
Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

author:Unpretentious small talk

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Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

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Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

She used to be the first sister on the CCTV news channel, with a peerless style and outstanding talent. No one expected that this former dazzling host would walk alone in a foreign country in the last days of his life, carrying the turbulent doubts and grievances of the first half of his life alone.

If you think back to the late 90s of the last century, when watching the news was the hottest, presumably the name Fang Jing is definitely a well-known and shining existence.

At that time, she had heavy long hair flying in the wind, bright eyes and bright teeth, and she was flying in the studio like a fairy in the sky. But it is this beautiful appearance that can't hide her strong and professional side inside.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

Even her fluent words reflect her dedication and enthusiasm for journalism. It is simply a veritable "goddess" existence, which is deeply loved and sought after by the audience.

Unexpectedly, at the peak of his career, a sudden storm struck like a raging wave, almost rolling Fang Jing into the abyss of no return.

One day in 2009, a short blog post of only 100 words suddenly exploded on the Internet, saying that "Fang Jing was arrested for stealing military intelligence." In an instant, the entire network boiled, and countless people began to question the loyalty of this high-profile host.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

"Oh my God! Fang Jing, whom we respect, is actually an undercover spy? Deceived us for so many years!" Stepping on two boats, doing things is not authentic!" It's just a thousand fingers!"

For a while, countless doubts and abuses came at her like crazy, and the sharp words turned into countless sharp spearheads aimed at her.

In the face of such a surging torrent of doubts, Fang Jing reluctantly responded, saying that he was definitely not a spy and that it was all nonsense. She even reappeared to host the show in the CCTV studio, trying to prove her innocence with practical actions.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

But just when this worldly artillery fire finally subsided temporarily, Fang Jing's figure disappeared from the screen again, and there was no news from it since. The strange details of the whole thing undoubtedly add a layer of mystery.

Is it to temporarily retire to prove his innocence? Or was someone deliberately digging a "bottomless pit" to make her fall? What the truth is, maybe only Fang Jing and her insiders know.

Since then, a haze of losing his career has slowly begun to loom over.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

Once upon a time, Fang Jing was so leading the trend and shining. Who would have thought that many years later, on the anniversaries one after another, her brilliant figure would no longer be seen.

The old ladies turned on the TV, and they could only see other old hosts speaking slowly, but they could no longer find Fang Jing's figure and voice. The goddess who once shone in the studio was silent, faded and disappeared.

The neighbors couldn't help but sigh from time to time: "Where did that Fang Jing go?" Why is it that he is no longer to be seen?"

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

There is no speculation from the outside world about whether she is really a guy who has brought disaster to the country and the people, and has long been brought to justice by the authorities. But some people think that maybe she just retreated into the background because of the turmoil.

Sadly, in a few images that were inadvertently captured later, an elderly man in the twilight was wandering overseas, standing in a state of limbo and terminally ill. When they saw their faces clearly, people couldn't help but exclaim: "Isn't that Fang Jing!"

Yes, the first sister of CCTV, who was once popular on thousands of big screens, has long since existed in name only, wandering suspiciously in other places. How could this short-lived beauty fall to this step? It's really a sigh.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

It's a pity that in her last life journey, she seems to be homeless, alone, and with no family and friends to accompany her. She is destined to have a curtain call in a foreign country and go all the way.

As someone said, this peerless female anchor is not for fame and fortune, but has been pursuing the purest freedom in her heart. She would rather be lonely for the rest of her life than be tied up by her family and lose the infinite possibilities of life.

In the last days of her life, she would choose to wander away from a foreign land and walk alone to the end of her life.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

What is sad is that in the free life she has been looking forward to for a long time, there is another layer of unnecessary slander and questioning. Maybe when she was dying, those old wounds still lingered in her heart, and she didn't know if she would have the opportunity to give the world an explanation.

Looking at the causes and consequences of the whole thing, I am still convinced of Fang Jing's innocence.

Fang Jing: Go all the way, the former CCTV host, was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and has been dead in a foreign country for 9 years

I hate even more the Peking University professor who slandered her as a spy, who wantonly scandalized a person's reputation without any benefit, which is tantamount to a heinous personality murderer.

As the saying goes, "the world only rehearses and does not listen to the old words". Fang Jing, who was questioned after the turmoil, has long since retired and disappeared, but the wisp of innocence on her body is probably going to be borne for the rest of her life.