
Discuss from the perspective of the protagonist: Why Cai Bin did not let Zhu Ting play in the confrontation with the Italian women's volleyball team

author:Dumb kid who loves sports

In the competition of the World Women's Volleyball League in Macao, the match between the Chinese women's volleyball team and the old rival Italian women's volleyball team can be said to have a lot of incomprehensible points. For example, Coach Cai Bin did not give Zhu Ting a chance to start, but sent the starting main attack combination of Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie, and Zhu Ting returned to the bench in the last game with the Thai women's volleyball team, and only served a ball when the team was not in pain. Wu Mengjie couldn't open the situation, he also tried to use Zhang Changning to play as a substitute, but the effect was not obvious, and in the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team faced the strong attack of the Italian women's volleyball team, especially the flash performance of the twin star combination of Serra and Egnu, and finally suffered a 0-3 defeat. And there were two games in which the score was not above 20, but the first game was lost 23-25. Such a loss will make us reflect, and even make us want to change the angle and think about it from Cai Bin's position, why didn't he give Zhu Ting a chance to appear? What the hell are you thinking?

Discuss from the perspective of the protagonist: Why Cai Bin did not let Zhu Ting play in the confrontation with the Italian women's volleyball team

Especially when Zhu Ting played very well in the last round, why couldn't Coach Cai give her enough trust to make her possible to stand in the starting lineup? What would be the different answer from his point of view? We can still talk about it. First of all, Zhu Ting's performance in the last round of the game was not only very good in terms of technology, but also communicated with her teammates in a timely manner many times in the team, and used her own words and actions to drive and encourage everyone, and used communication and exchanges to form a state of complete integration on the field. Moreover, in the last game with the Thai team, the Chinese women's volleyball team encountered difficulties, and when they encountered chasing points, Zhu Ting proposed to Cai Bin to ask for a timeout adjustment. There are many fans who say that she has almost become half of the head coach of the team, and it may be this kind of Zhu Ting's more responsible performance for the team that made her touch the authority of the head coach in the team, so that Cai Bin guided this campaign knowing that the difficulties were very big and there were not many opportunities to win, so he directly put Zhu Ting on the bench, and almost put her on the cold bench.

Discuss from the perspective of the protagonist: Why Cai Bin did not let Zhu Ting play in the confrontation with the Italian women's volleyball team

For example, Cai Bin used Wu Mengjie as the starter at the beginning, and later used Zhang Changning to rotate, in this way to continue to maintain his authority in the team, but his choice may have further lost his own authority, or it had the opposite effect. After all, the team was basically able to form a state of offense and defense with the opponent in the first game, but in the second game, it began to fluctuate, and the stage performance was not good, and it collapsed a little at the end of the game. In the third game, he simply let the opponent play more and more, and from Egnu to Serra, they all played a good offensive role on the court. Our attackers, on the other hand, became less and less confident the more they played, and all kinds of mistakes were blocked. After the whole game, Yuan Xinyue and Li Yingying, who scored the highest scores, only scored 12 and 11 points. Even if Gong Xiangyu played very well in the first game, scoring 5 points in a single game, he only scored 10 points in the whole game.

Discuss from the perspective of the protagonist: Why Cai Bin did not let Zhu Ting play in the confrontation with the Italian women's volleyball team

Obviously, when Wu Mengjie only scored 5 points in the start, Zhu Ting, an attacker who may bring great help to the Chinese women's volleyball team, is also a world-class main attacker, because there is a little discrepancy with Cai Bin's expectations and requirements for her, or it makes him feel that his authority is being challenged, so that Zhu Ting is difficult to play. At such a moment, the Chinese women's volleyball team was deducted as many as 9 points or more, so that it was directly surpassed by the main competitor Japanese women's volleyball team, which looked a bit passive. But in the face of such a result, Cai Bin still chose to stick to his own opinion. I really don't know if he can really prove his authority in the team in this way, or if he will voluntarily give up the position of head coach in this way. We will have to wait for time to give us an answer.

Discuss from the perspective of the protagonist: Why Cai Bin did not let Zhu Ting play in the confrontation with the Italian women's volleyball team

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