
FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Shepherd who writes balls

2024-06-02 08:49Posted in Inner Mongolia Sports Creators

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Obviously, it was a game that was destined to be one-sided before the game.

Although Borussia Dortmund have played well in the Champions League this season and made it to the Champions League final, not many people will be optimistic about Dortmund in the fifth place facing the fourteenth winners of the competition, Real Madrid.

Even Terzic is well aware of this, which is why he made a point of saying before the game: "Anything is possible".

In fact, this is not the first time in recent years that a Champions League final has been one-sided, but it is up to Borussia Dortmund to avoid last year's hard-fought Inter Milan drama and repeat the Chelsea drama of 2021's one-hit victory.

As for Real Madrid, they will let the result of this game tend to be "normal".

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

However, although Real Madrid's desire to win the title is no less than that of Borussia Dortmund, Ancelotti did not make sure when it came to starting tactics in this game.

After the opening, Real Madrid put on a position that made Bayern Munich reverse for a while:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Vinicius and Rodrygo are two strikers, Bellingham is on the left, and when there is the ball, it is Vinicius who pulls to the side to play, and the others support on the side, just like against Bayern, Real Madrid once relied on this to recover the situation in the second half:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

This is not an idea that is solid enough defensively, as Bayern have shown that the wing-back combination of Bellingham and Ernesto Valverde cannot help their team-mates in the middle, exposing Real Madrid's weaknesses in defence.

From this point of view, it is fortunate that Real Madrid do not have Tchouameni available today, and the problem will be a little less exposed as a result.

However, from an offensive point of view, Ancelotti also has his reasons for this arrangement: Vinicius is more comfortable on the flanks after all, so Rodrygo as a striker can only be on the middle, so that it is too expensive for them to defend the wing without the ball, and this task can only be given to Bellingham, who has the least striker element among the three.

It's by no means the best of the many frontcourt schemes, it's just the least bad one.

So in the 6th minute of the game, Real Madrid pressed in the high post, but Mendy did not resist Sancho, Bellingham and Kroos immediately became ineffective defenders, and Dort pushed forward from the right and sent a cross:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Dortmund, on the other hand, have a better defensive setup than Real Madrid:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Ahead of the back four, Dortmund were able to pile up a large number of men in the central area through Jadon Sancho and Adeyemi shrinking inwards to bring out Sabitzer, who was adept at pressing and pressing.

And when Real Madrid were trying to go wide, Sancho and Adeyemi were expanding, and Sabitzer or Brandt consciously fell back to fill the gap between the former two and Emre Can:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Such a targeted and resilient defense is actually the biggest basis for Dortmund to link Atletico Madrid and Paris to the Champions League final, and on this basis, Dortmund can play their own attack:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

In this goal, Phil Kruger, as a big center forward, hit behind Real Madrid, and then set up a cannon for Brandt, and in the 21st minute, Adeyemi, who was going to fall to Emre Can's side when defending, also played a good opportunity against offside:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

So at the start of this first half, Real Madrid was clearly at a disadvantage, and even Dortmund would expose the gap between the two lines because of their hotheads:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Real Madrid, who were pulled by Vinicius to play on the wings, also struggled to develop their attacking threat into the middle and in front of goal, as in this attack, when Bellingham was not in place, Carvajal had to rush to the back post.

But Carvajal is on the top a lot, and there will be space behind him for Adeyemi:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

The right side was tight, and the whole Real Madrid team pressed on this side, only to be brought out by Brandt and pushed up by Dortmund from the other side, at which point Bellingham was not in position:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

After this crisis, Dortmund continued the attack through the counterattack of the young man, and Phil Krueger ran behind him again, only a little away from the goal:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

This is the most dangerous time for Real Madrid in the competition.

In the 27th minute, with Kroos's long pass transfer and Vinicius's side breakthrough, Real Madrid once completed the mental countermeasure:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

As a result, immediately after this attack, Dortmund came back from the weak flank, and Adeyemi started again from this position at the back:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Sprinting all the way forward to help Dortmund play a threatening attack again:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Therefore, Real Madrid's starting arrangement is very problematic.

Once the tempo of the game picks up, Bellingham is unlikely to be able to help defend on the left side like a proper wing-back, let alone the fact that he often leaves the left wing-back position when he has the ball, which can put the pressure on the likes of Kroos.

Purely from a defensive point of view, Vinicius and Bellingham are paired up in the striker, and Rodrygo's position on the left is the best, but since being knocked out by Sane to score, Ancelotti no longer thinks like this, and can be worse than Vinicius and Rodrygo partnering forward, Bellingham falls on the left This position is Bellingham and Rodrygo partnering forward, Vinicius falling on the left.

Therefore, this front-court position is only the worst, not the best.

However, Dortmund's side has its own hidden dangers.

In this wave of attacks that were already close to scoring a goal, Phil Krueger and Adeyemi both played a significant role, Brandt was able to send through the ball in the defensive attack, and Sabitzer was able to participate in a battle for the top in the front court, providing a lot of movement:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

So, in Dortmund's midfield, Sancho's attacking role is minimal.

This is reflected in the fact that he can brush up on double-digit dribbles against Paris Saint-Germain's left-back Mendes, but today against Mendy, Sancho has no advantage or confidence:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

So in Dortmund's almost goal-scoring attack, even if Sancho was one-on-one, there was room to cut to the middle, and Sancho still chose to pass to Sabitzer:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

If you can only play like this and can't put enough pressure on your opponent, you need to provide plenty of protection from behind when your teammates are attacking, including helping to defend in transitions and combing the line when you have the ball.

However, it is difficult for Sancho to always get these things right:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

This will be a narrow gap on the way to victory for Real Madrid.

Of course, before that, Real Madrid will first have to solve their own problems. According to common sense, Real Madrid already need to make substitutions at this time, because apart from the underperforming Bellingham, Rodrygo is also useless on the field, which is far from the level of competing for the title, but in this situation, considering the level of Real Madrid's substitutions, Ancelotti knows that he cannot act rashly.

He can only make some changes in position and responsibilities.

So at the beginning of the second half, Real Madrid, who had added some physical energy, was still playing the same routine as in the first half, but this time Carvajal wrapped up the back point:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

But after this attack, Rodrigo fell on the right flank:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

In the standing, Real Madrid almost settled into a fairly standard 451:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

In the absence of a good solution, Ancelotti did everything he could but choose to protect his backfield first, which is reflected in the fact that Rodrygo was useless in attack, and was finally able to provide some help without the ball and defending:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

Although Dortmund were able to play some attacking threats in transitions:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

But after this arrangement, Rodrigo finally had a use:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

He still proved that he couldn't withstand the pressure in the core area of the middle, and he still had to switch to a second-tier position to hit the opponent, and after accumulating confidence and advantages here, he had the opportunity to help his teammates in the middle:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

However, Rodrygo's play is still minimal, and Real Madrid still need to count on Vinicius on the left wing:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

The two attacks from the left showed once again how much Dortmund could have been in the gap: Ryerson was normal for Vinicius to be unable to defend against him, but Sancho's lack of enough help was a problem.

In the 72nd minute, Terzic helped Real Madrid by replacing Adeyemi with Reus, thus moving Jadon Sancho to the left.

Even if Reus comes off the bench, can you use the 35-year-old like Jadon Sancho?

So in Reus's first attack, Dortmund touched the ball in the middle and lost possession, Real Madrid turned directly from the area behind Ryerson, Vinicius first past Hummels, and then past Ryerson to create a corner:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

In this wave of corner kicks, Carvajal opened the score:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

As soon as the goal was scored, Real Madrid's advantage increased dramatically, while Dortmund lost confidence, and they continued to expose gaps in the defensive end after that:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

It wasn't until the 83rd minute that he made a mistake and allowed Real Madrid to score the second goal to seal the title:

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

In terms of strength comparison, Dortmund performed very well.

After all, according to the public opinion and wind direction before the game, it would be good for Dortmund not to be played, but not only did they not get played, they insisted on conceding the ball until the 70th minute period, and only lost the set-piece, and before conceding the goal, Dortmund was the side that played a greater offensive threat.

It was only a little more than ten centimeters away from the goal.

This depends on Dortmund's defensive set-up and the speed of counter-attacks on this basis, but neither of these points is inseparable from Adeyemi's play. Ter Zic used the player tactically in such a way that Adeyemi was not destined to play the full game, and then when Adeyemi went down, the Dortmund defence was leaky, and it's hard to say how correct that was.

No matter how well they played, in the end, they inevitably showed a smell of miscalculation of the process and the wrong result.

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

As for Real Madrid, they actually have a much bigger problem than Borussia Dortmund.

In this game alone, Real Madrid made a lot of mistakes in attack and defense, and throughout this half season, the problem of not having a regular center forward and not having a strong midfielder has always plagued them, which almost made them die at the hands of Manchester City or Bayern.

When it comes to tactical completeness, not to mention that compared with the Champions League three-in-a-row period, and compared with 2022, it is also significantly inferior to the Real Madrid team led by the elderly Benzema.

Being able to get through the difficulties is actually just relying on the technical foundation of the backfield, Kroos and Modric relays, and the constant changes in the frontcourt combination according to the situation, including the use of substitutes such as Brahim Dias and Joselu, so if Real Madrid's coach is not Ancelotti, even if it is only a little worse than him, it will be difficult for such a Real Madrid team to win the championship.

So, when such a Real Madrid team wins the title, what are the other European giants doing?

FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

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  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants
  • FireWire Review | An Shuai led Real Madrid to win the championship like a slap in the face of all European giants

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