
Social practice is the cradle of talent growth

author:Micro Ph.D. in Mathematics

It is not difficult to find that school education is important, but family and social upbringing are also indispensable. A person's growth is not only through the accumulation of knowledge in books, but also a process that is constantly sharpened in social practice and nourished in the warmth of the family. Children who are separated from their families and society, even if they are full of wealth, are often difficult to be truly grounded and apply what they have learned to practice.

Family, as the cradle of children's growth, plays an irreplaceable role in shaping talents. In the family, children can not only feel the love and care of their parents, but also learn to get along with others and learn to think independently in daily life. The uniqueness of family education lies in its ability to subtly influence children's values, outlook on life and worldview through the details of daily life. At the same time, families can also provide a relatively safe and stable environment for their children, so that they can grow up without too much interference and temptation from the outside world.

Social practice is the cradle of talent growth

However, homeschooling alone is not enough. After all, children must leave the family and go to society. In this process, the role of social practice is particularly important. Social practice can not only help children combine what they have learned with practice, but also allow them to constantly sharpen their will and character in practice. By participating in social practice activities, children can better understand the rules of society, learn how to cooperate with others, and how to solve problems. In addition, social practice can also make children feel the hardships and difficulties of life, so that they can cherish everything they have more.

Of course, we cannot ignore the role of school education in the process of talent growth. As a temple for imparting knowledge, the school provides a systematic learning environment and resources for children. However, we also need to be wary of the tendency to place too much emphasis on schooling and neglect of family and social education. Although special education models such as juvenile classes accelerate children's growth to a certain extent, they often ignore their exercise and experience in real life. Although children in this mode may be academically successful, they often lack practical skills and social adaptability.

Social practice is the cradle of talent growth

Wang Anshi said in "Travels to Baochan Mountain" that "the wonder of the world often lies in the danger and distance", which precisely expresses the true meaning of talent growth. True growth does not happen overnight, but requires countless trials and tribulations. Family, school, and society all play an integral role in this process. Families provide a warm harbor and soil for children to grow up; The school imparts knowledge and skills to the child; Society provides a stage for children to practice and exercise. The three complement each other and jointly promote the all-round growth of talents.

Therefore, we should fully recognize the important role of family and society in the process of talent growth. In family education, we should focus on cultivating children's independence and autonomy; In social practice, we should encourage children to actively participate and have the courage to try. At the same time, we also need to make appropriate adjustments and improvements to school education to make it more in line with the laws and needs of talent growth.

Social practice is the cradle of talent growth

In addition, we should also pay attention to the diversity and individuality of talent growth. Everyone's upbringing and experience is different, so their growth path will be different. We should respect everyone's growth choices and development directions, and provide them with personalized growth support and help.

In short, the growth of talents is a complex and diverse process, which requires the joint efforts of family, school and society. We should be fully aware of this and create a better environment and conditions for the growth of children. Only in this way can we truly cultivate talents in the new era who have both knowledge and ability, both feelings and responsibility.

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