
The highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment! I will send you a Chinese patent medicine, the liver and kidney are in harmony

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Zhanju

If you want to nourish the liver and nourish the liver, you can't just know how to nourish the liver, soothe the liver, and the highest level of liver nourishment, in fact, it is to nourish the kidney! The position of the liver in our body, I believe I don't need to tell you anymore, whether the qi runs smoothly or not, and whether the blood volume of the whole body is enough or not, are closely related to the liver.

The highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment! I will send you a Chinese patent medicine, the liver and kidney are in harmony

Like some people, they feel that their age is not too old, their faces are unhealthy, their hair is dry and frizzy, there are no major problems, small problems are constant, their eyes are always dry and blurry, they can't see things clearly, they feel numb in their hands and feet at every turn, and they are prone to cramps in their hands and feet when they sleep at night, which greatly affects the quality of life, which is actually a reminder that you need to nourish your liver.

The highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment! I will send you a Chinese patent medicine, the liver and kidney are in harmony

So why do I say that the highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment? This is going to talk about the relationship between the liver and the kidney, Chinese medicine believes that the liver and kidney are homologous, and they are inextricably linked.

First of all, in terms of location, the liver and kidney cohabit in the lower coke, and they are neighbors.

Another one, the kidney belongs to water, the liver belongs to wood, from the relationship between the five elements, the kidney belongs to the mother organ of the liver, Chinese medicine says, deficiency is to make up for the mother, so when the liver is insufficient, we must also pay attention to the recuperation of the kidney.

The highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment! I will send you a Chinese patent medicine, the liver and kidney are in harmony

Another point is that from the perspective of their functions, the kidney is the main reservoir of essence, the liver is the main reservoir of blood, and the kidney essence can metabolize liver and blood.

Therefore, to nourish the liver, we must take into account the kidneys at the same time. There is a Chinese patent medicine called Gui Peony Dihuang Pill, which is also a member of the famous Dihuang Pill family, and he added Angelica sinensis and white peony to the basis of Liuwei Dihuang Pill.

The highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment! I will send you a Chinese patent medicine, the liver and kidney are in harmony

Angelica sinensis and white peony are the main force of nourishing blood and liver, rehman, dogwood liver and kidney tonify at the same time, nourish essence and blood, yam nourishes the essence of spleen and kidney, and replenishes the successive days; Poria cocos strengthens the spleen and relieves dampness, Danpi clears liver fire, Ze Epsom and water drains turbidity, the whole formula is replenished without stagnation, the essence and blood are greatly replenished, and the liver and kidney are in the same tone.

The highest level of liver nourishment is actually kidney nourishment! I will send you a Chinese patent medicine, the liver and kidney are in harmony

But I want to remind everyone that when it comes to medication, you must be cautious, if you need to, you must use it under the guidance of a professional doctor, and it is not recommended to use it without authorization!