
Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

author:Bright Net

In Shanghai, can you "unload your baggage" and easily visit the attractions?

There is an official storage service in Disneyland, a popular attraction in Shanghai, but many people remind "lightning protection", but the 80 yuan cabinet can't fit the suitcase, and there is a long queue to wait. Some people find a worry-free storage method, and some people have no choice but to leave their suitcases on the side of the road; Most of the Shanghai Wenbo exhibition halls have free storage services for large and small luggage, which can be called intimate; Since "I couldn't find a place to stay and didn't want to go back", there were still many people dragging suitcases to City Walk in the Yu Garden area......

Previously, Shanghai officials claimed that "during the summer of Shanghai, the city's 3A-level attractions will be mobilized to launch free luggage storage services", and citizens can learn from the Forbidden City's practice of "storing luggage at the entrance and picking it up at the exit" to make the storage more convenient.

Disney has an official hosting service,

But many people remind "lightning protection"

"Listen to the persuasion, family, you must not store packages at Disney, it is very expensive!" On social platforms, there is no shortage of such reminders in the relevant strategies for visiting Disneyland.

"The storage fee in the Disney scenic spot is so expensive, 60-80 yuan for storing a small bag, and the suitcase can't be brought in." Talking about the experience of sending bags when she went to Disney last time, Ms. Tang still felt "flesh pain".

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

According to the reporter's understanding, due to the relevant regulations of the security check of the Disney scenic spot, "bags, containers or luggage with a size of more than 56 cm x 36 cm x 23 cm cannot be brought into the park", therefore, for tourists dragging suitcases, they must be stored before going through the security check. The official storage office for large suitcases is in the Donald Duck parking lot, charging 90 yuan / time, which can fit 28-inch suitcases, but it is far away from the subway station, it takes about half an hour to walk, and you need to queue up to access your luggage.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Small items and backpacks can be stored after passing through the security check and entering the park.

In the luggage storage of Disneyland, there are cabinets that can store small items and backpacks, which charge 10 yuan/time, 60 yuan/day and 80 yuan/day according to the size, "the largest locker can not fit a 20-inch suitcase" is the measured result of many tourists, and can only fit two backpacks. The 10 yuan ultra-small cabinet can only accommodate ultra-small items such as selfie sticks that cannot be brought into the park.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

For the official storage service of Disneyland, the cabinet is not large enough, the fee is high, and the queue is inconvenient, etc., which makes many people comment that "whoever sends it is a big injustice", and it is precisely for this reason that many luggage storage services have been derived around attractions such as Disney subway stations.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

On social platforms, "Disney luggage storage strategy" has also become a hot topic, and many people choose to "find a way to do luggage storage by themselves".

Someone found a worry-free storage method,

There are also people who have no choice but to leave their suitcases on the side of the road

"My box is 28 inches, not too big but very heavy, I have a hard time pushing it myself, and it is impossible to take it to Disney, it must be stored. But as we all know, Disney storage luggage is very expensive, not to mention, the park is very large and there are a lot of people, and it is not convenient to take it, I wanted to put it in the hotel at night to go back to pick it up, but a trip back and forth, I want to play in Disney for an hour less, and I am very reluctant to pay for tickets. Ms. Zhang, who just visited Disneyland in April, said that she spent a lot of effort on solving the problem of luggage storage.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

"In fact, when you get to the Disney subway station, there will be a lot of people around, asking if you want to store your luggage, and the prices are varied, from 50 yuan to 80 yuan, although it is cheaper than storage in the park anyway, and when you get to Disney, you have to consider not only the fee, but also the convenience," Ms. Zhang said, drawing on a friend's strategy, she contacted the store specializing in Disney luggage storage services in advance.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

"It seems that the actual luggage storage place is the B&B around the scenic spot, someone comes to receive the luggage, transports the luggage to a special storage place, and contacts in advance when you want to pick it up, and they will send it over." After some understanding, Ms. Zhang understood the actual process of the so-called storage service, "I only spent 45 yuan to store my suitcase, and when I received the luggage, my little brother waited for me at a place very close to the drop-off point, and the location of the luggage was unified at Donald Duck, which is the only way to enter the park." ”

"Fortunately, I did the strategy in advance, and the whole process was quite worry-free." Ms. Zhang said that if she hadn't done her homework in advance, she didn't know what to do with her suitcase.

When the reporter recently went to the Disney Station subway station of Line 11, he saw that there were still many people dragging suitcases towards the entrance of the Disney scenic spot. "We did a guide on social platforms, and we saw that many people said that the place to rent a stroller at the entrance of the subway station can store luggage, and I originally planned to leave it after getting off the subway station, but I just asked in the past, and they said that luggage storage is not accepted now." Ms. Guo, a tourist, and her entourage are ready to drag their luggage to the scenic spot first.

Even in the square outside the subway station, the reporter saw several "ownerless" suitcases left alone in the central garden, "probably whose luggage could not be stored, so they were directly placed here," when the reporter asked who the owner of these suitcases was, none of them were claimed, and the aunt on the side predicted.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Luggage storage is "a bit difficult", and Disneyland is not alone. In Shanghai's Haichang Ocean Park, many tourists also said that they had a bad experience.

It is understood that there is a special luggage storage office not far from the entrance of Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park, with small, medium and large cabinets of different sizes, and the charges range from 50 yuan, 60 yuan and 80 yuan accordingly.

"I came to Haichang Park to play alone with my children from Zhejiang, and it was impossible to drag my suitcase to play, so I could only choose a large cabinet for storage." In Ms. Lu's opinion, the charge of 80 yuan is not low, but for the sake of convenience and effort, it still costs money.

But I didn't expect that the "end time" of the locker was so punctual, Ms. Lu took her children to shop in the store and forgot the time for a while, and after shopping, she went to the luggage storage office and found that the door was locked. Originally, the opening hours of the luggage storage office are from 9:00 to 18:00 on the same day, and if you do not pick up the luggage after the overtime, the unpicked luggage will generally be transferred to the tourist service center outside the park. ”

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Ms. Lu felt a little angry, "The paid storage of the scenic spot is not only the locker itself, but also the storage service behind it, in fact, I left not too late, there are staff in the scenic store, and the store is locked early to get off work, and it is difficult to get the luggage through the way of the scenic spot publicity, and it is a little inadequate in the 'service'", Ms. Lu said that because of this, her impression of the scenic spot was greatly reduced.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Shanghai Wenbo Exhibition Hall

There is a free storage service for luggage of all sizes

The Wenbo Pavilion is probably one of the most thoughtful places in Shanghai.

The reporter visited the Shanghai Museum, the Shanghai Museum of Natural History, the Shanghai History Museum, etc., and found that tourists can store their luggage for free.

At the service desk of the Shanghai Museum, luggage can be stored from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the reporter saw at the scene that there is a large space for storing luggage at the service desk, small bags are placed in the cabinet compartment, and suitcases are placed uniformly.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

When storing luggage, the staff will give you a bracelet and a small ticket, and you can quickly pick up your luggage with the bracelet and receipt.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

At the Shanghai Museum of Natural History, there are backpacks and other small items that can be stored in self-service lockers, and large suitcases can be stored at the service desk, both of which have plenty of space.

"But if you want to save 100% or early, during the holidays, the flow of people from the museum is very large, so you still have to store early, otherwise the self-service lockers are full, the service desk can only store suitcases, backpacks can not be stored no matter how heavy, you can only carry people on your back." Mr. Qi, who once visited the Shanghai Natural History Museum with a heavy backpack, also reminded him with his personal experience.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

"We rarely have a full crowd, so there are fewer lockers full." Relevant staff of the Shanghai History Museum told reporters. Like the Shanghai Museum of Natural History, the Shanghai Museum of History also provides free small luggage lockers and large luggage storage desk.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

It is understood that most of the cultural and museum exhibition halls in Shanghai provide free lockers or service desk storage services, which can be said to be more intimate.

拖着行李箱去豫园一带city walk?

"I can't find a place to stay and I don't want to go back"

Different from scenic spots such as Disneyland and Cultural Museum, classics such as Yu Garden and City God Temple are more open, which can be said to be a part of the City Walk. The reporter recently visited the area of Yu Garden and found that there are still many people dragging suitcases here City Walk, checking in classic classics such as Jiuqu Bridge.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

"Why don't you just store your suitcase?" In the face of the reporter's inquiry, Ms. Su, who was in a hurry, said, "I came down from the subway station all the way, I didn't see a place to store luggage, I knew that there was an app to store luggage, but I had to book and pay to know the address, and I had to follow the navigation to find half a day, maybe in order to store a luggage, I had to detour for half a day, which was not cost-effective." ”

Ms. Su said that she had already planned her route, ready to check in all the way from various attractions, and finally checked in to the hotel, "I don't want to take a detour, and I don't want to go back to access my luggage." ”

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Is there a free luggage storage around Yu Garden?

With this question, the reporter came to a "search for storage place walk" in Yu Garden, and found that there is no free luggage storage place in the huge Yu Garden, and the luggage storage is mostly in individual shops, but the price is easy to "dive".

When the reporter out of the subway station not far away, I saw a store marked "luggage storage", after inquiry, the boss said that the storage of luggage regardless of size, 10 yuan a time, but also overnight, no additional money; When the reporter walked for about 3 minutes, came to another store closer to the scenic spot, after inquiry, the boss said that the small bag storage is 10 yuan, as long as it is a suitcase, it will be charged 20 yuan, and the overnight will be charged for an extra day; Walk about 5 minutes in the direction of the central square of Yu Garden, and meet the third shop that can store luggage, the quotation is 25 yuan for both large and small luggage, and 10 yuan if you stay overnight......

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Although the three shops are separated by 5 minutes within a walk, the price is quite different, many tourists said that "a little tangled", "it makes sense to charge more expensive closer to the scenic spot, but you can save 10-15 yuan by walking for 5 to 10 minutes, then I would rather not store ......" After also inquiring about the price, Ms. Gao decided not to store it at all.

You can learn from the Forbidden City

The practice of "storing luggage at the entrance and picking it up at the exit".

The person in charge of multiple departments revealed to reporters that building Shanghai into an international tourist city and improving storage services are the work that Shanghai needs to promote in the future. This month, Shanghai has proposed to mobilize the city's 3A-level attractions to launch free luggage storage services during the summer of Shanghai to improve the convenience of traveling to Shanghai.

In addition to being free of charge, citizens also have expectations for convenient storage.

"In fact, Shanghai's scenic spots can also learn from the practice of the Palace Museum, store luggage at the entrance and pick up at the exit." Mr. Duan talked about his experience of storing luggage in the Forbidden City, which he found particularly intimate.

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

"The Forbidden City's self-operated bag storage and pick-up location is in the audience service center outside the noon gate, luggage can be stored after passing the security check, and a few bags will be given a few brands, and you can pick it up after 2 hours, no later than 5 pm. However, the point is that the stored luggage will be delivered to Shenwu Gate or Donghua Gate, the gate you specify! Mr. Duan said, "I put all kinds of luggage in the bag to store, only leaving mobile phones, power banks, ID cards, bottled water and food, took the bagless channel, saving 20 minutes of queuing time, the whole process only carried a glass of water to visit the Forbidden City, I designated to pick up luggage at Shenwu Gate, out of Shenwu Gate, on the right hand side is the bag office, the sign to the security personnel can channel their luggage, the whole process is very silky." ”

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

Speaking of this storage service, Mr. Duan couldn't help but "praise the Forbidden City".

There are not a few people who have similar ideas with Mr. Duan, after the release of this newspaper's series of reports on "Save Your Luggage and Play Shanghai", many readers said in their comments and messages that "Shanghai attractions can also learn from the Forbidden City in Beijing, not only free storage, but also import storage and export collection."

Deposit a charge of 80 yuan? Who is the big injustice? Someone threw it on the side of the road......

News Morning Post Thoughtful APP Reporter Wu Qiong Intern Gao Min

Source: Morning News