
The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

The dog of the Panji family

2024-05-31 16:36Posted in Hunan game creators

Hello everyone, this is a dog, bringing you interesting game information every day, remember to pay attention if you like it~

This old man's cup is a benefit for the old audience, and the appearance of many old faces has made the audience too addicted, but the selection of the old man's cup is indeed not fair, and the participation of an old man who is not an old man is only one of them, and secondly, the strength of each team is also uneven.

The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

Old man cup situation

At present, the Old Man's Cup is about to enter the offline competition, and the two teams BL and OP are the first to advance to the offline competition, while BLG and LAP need to compete for the last offline competition spot.

The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

What everyone didn't expect was that the posture finally failed to win this crucial game in the face of mlxg's LAP, and I have to say that after the single electric baton in the mlxg team was replaced with a small smile, the strength has indeed improved too much, which is actually one of the unfair places.

The situation of the teams participating in the Old Man's Cup

Now it is still on the stage of the game, only BL, OP, BGM and LAP, the other teams have all been eliminated, and it can be seen from the results of the first round of the game that the gap in strength of the old man's cup is relatively large, especially the team of the kid, only won one game, although the record of 1-8 is an entertainment game, but it is indeed a bit embarrassing.

The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

However, after the kid's team was determined from the lineup, everyone didn't give much hope, but after kid was eliminated, he suffered the worst punishment in history.

Kid was eliminated and the countryside below was transformed

No, because the loss was too ugly, Kid was directly punished by Xiaoxiao, Sika and others, and sent to Blackberry's hometown cattle farm for transformation.

The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

In the past few days, he has been doing farm work every day, feeding grass to cattle, carrying grass and food, etc., and he is tired like a cow every day, and because it is a live broadcast of farm work, Kid basically does not have many opportunities to touch fish.

Kid blood pressure 190 was hospitalized urgently

But within two days, the accident happened, just now Kid was only hospitalized due to physical discomfort, but Kid's hospitalization was still ridiculed by many netizens as a young master, and he began to be lazy after two days of farm work.

But the doctor at the hospital also revealed that Kid's high blood pressure has reached 190, which is the degree of third-level hypertension, so for Kid, an anchor who sits in front of the computer every day, high-intensity physical work is indeed not easy, but Kid should indeed lose weight.

The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

What do you think about this? Welcome to interact with the dog below~

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  • The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital
  • The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital
  • The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital
  • The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital
  • The Old Man's Cup "Worst Captain" was born! After the elimination, it was decentralized to rural transformation, and blood pressure 190 was urgently admitted to the hospital

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