
Altitude 7950|Partner Yun Dai Zhikang: In an increasingly volatile environment, everyone must turn on the hard mode

Altitude 7950|Partner Yun Dai Zhikang: In an increasingly volatile environment, everyone must turn on the hard mode

Tencent Technology

2024-05-31 07:20Posted on the official account of Hebei Tencent News Technology Channel


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    The anxiety may be the trend of China in the general environment, which will definitely become more and more volatile, and everyone will open a hard mode, and in the hard mode, they need to like and love more. For example, Li Xiang, his car is like a demon, and he has become one with people and cars, how can you say that you can't do it?

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    There is a lot of money in this world, and if we don't understand, don't understand, and don't like it enough, you can't make this money. We can only make money from people we like, money from people we know.

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    The previous contradiction was the contradiction between the slow pace of action and the opportunities that kept coming, so you have to hurry up and seize the opportunities. Now the opportunities can be seen, relying on your deep understanding of the industry customers.

Altitude 7950|Partner Yun Dai Zhikang: In an increasingly volatile environment, everyone must turn on the hard mode

Tencent Finance "Altitude 7950" Xu Tan

There are two extremes of China's Internet entrepreneurs at the beginning of the 21st century, one side is represented by Wang Xing of Meituan, the second generation of Fu, who was sent to Tsinghua University and studied in the United States. On the other hand, Dai Zhikang of Partner Cloud and Li Xiang of Li Auto have not studied in college or dropped out of school.

Dai Zhikang has several labels, serial entrepreneur, former general manager of Tencent's business department, and investor.

He was rebellious and kept putting Sun Wukong's doll on his desk. His success began with "not listening to my mother", who said, "I don't believe my mother can plan a better path for me than my own." ”

In 2001, Dai Zhikang was 20 years old, suffered a setback at school, had low self-esteem and self-doubt, and was determined to become somebody from nobody. He likes to write programs, and he developed the community forum software discuz! , a grassroots entrepreneur serving the grassroots webmaster. "There's a lot of money in the world, and we can only make money from people who are on the same frequency as us." This idea of making money has influenced the partner cloud (data collaboration and application building platform) he founded in 2012.

In the early days of his business, his office was plastered with the words "Get Rich", and at first he thought that all the misfortunes he suffered were due to lack of money, fame, and status.

When 2010 put the discuz! After selling to Tencent to achieve financial freedom, he suddenly found that when he pursued something that he thought would solve his happiness, he was still unhappy, and he became depressed. The highlight of your career is the darkest moment of your life.

He became an enlightened being. Seeing through all the happiness that comes through the material plane will eventually be short-lived. Happiness is something that a person already has, and if you keep a calm and neutral mind to be aware of reality, all external feelings of want, insecurity, inferiority, exhaustion, and so on will be gone.

In 2022, China's SaaS (Software as a Service) field, where Partner Cloud is located, ushered in an inflection point in its development. The general environment has changed dramatically, many funds have withdrawn, and Chinese SaaS companies are facing unprecedented survival pressure and have to transition from a cash-burning model to a profit model. Can Dai Zhikang, who has always pursued think different, still be able to achieve think different in the era of great change?

Recently, Tencent Technology and Tencent Consulting launched the "Altitude 7950" column, and talked to Dai Zhikang, chairman of Partner Cloud (Partner Wisdom Beijing Information Technology Co., Ltd.), about the years of Internet passion, through life and death, and self-sufficient.

The following is the conversation between Tencent Technology and Dai Zhikang: (The author of the text has been cut and optimized)

A "loser" under traditional education

Tencent Technology: You were born in a family of intellectuals, and your parents are both university professors, why did you drop out of 15 subjects in college and take an anti-traditional education route?

Dai Zhikang: I don't love school that much. Learning is what the teacher teaches in books. But we live in an era of passion. In the 90s, reform and opening up, going to the sea to do business, it was an era full of opportunities. I don't believe my mother can chart a better path for me than my own.

But I inherited a very important gene in my family - like or love. My dad really liked his profession, and so did my grandfather. My dad could crouch in the lab and tinker with his device for days. My grandfather can be in Chinese New Year's Eve, and when everyone else is setting off cannons and eating dumplings to celebrate the New Year, he is still studying his chemical equations. This is what they really passed on to me, what I really got. It's just that what I like may not be the same as what they like.

Tencent Technology: So your experience as a student formed your later thinking mode, which is to be different?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, you can't roll it.

Actually, I'm not different for the sake of being different from others. We need to establish some basic assumptions that help to "think different". The first assumption is whether the world is real or false? This is of course a philosophical question, different people have different interpretations, but you have to have your own interpretation. If you have a judgment about these basic philosophies and bottoms, all your ideas will be think different.

Second, do we think the money must be yours? Not necessarily, it can come to you in various forms, or it can run away from you in various forms. Even if you make money, will you be able to save it? Not necessarily, it will come and it will go. And then in the same way, your reputation, or personality, is the same as money.

Tencent Technology: At the beginning of the 21st century, the same people who started your business include Wang Xing and Li Xiang. Do you still have communication with Wang Xing now?

Dai Zhikang: There are quite a lot of exchanges.

Tencent Technology: What are you thinking about right now? Or what are you anxious about?

Dai Zhikang: The anxiety may be the trend of China in the general environment. It will definitely get more and more volume, and everyone will turn on a hard mode (a mode with a higher difficulty level), and in hard mode, you need to like and love more. For example, if you are also building a car, why does Li want to build it well? Because Li Xiang is really too loving. A straight man, the one who meets the BB is the car.

I have a car, and he looked at it and said that if you add 100 yuan of gas, it can only run 50 kilometers. When I went back and looked, I realized that it was true. I didn't like this car that much, so I didn't know about it for a long time. He just followed the devil, and he was already one with people and vehicles, how can you say you can't do it?

Tencent Technology: I have a curiosity. In the early days of the Internet, there were two extremes among the post-80s entrepreneurs. One extreme representative is Wang Xing, the second generation of the rich, who was sent to Tsinghua University to study abroad. The other extreme representative is you and Li Xiang, Li Xiang did not go to college, and you dropped out of college. Do you have a mental model that can be successful as a typical "anti-honor student"?

Dai Zhikang: No, failure and success are alternate, Wang Xing didn't go well when he started his business, and we failed when we went to school before starting a business.

From two perspectives, one is the family factor, first of all, Li Xiang and I are not bad. They are still quite tutored, and Li Xiang's parents are teachers at the Central Conservatory of Music. My dad is a Ph.D. supervisor, and my grandfather is the first generation of professors who came back from studying in China.

Those of us who don't like school have actually been losers and losers since nineties. The suffering we have in the process of being losers is unimaginable to ordinary people. For example, because I write programs every day, my little girlfriend in middle school doesn't want me anymore. Failure and success in life are staggered, the front fails and the back catches up with the opportunity and succeeds.

Second, when we started our business in the 2000s, Wang Xing was still looking for the north. But the era that belongs to him is not the era from 0 to 1, but the era from 1 to 100. He passed the failure of the previous business and waited for the next success. This is the curve of a wave, which is actually a curve of a sine wave.

can only earn money from people who are on the same frequency as themselves

Tencent Technology: You developed discuz at the age of 20! (open source social website building system), which serves the webmasters of some community forums. Why did they call you the Sect Master at that time?

Dai Zhikang: Now we all talk about customers first. This is a blunt statement, I think it is necessary to be at the same frequency with the customer, how to use the same frequency method? I'm a very leapfrog person. At the beginning, I was also a dick, a loser who was not recognized, and I was still late in middle school, only a meter and a half in high school.

I thought, one day I must change from nobody to somebody, what opportunity I want to seize, what kind of thing to do, to prove to you. In fact, I have low self-esteem in my heart. Some people start a business to prove it to their ex-girlfriend, and some people start a business to prove it to their mother.

So I feel like these are people I know. The stationmaster we serve must add the word "grassroots", the grassroots stationmaster, which matches my own tonality. I'm also grassroots, I made a website, who can ignite hope for this group of people? Those who understand him are because they know themselves. Be an example to them and find a way for them to change from nobody to somebody.

You will feel that your value has been realized. If we can help our customers succeed, then we will succeed ourselves, and that's our business logic and rationale.

So what is the premise? There had to be an opportunity of the times, and the trend at that time was the continuous influx of netizens, but there was too little content on the Internet, so it took a lot of people to create content, so naturally a tool was needed, and I provided this tool. It's not my credit, it's a product of the times.

Tencent Technology: Dealing with those webmasters 30 years ago, a bit of a feeling of burning passion?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, for the first time, I was on the same frequency with a webmaster, a website called the laggard, and the webmaster was called "The Fish Who Refused to Swim", fish. I made the first version at the time, and a lot of people were reluctant to use it. He was the only one willing to eat crabs. So I kept talking to him about his needs. I'm feeling him, too. Suddenly I understood why he opened this website, what he wanted this website to be, what kind of journey did this website carry, and what kind of story did he hope to write with this website? Who does he want to serve with this website? What he wants people who visit his site to get.

I was also depressed at the time. Because I just wanted to commercialize at that time, and I was scolded very badly, he encouraged me here, and I discussed this need with him when I was fine. Once after eating, it suddenly occurred to me that Brother Yu might have this need, and if he had this, he might have that smile on his face. As soon as he thought of this, he sent me a QQ. Can there be such a feature? It felt like being in love. At that moment I felt like I was one with him.

I know what this group of people thinks in his heart, what he wants.

Tencent Technology: So after you invested in Partner Cloud in 2014, you still want to continue to serve small and medium-sized enterprises?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, yes, it is only when serving small and medium-sized enterprises can you feel this way. Of course, we don't mean that we can't serve large enterprises, but we also do it, and we are also serving some departments in large enterprises, such as BYD.

Tencent Technology: BYD is the first customer? But he's a big customer?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, it was not a big customer at that time. At that time, BYD was still a fuel car, and there were no electric cars, so we grew up with him, which felt good.

At that time, Xie Jinfeng, one of the three founders, selected a site for the electric car store, and there were more than 100 people running outside, messing around in the WeChat group every day, holding Excel sheets and passing them around, and found it very inconvenient, so he searched on the Internet and found the partner cloud. He said that with this thing, the store address can be managed, and the performance can be calculated, and the data can be released in a dashboard in a very timely manner, which improves the efficiency of site selection by 3 or 5 times. Since the partner cloud can be used for site selection, it can also be used to open stores, sell cars, manage after-sales, and manage warehouses and supply chains. So in this way, partner cloud is a process of growing up with BYD.

Tencent Technology: Although you also have big customers such as BYD and Yuanqi Forest. But most of them are small and medium-sized customers, because of your feelings for small and medium-sized customer groups, right?

Dai Zhikang: There is a lot of money in this world, if we don't understand, don't understand, don't like it enough, you can't earn this money, then we can only earn the money of the people we like, the money of the people we love, and the money of the people we know. And grow with him, that's it.

Tencent Technology: But small and medium-sized enterprise customers are very risky. Their life cycle may be as small as three to five years, and their ability to pay is not strong. A great challenge to your business model?

Dai Zhikang: Everyone can understand this. So people who don't like small and medium-sized enterprises anyway naturally don't do this market. People who do it just really like it. In very difficult situations, we use our minds to calculate, as if something is not reasonable. But if we choose with our hearts, we may still choose this market. From the perspective of the law of the market, it is true that this is the case at this point in time, but it also has cyclical changes, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.

Tencent Technology: But can your company wait 30 years?

Dai Zhikang: If you choose to make something, it does take time to wait. The process of waiting may be very painful, but this is fate, because who made you like this only in your heart? I chose to write programs, and if the computer trend was going to take 30 years, I would have to wait. Because that's what I like. Everyone, flowers bloom in season. If you have to wait, it's fate.

Tencent Technology: BYD's data volume is large enough, its system is complex enough, can you serve BYD, can you also serve other major customers?

Dai Zhikang: Some people in our team like such customers, so let him be such customers. But the company still has a whole gene, where are the hearts of these main partners of the company? What kind of customers they will be able to work with.

Tencent Technology: What kind of customer is Yuanqi Forest?

Dai Zhikang: It's our so-called big customer. It was originally made for small customers, and it grew up on its own and grew into a big customer.

Tencent Technology: Why did Tang Binsen of Yuanqi Forest accept Partner Cloud and accept you?

Dai Zhikang: He also understands that he came from the Internet, and he said that this business is just a game. But this game is completely offline, and the atomic world (material world) can't be mapped to the bit world (digital world), so you will be blind. He thinks that the game world is just playing games, it should be where the user has run, and you should have a track to track the past. Analyze how the game should be changed in the next step based on the data, and he is in this habit. In fact, this is also a habit of running a business in the digital age. But the question is, if his eyes are dark and he can't see anything, then what does he rely on as a business? Operate by feel? In the past, the oldest entrepreneurs relied on the feel, and when the amount of data was not large, it was no problem to rely on the feel, and it was no problem to rely on experience. But the plate is too big, and it can't be felt by hand.

Tencent Technology: So Tang Binsen and you have a common language? You know the world of the Internet.

Dai Zhikang: Yes, yes, yes. Anyway, China's enterprise service track is a track with a long way to go. It's not a quick job, it's not a skyrocketing thing. To do this is to accept it.

In the past, the company may have gone public in three years, and (investors) exited in five years. It is compound interest growth, with a growth rate of 30% a year. These people are very nostalgic for the passionate years when the Internet started a business at that time. At that time, everyone was talking about dreams, one dream after another, to see whose dreams could come true. So how many people still talk about dreams today? From 1978 to the present, I have been talking about dreams for forty-five or six years, and it is normal to adjust it.

Tencent Technology: When do you think people stop talking about dreams?

Dai Zhikang: Last year (2023).

Tencent Technology: What was the node last year?

Dai Zhikang: March to May last year may be a time node, a node in the psychology of more people. Because everyone thinks that all of this is due to the pandemic. From March to May, this pattern was broken all at once, and the actual economic data broke people's expectations. People found that it was not just because of the epidemic, but also an inflection point and change in the fundamentals of the whole.

That's when everyone realized, oh, maybe the time to discuss dreams has passed. It's time to go to bed and wake up. People will say that those who look outward have dreams, and those who look inward are awake, and people will always have a period of time to dream, and there will be a period of time when they are awake, and there is no good or bad one. Even people may be awake more at the end of the day.

The highlight of your career is the darkest moment of your heart

Tencent Technology: In 2010, you put discuz! I sold it to Tencent, and then I was financially free. At this time, do you feel that life is free, or do you feel that life has lost its purpose?

Dai Zhikang: Empty, but empty. I have always believed that as long as you have money, you will be happy. I put all the reasons that I felt unfortunate at that time to lack of money, no name, and no status. When I have money, fame, and status, I find that I am still unhappy? Wow that moment, you don't know how sour it was! If you're still unhappy after something that people think will solve happiness, then it means that there is a bigger pit waiting for you. Oops, at that moment I felt like I might be depressed.

It made me see through one thing, that is, all the happiness that comes from the material level will be short-lived, and it will not be sustained, and it will be happy for a while. I felt happy, or the happiest, when I signed a contract with Tencent. After making the payment, I suddenly felt that this matter could not be solved.

Tencent Technology: How many have you played?

Dai Zhikang: Anyway, it's enough to spend. I can only tell you that the Tencent stock I took at that time was 153 yuan, which was before the split of five. But those are not important, the important thing is that when I signed the contract, I felt very happy and discuz! With a good home, I myself am also free of wealth. I can do whatever I want. I feel that this money can help me achieve many, many things that I think are unhappy. As a result, the moment was all shattered. After it was shattered, I thought, what is the happiness in my heart? How did it come about?

Tencent Technology: So in 2010, when you put the company discuz! When you sell to Tencent, it should be the highlight of your business, but it is the low point of your life?

Dai Zhikang: The darkest hour, that time.

Tencent Technology: So sometimes the outer world and the inner world are divergent, not unified?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, it may be unified or divergent. But whether it is unified or divergent, whether it is bright or dark, it has its meaning. Without that experience, if we don't have that conviction in the happiness of the outer world, that it's long-lasting and eternal, we won't be exploring anything else.

Tencent Technology: When did you regain this sense of happiness?

Dai Zhikang: Later, I tried to travel around the world. My passport was stamped in about a year. The first time I go to a place I haven't been, I feel like I'm happy and satisfied. In a week, the sense of happiness is gone. Then suddenly for a moment, I realized that I had been out looking for happiness for so long. It seems that I can't find it. Happiness is something you already have. At that time, I met a master who said to teach you to observe the mind, to observe the breath.

I watched for a while and found that I could be with my breath, and I calmed down. And he said, "Then you go and be aware." Wow, as soon as he said awareness, I became aware very quickly, and once I became aware quickly, I suddenly went to another world. I suddenly felt like I was with my own heart.

When you are with your heart, you are with this moment in the moment, and then all the feelings of want, insecurity, inferiority, and exhaustion are gone.

Tencent Technology: So happiness is not sought from the outside, but from the heart?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, if I had that experience, I would know that it was an unprecedented happiness that I had ever experienced. And I know how to reproduce it, to reproduce it continuously. You don't need anything, you just need to be aware, you just have a heartbeat. Then I understood that what people say about "self-sufficientness" is originally self-sufficient.

Tencent Technology: What kind of approach is that? Can everyone be happy?

Dai Zhikang: It's a way to stay calm and neutral to be aware of reality. Why is our heart turbulent, inferior, or deprived? Because the heart is drifting around. If you know that this heart is floating around, it will not float, it will not float in that instant. The moment you don't float, you're with this heart.

I'll give you an example, for example, if we are enemies, I think that you are not good, and more bad things will be created in my mind, and endless hatred will arise in my heart. This hatred accumulates in the heart, and it can only be eliminated unless revenge is taken. But these are all delusions, delusions. If there is a delusion, you know that the mind is drifting out, it will come back and not be delusional. And the heart was settled. Slowly, you will feel that it is self-sufficient.

You don't need to have anything, you can feel a path to happiness.

But there will also be temptation. Suppose you have my method now, and someone tempts you to say that you can make 100 times more money by investing 10 yuan in that stock. You are tempted and moved again, and if that awareness can't keep up, it runs away again. So this thing needs to be exercised.

There is no methodology for successful investing

Tencent Technology: 2010 discuz! After being acquired by Tencent, you entered Tencent. Dachang is a machine that operates systematically, focusing on collaboration, everything is in order, can you still think different?

Dai Zhikang: That's right. So at that time, I was looking for those marginal businesses that no one did, the kind of weird businesses to do. At that time, we had fire and enthusiasm in our hearts, so we also played in the big factory.

Tencent Technology: Why did you leave Tencent in 2014?

Dai Zhikang: The reason I came out of Tencent was that I wanted to make an investment, and the first company I invested in in 2008 was going to be listed in Hong Kong, and I couldn't do it as Tencent.

Tencent Technology: To you, entrepreneurs and investors are like two sides of the same coin, projecting themselves into each other?

Dai Zhikang: I do angel investment. The first company I invested in went public. I think I might be happy if I use my entrepreneurial experience to help others. If you want to help others, then you can always be happy, right? I have invested in more than 20 companies, 7 of which have been sold and 2 have been listed. 4 achieved a return of more than 100 times, and one achieved a return of 1000 times. A 100x return means that if you put 1 million, it becomes 100 million. Because I'm better at spotting opportunities. But I think it's a constant how much you should gain in a lifetime, or how much you should lose.

In 2012, I invested in a company called Moman Camera, which is a technology that uses AI to make faces, but the amount of parameters at that time was very small. I think this thing has a future, the entrepreneur has a light in his eyes, and no one votes for him, I think this thing can be done well, and it can become a big company in the future. Because no one voted at that time, the price I voted at was low.

Tencent Technology: How much did you invest?

Dai Zhikang: One or two million. Later, the company was acquired by Alibaba for $100 million. I think it's crazy in this era. Three or five years, 100 times, legal.

Tencent Technology: It's incredible!

Dai Zhikang: yes, I think it's crazy. Anyway, it was during that time that I felt that there were opportunities everywhere. Investing to achieve my success and the success of an entrepreneur. I will be happy when he succeeds, and I am very happy that I have a lot of friends. But, happiness is still very short-lived, oops.

Tencent Technology: As an investor, your probability of success is still very high, do you have a unique methodology?

Dai Zhikang: If you had interviewed me before, I would have told you a methodology. But I don't want to say it now. Because it's really not like that.

Tencent Technology: Isn't it because your methodology works?

Dai Zhikang: No, no, it's because of chance, karma, and fate.

In this small category, there is a little personal factor. But in a large category, it is actually the times that create heroes. In fact, I look at other entrepreneurs the same. What I'm telling you today is one thing that all top entrepreneurs understand, but they don't say.

Entrepreneurship is an aphrodisiac for men

Tencent Technology: Do you have to keep looking for new things that drive you to find meaning and happiness?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, so I suddenly understood why people say that entrepreneurship is an aphrodisiac for men. When you feel old, go and start a business, and then you are like an aphrodisiac, like a chicken blood. Later, I invested in some companies. Partner Cloud was originally invested by me, but because they are all my original brothers, I feel that in addition to investment, there is also an emotion and responsibility.

Tencent Technology: So you became the CEO of a partner cloud company, and then you personally led them to find a way?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, after I entered here, I realized that the water is so deep.

Tencent Technology: Why do you say that?

Dai Zhikang: Because 2B and 2C are not the same thing at all, all my previous experiences were 2C. Then there is a sense that the times will eventually pass. It's that all your experience, the sense of the 2C, may be wrong in this 2B.

Tencent Technology: Give me an example.

Dai Zhikang: 2C products should be light, fast and explosive. Lightweight, fast, explosive products, and then there must be social communication and word-of-mouth communication. It is necessary to get the customer's recognition in the shortest possible time. That is, the time to value should be very low.

Tencent Technology: Will your company be divided into two factions, one part is that it should go to the 2C track, and the other part is to use the 2B track?

Dai Zhikang: Yes, yes, yes. It's just that I'm biased towards 2C. But it's not a matter of personal preference.

Tencent Technology: Will you fall into a kind of empiricism?

Dai Zhikang: This is a trap of pure empiricism. But I can also feel that an era is coming vigorously, and I can also feel that an era is going vigorously. I feel like someone like me, that booming era in business has passed, it has come with a bang, and then it has passed with a bang. And the opportunities for other different types of talent are just beginning. Many of those who feel pessimistic about this era now are vested interests of the previous generation. But I'm not pessimistic.

I think there are many, many opportunities in any period. It's just that the people of the previous era, you have to accept, or say, you have to see that an era has come and an era has passed. Just as I felt so clearly and clearly thirty years ago that my time was coming.

Tencent Technology: But there are many opportunities in every era, and you also said that you are an "opportunist". When a new era comes, don't you see new opportunities?

Dai Zhikang: I don't think that when my time has passed, I have no value. I think it's a very meaningful thing to be an observer, to observe one's own mind inwardly, and to observe the world externally.

In fact, there are some companies that can do very big, such as those companies in the United States, and our BAT. Even we once thought that BAT, especially AT, had no limits. There is just no upper limit. But in fact this is a misunderstanding, and if you stretch it out over a long period of time, it must be a misunderstanding. The truth is that it is not limitless, he will definitely be like a sine wave, spring, summer, autumn and winter, like a pop song, it will be popular and not popular. Stretched out, everyone is a pop song.

What state will you enter after crossing the death

Tencent Technology: Our column is called "Altitude 7950", and 8000 meters up to 7950 meters of Mount Everest is the death zone. It is possible for a company to cross the death zone to reach the top, or it can become a coordinate. Have you ever had the experience of crossing life and death?

Dai Zhikang: Let me tell you a story. In 2015, I didn't have a good relationship with my family at that time, and a few friends asked me to go hiking, saying why don't you come out for a walk? From Haikou to Sanya, about 400 kilometers. He said let's not bring money, let's use the way of fate, and we will live wherever we go.

Tencent Technology: At that time, you were already very rich in investment?

Dai Zhikang: That's right. I put on a tracksuit, carried a bag and went. On the first day I left, I felt like I was going to be finished. It's about 50 kilometers a day, and it takes 7 or 8 days to walk, three or four hundred kilometers, and there is no money. It is also not possible to swipe the card. On the first day, my feet were all blistered with blood, and I managed to walk down. The next day, I started to have a fever early in the morning, and the fever reached about 40 degrees. It was still raining that day, and the raincoat seeped into the crotch of his pants and his body, and there was water all over his body. When I walked, my legs rubbed against each other, and after a while, they wore out, and I couldn't do it, and I felt like I was about to hang up.

Those roads in Hainan are also not safe, often passing big cars, suddenly a few dogs chased me behind, I limped and fell under the road. The dog stopped chasing, and I looked up, and oh, there was a grave, which scared me to death, and a tombstone. At that moment, I felt like I was going to hang here. There is a strong fear of death. I was so nervous that I gritted my teeth and lost a tooth. It is impossible for a normal tooth to be bitten out. But at that time, it may be that people's psychology has been extremely fragile and collapsed to the extreme.

In the middle of the night, I got lost with my teammates again, and I shouted twice at the bottom of that but no one was there, in the wilderness, the mobile phone was soaked in water and there was no electricity. Climb and can't climb up. But suddenly there was a consciousness, hanging in the gutter, too undignified, too cowardly, if you want to hang, you must hang on the way forward. These two thoughts kept fighting, and kept fighting. Then a power emerges from the heart. It was like an electric shock, and he climbed up from the deep ditch that was about six or seven meters deep. This was the real turning point, and at this moment I seemed to let go of the so-called my body, this burden between life and death.

Tencent Technology: Because of this near-death experience, what does it feel like to walk out of Lop Nur from Sanya to Haikou?

Dai Zhikang: After that power came out of my heart, there was blood in the crotch of my pants, and there was blood on the soles of my feet, and it was raining, it was very cold, and I had a fever of 40 degrees. But I don't even look down on life and death, and I don't care if it hurts or not. Maybe for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and suddenly for a moment it doesn't hurt anymore, so strange, it really doesn't hurt anymore.

Then he caught up with the two companions. He said, big brother, do you know? You're running. Yes? I saw that my legs were really running, and they were running all the time. And then he said, you're crying. I found it like tears were streaming down my face. When I touched my head, I didn't have a fever. Then in the middle of the night, at about 3 o'clock, I walked to my destination, a small hotel. I said to a guest in the hotel who opened a room, I came from Haikou, I have no money, I have been gone for several days, you can sponsor a room for me to sleep. Or if you don't dislike it, you're alone anyway, and I'll sleep with you.

It's normal to be embarrassed to ask someone for money. But at that time, I felt very confident. The man was also very cheerful, he said I will open a room for you, and give you another 100 yuan, and you can buy something to eat. I found that I could ask for food with such dignity and aura. People are happy to give it to you, and give you a thumbs up, saying that you are not a simple person.

The next day, something even more miraculous happened. I was going to have breakfast in the morning, but suddenly I didn't feel hungry, so I drank a bowl of rice soup, and I didn't eat on the third day and wasn't hungry.

Tencent Technology: Is this a state of bigulf?

Dai Zhikang: I think it may be beyond the state of Bigu. At that moment, I felt as if my body and mind were separated. It's that the bitterness and the bitter feeling are separated, and a lot of fear is stripped away.

On the third day, my body was better, no more pain, and my leg didn't hurt anymore. I met a guy on the road, and I told him you should sponsor it.

Tencent Technology: Justified?

Dai Zhikang: Justifiably. Do you know how much money I asked for that day? 1200 yuan, is the fate. There was a person who said, "I don't think you're an ordinary person," and said that there are 200 here, give it to you. He said, "Oh, my son needs to work on his willpower as well." Or I'll call my son to come and go with you tomorrow." On the fourth day, he and his son, along with his son's classmates, came and walked with us. By the fifth day, our team was a dozen people. I suddenly understood that in "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump is running, and someone is running with him, which is the principle. Others were attracted by his aura and his state of spirit.

After walking 3670 kilometers, there were many connections along the way, and many people followed us. This thing is a core, and since then I'm completely different, and people are different.

Tencent Technology: Is it because you have experienced life and death?

Dai Zhikang: It's just that you will jump into another space. It's a state that isn't survival, it's not death. Since then, that state has often been the case. Unable to understand and unable to describe. But I think it's real.

Tencent Technology: If it is mapped to the company, what stage is it?

Dai Zhikang: 2023 is a significant time. Last year was mostly about having to deal with our 2B business, and it was actually a very, very slow thing. All of my own success stories are actually 2C's. In fact, faced with a self-denial, I myself have a strong self-denial. It was at this time that I was suddenly faced with such a process.

It's just that I seem to be downplaying life and death, and personal success or failure. Suddenly, I understood that the Tao Te Ching said that the Tao gives birth to one, one life to two, two to three, and three to all things. All of us live on the level of two, three, and all things, but there is one place that is immortal, uncorrupt, and impure, and that is the One. Such a realm, such a state. That was the first time I had touched this state, and after that, I was a different person.

Tencent Technology: After you touch this state, do you stay in this state? Or what?

Dai Zhikang: After I got to this state, I couldn't regain it for a long time. It's just that I want to go back to this state, and I can't go back.

I know the direction very definitely

Tencent Technology: Due to the drastic changes in the general environment and the withdrawal of some funds, China's SaaS (Software as a Service) companies have faced unprecedented survival pressure since 2022. You are currently the chairman of Partner Cloud, what have you done in the past year or so?

Dai Zhikang: All I do is talk to employees and customers. I want to know how much our customers love and need our product. We are constantly adjusting the definition of this customer, including what kind of customer to be, what kind of customer not to be, we can't serve all customers, not to say that I will do whatever customers make money. Why are we able to focus on small businesses? It's just because it matches this thing of our own. To be able to see the utility in this kind of client, to see the joy and that sense of fullness that comes from his heart. Then I just need to find more such customers, if there are 10,000 such customers in the country, then I will do the business of these 10,000 customers. If there are 5,000, I'll make 5,000, and if there's 500,000, I'll make 500,000, and that's it.

Tencent Technology: But if there is no wider range of customers, will the company become smaller and smaller?

Dai Zhikang: Personally, I don't think it's a matter of size. The criteria for a good company are not because it is big or small. It's because of how much your real customers can't do without you, and I think that's what makes a good company.

Tencent Technology: What is your role in the company now?

Dai Zhikang: My role is the chairman, the direction, and the customer, so let's just play the role of these three levels.

Objectively speaking, it will actually play a smaller role than when I started my business. Because simply focusing on income and profits, this is really not what I am good at. That's not how my mind is structured, and I'm not trained like that.

Tencent Technology: What is your thinking structure?

Dai Zhikang: Jumping, jumping, that is, looking at everything as if looking at others.

Tencent Technology: Then you will put the company in a thrilling state?

Dai Zhikang: Yes. But this is not the time anymore. The previous contradiction was the contradiction between the slow pace of action and the opportunities that kept coming, so you have to hurry up and seize the opportunities. In fact, everyone can see the opportunity now, what does it depend on? It depends on your deep understanding of the customers in this industry. That is, if you understand more, you are professional, you accumulate more, and you have a strong system, you will be able to seize this opportunity. Without this, you can't take this opportunity.

Tencent Technology: You like Sun Wukong, after the completion of the Western Heaven scriptures, Sun Wukong was named the Buddha of Fighting and Defeating. Can your current state be described as a fighting holy Buddha?

Dai Zhikang: No, but I think it may seem like we are in the late stage of learning from the scriptures. I'm more like a combination of Monkey King and Tang Seng now, but maybe it's still more like the later stage of Monkey King. In fact, Sun Wukong rebelled for a long time, also in order to realize the Buddha nature in his heart. However, after becoming a Fighting Holy Buddha, do you think he can still do something to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace?

Tencent Technology: What kind of state are you?

Dai Zhikang: It's that I know the direction, and I know the direction very clearly. I know where life is going, where my life is going. It's not a question of where I'm going, it's what I think is the ultimate human being, and in the end it's the ultimate state where I'm going to go. I haven't gotten there yet, but I know I can get there, and I know it's going to be a completely different world.

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