
In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

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2024-06-01 12:07Posted in Jiangsu Automobile Creators

I thought it was a price butcher, but I didn't expect its scythe to be so thick.

Although it was previously predicted that Qin L would have a high probability of making a 99,800 entry version, but when it really came to the moment when Qin L was listed, in fact, the editor was more surprised. After all, the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is 2.9L, the comprehensive range is 2100km, and the cost is 99,800.

Not surprisingly, these models will usher in a new round of price adjustment in June, if you don't have to buy it, it is recommended that you don't rush to buy a car first, and so they are likely to reduce the price.

Nissan Sylphy

One sentence comment: 7.98's Qin PLUS has not been digested yet, and Qin L is here again.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

79,800 Qin PLUS hit a number of joint ventures to parry, with comfort and classic version of the model dropped to more than 60,000 prices, Xuanyi is desperately supported, although the champion is missing, but the sales volume can at least be maintained at 20,000+, ranking among the top three in the sales list in the field of sedans. After all, in addition to the selling point of low price, comfort and stable reliability, Sylphy also has excellent fuel consumption data in fuel vehicles, which are all pluses. But now that Qin L is here, with a range of more than 2100km, these advantages are gone, not much more expensive, the wheelbase is longer, and the space comfort is improved, who can not be impressed?

Volkswagen Bora

One sentence comment: I have fallen off the altar, and it will be too late if I don't act.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

Once upon a time, Volkswagen was still the first brother in the sales of the domestic car market, and Lavida was also the favorite to win the championship, although the sales volume of Bora could not be comparable to that of Lavida, but it was also a classic best-selling product, and it was a frequent visitor to the top ten on the list. Nowadays, with the rise of domestic new energy models, Lavida has fallen to the altar, and Bora's sales are even more unseeable. In April, Bora only sold 6753 units, Xiaomi SU7 sold more than it, no one bought it, Qin L such a powerful product debuted, if Bora can not make a breakthrough in price, and maintain the same strength as Lavida, then its share should also be handed over.

Changan Qiyuan A05

One sentence comment: Originally, the price was still a little advantageous, but it doesn't exist now.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

Originally, when there was only Qin PLUS, the 78,900 Qiyuan A05 still had a small advantage in price, the threshold was lower than that of Qin PLUS, and it could also be distinguished by cost performance and design and positioning, and there could be more than 3,000 sales in a month. Now that Qin L has appeared, Qiyuan A05 positioning is highly similar to Qin PLUS, the product power can't be compared, the battery life can't be done, the brand influence and sales volume are not opponents, and it is a matter of time before it is replaced cheaper.

Toyota Corolla

One sentence comment: two by two, only disappointed.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

I feel sorry for our Corolla, after half a century of evolution, Corolla and Lei Ling also relied on the distinction between the European version and the American version, in the domestic family car market crazy harvest, because of the rise of domestic new energy models, Corolla sales plummeted, from the previous favorite to now only 4320 monthly sales, compared to the peak, not even a fraction. This is still based on the fact that the terminal has a drop of about 30,000, and the entry-level naked car has fallen to around 80,000. Judging from the threshold, Corolla is still less sincere, if it doesn't set an example in price, Qin L's first agreement may be a Japanese car.

Toyota Leiling

One sentence comment: It's hard to be a brother, Corolla is all pounced, and Lei Ling is not much better.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

Corolla's monthly sales are only more than 4,000, and Lei Ling's good point is not much stronger. The monthly sales volume is more than 6,000 vehicles, and the gap is also very different from the peak moment. And the saddest thing is that for more than half a year, Lei Ling has not broken through the 10,000 mark, and it is being removed from the echelon of explosive models. The reason why his sales are better than Corolla is also very simple, that is, the decline is a little higher, the price of Lei Ling's current entry-level model is around 80,000, and it can even fall below 80,000, which is thousands cheaper than Corolla, so the sales are also better. But when Qin L is listed, there is no gap, and they all belong to the fate of being replaced.

Dongfeng Yipai 007

One sentence comment: Dropping 30,000 is not enough, and it has to be lowered again.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

A few days ago, some netizens gave a review of the picture car in the background, asking if they are optimistic about Yipai 007, and the official drop of 30,000 is very attractive, is it worth starting? But the editor replied, don't worry, you wait, this is not the right time. Qin L debuted, in order to lower the price threshold, the entry-level model of Yipai 007 launched an extended range version, even after the discount, the entry price is about 130,000, and the comprehensive range is only about 1200km, compared to Qin L is obviously better, and the threshold is low. Of course, Yipai 007 has more advantages in space and design, but the brand influence is not good enough, so it has to be lowered a little more to make sense.

Hideshi Honda

One sentence comment: There is no sense of existence in the first place, and there is no advantage under Qin L's squeeze.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

What is the same car is not the same fate, just look at the Yingshipai and Accord, they are the same three major pieces, and even became the shell Accord, but the sales have not improved, in the latest monthly sales data shows that Yingshipai only sold 3646 units in April, and the sales of Accord in the same month exceeded 10,000, the gap is still obvious. Originally, Yingshipai had no sense of existence and recognition, and now under the impact of domestic new energy, sales have not improved, and after Qin L debuted, it will be a huge blow to the products that are not highly recognized in the B-class car market, so Yingshipai has to reduce the price if it wants to survive.

Chery Fengyun A8

One sentence comment: I thought I was holding back a big one, but I didn't expect it......

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

Chery's restart of the Fengyun series was also a major event in the automotive industry at that time, and I thought that Chery would be able to add points with feelings and return to the first echelon, but the moment I saw the A8, I felt that I thought too much. The price threshold is not low, but the model is nothing new, and it can even be said that it is a shell version of the Arrizo. It's not that Arrizo is bad, it's just that it sells for nearly 100,000 in a shell, it's still a little difficult to accept, especially now that you can buy Qin L with a range of 2100km at the same price, Fengyun A8 has no advantage at all, and now it can sell more than 2,000 a month, if the price is not reduced, these more than 2000 will be scraped by others.

Galaxy L7

One sentence comment: Don't worry about the official drop of 20,000 is over, according to this trend, it will only increase and not narrow.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

Galaxy L7 official drop of 20,000,Many people are still worried about the limited-time offer, when will it end, now, this discount will not fluctuate and affect in a short period of time, and it is even possible that because of the arrival of Qin L, the product price is adjusted, the decline will increase again, and there will be no narrowing. Mainly because it is the same plug-in hybrid, they are all compact SUV positioning, BYD Song Pro and Yuan PLUS and Song PLUS, the price ranges from 100,000 +, to 110,000 or even 120,000 +, there is always one that can be suitable for consumers, if the follow-up also follows up the battery life performance of the whole system, what does the Galaxy L7 take to play with others.

Honda Shadow

One sentence comment: Let go of posture in order to have a future.

In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

When the CR-V's appearance comes up, something will happen to Haoying. Originally, with its excellent design and the blessing of the same three major parts of the CR-V, Haoying also had a good sales performance. Now under the impact of models such as Song L and Song PLUS, Japanese fuel SUVs have been hit a lot, and the new CR-V models have made up for the shortcomings of space and appearance, and the sales of Haoying have declined visibly, with monthly sales of only 7600+ units, which may be considered best-selling, but there is still a gap compared with the peak moment. At present, the reduction given by the Haoying terminal is close to that of CR-V, but what it should do is to lower its profile and come up with a more sincere price than CR-V in order to make a breakthrough in sales.

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  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars
  • In June, it is necessary to prevent the price reduction of these 10 cars

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