
"The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained

"The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained

New Yellow River

2024-05-31 21:39Posted on the official account of Shandong New Yellow River News Client

"The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years and needs to hang a fecal bag for life", previously, the news that Sichuan woman Xiao Xie was seriously injured by her husband He Mouyang's domestic violence has attracted widespread attention. On May 24, Xiao Xie received a summons from the court, and the divorce dispute between her and He Mouyang was tried on May 31. On the evening of May 31, the New Yellow River reporter learned from Xiao Xie that the divorce dispute between her and He Mouyang was pronounced in court, their marriage was dissolved, and she also got custody of the child.

"The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained

According to a previous report by New Yellow River, since 2021, her husband He Mouyang has carried out 16 domestic violence of varying degrees against her, the first time was a week after Xiao Xie was pregnant, the two had an unpleasant incident over trivial matters, and He Mouyang still violently beat Xiao Xie when he knew that he was pregnant. During this period, the Jinyang Police Station of the Wuhou District Bureau of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a "Domestic Violence Warning" to He Mouyang twice to warn him. On April 15, 2023, the two parties signed a divorce agreement, but He Mouyang repented afterwards and refused to divorce. On April 24 of the same year, Xiao Xie submitted a habeas corpus and divorce application to the Wuhou District People's Court, but the court did not accept it due to incomplete formalities. That night, He Mouyang found Xiao Xie and violently beat him again, and it was this violent incident that caused Xiao Xie to need to wear a dung bag for life.

"The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained

In December 2023, Xiao Xie received a notice of appraisal opinion issued by the Wuhou District Branch of the Chengdu Municipal Public Security Bureau, including four second-degree serious injuries, five minor second-degree injuries, and one minor injury, with a degree of disability of grade 7, 10, and 10. In the same month, the Wuhou District Procuratorate of Chengdu City prosecuted He Mouyang on suspicion of intentional injury and abuse. Currently, He Mouyang is being detained in the detention center.

"My daughter is about to reach the age of kindergarten, because the custody of the child must be determined before entering school, so the judge suggested that the civil court should be held first, without waiting for the trial of He Mouyang's criminal case." Xiao Xie said that the trial of this civil case was before the criminal case, and as a defendant in the divorce dispute case, He Mouyang, who was being detained in the detention center, would also appear in court.

Xiao Xie said that she suspected He Mouyang of transferring the property to the names of several relatives, and the court recommended that she sue He Mouyang and his relatives for illegally transferring the joint property of the husband and wife in a separate case. On May 30, Xiao Xie sued He Mouyang and his relatives in five tort liability dispute cases that have also been heard. The New Yellow River reporter learned from Xiao Xie that the tort liability dispute case that was held that day was not pronounced in court. "There is a big dispute between the two parties, and He Mouyang and his relatives do not recognize the infringement." Xiao Xie said that when she saw He Mouyang appear, she had a little stress reaction.

"The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained

At 10 a.m. on May 31, the divorce dispute between Xiao Xie and He Mouyang was tried in the Wuhou District People's Court of Chengdu City. "He Mouyang applied for a closed trial, so I was not able to enter the trial today. My sister's appeal is for divorce, followed by fighting for custody of the child. Issues such as the distribution of property are not our focus. Xiao Xie's elder brother, Mr. Xie, told the New Yellow River reporter that Xiao Xie's current physical condition and emotional state have also improved.

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, during the adjournment, Xiao Xie told reporters through WeChat that He Mouyang agreed to divorce during the negotiation and agreed to hand over the custody of the child to her, but at the beginning of the trial, He Mouyang said that he was unwilling to divorce, "He said that the relationship has not broken down, and he will live together and raise the children together." ”

"Divorced, finally divorced, and the children are coming." The trial lasted more than 10 hours, and at about 8 p.m., Xiao Xie walked out of the courthouse with his family. "I haven't been happier in so many years. Thank you very much", Xiao Xie said that the divorce dispute between her and He Mouyang was pronounced in court, their marriage was dissolved, and the custody of the child was also awarded to her.

In the court, the reporter did not see He Mouyang and his relatives. (All photos in the article are provided by the interviewee)

Reporter: Sun Min Proofreader: Tang Qi Editor: Liu Yuhong

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  • "The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained
  • "The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained
  • "The woman was seriously injured by her husband's domestic violence 16 times in two years" The divorce case was pronounced in court, and the parties: finally divorced, and the custody of the children was also obtained

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