr. Rao bear to leave the child.

Through the certification information, it can be known that Rao Zhonghao is also a national first-class table tennis player, very good, Rao Zhonghao was influenced by his father, and he has liked sports since he was a child, in addition to playing table tennis, he also likes basketball and other sports.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

In the video, Rao Zhonghao not only posted a photo of the father and son, but also posted a picture of playing basketball at home with his father, these happy moments have become eternal memories, and people can't help but cry.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

Rao Zhonghao also told his father's will, hoping to cultivate Olympic champions for Xianning City, although he couldn't wait for that day, but Rao Zhonghao will continue to work hard for his father's legacy and cultivate more sports talents.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

In addition, in the video, Rao Zhonghao also posted a certificate of his father's donation during the special period, showing that he donated 70,000 yuan, and he also funded many poor college students to help them complete their studies.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

The goose has left a voice, the person has left a name, Mr. Rao's life is very short, but his spirit, his words and deeds have been remembered, and he has also left a good reputation, inspiring his children to continue to move forward with his footsteps.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

In response to Rao Jun's suicide in debt, many netizens have their own opinions, and most netizens believe that Rao Jun's establishment of Hengli Sports itself is a high-risk investment.

After all, Xianning is a fourth-tier city, investing hundreds of millions of yuan to build a gymnasium, without liquidity, the capital chain will soon be disconnected, coupled with the bad environment in recent years, it has always been in debt, and the pressure on all parties to collect debts is very great, and finally it has gone to a dead end.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

Rao Jun's matter has also reminded many entrepreneurs, don't invest blindly, there is a gap between the ideal and the reality, otherwise you will definitely pay for your impulse, charitable people must have business acumen to do business, making money is the ultimate goal, and risk control step by step.

Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

I hope Rao Jun will go all the way, may he go to the other side without pressure, only the sports he loves and a simple life, and may his family mourn and live well.

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  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning
  • Chairman Rao Jun jumped off the building and passed away: The only son took over the company, and the father and son took a photo of grief and mourning

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