
BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

Xiao Li Che commented on Li Jianhong

2024-06-03 08:56Posted in Gansu automotive creators

Since the bigwigs of car companies have "contacted" the mobile Internet and social media, there is no shortage of "materials" for the people who eat melons to watch the excitement......

This is not! On May 28, BYD released the fifth-generation DM technology in Xi'an, and released the "three most" of this new technology, the world's highest thermal efficiency of 46.06%, the world's lowest fuel consumption of 2.9L per 100 kilometers, and the world's longest cruising range of 2100 kilometers, and the two medium-sized car products equipped with this new technology, Qin L DM-i and Seal 06 DM-i, the starting price is only 99,800 yuan, BYD is full of spirit!

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

A new technology that leads the entire industry has landed on the product and sold at a "cabbage price"!

However, according to the traditional path, the war of words is about to begin!

Starting from May 29th, there are many domestic manufacturers who, through comparison, reflect the overall image that their products are not weak compared to Qin L DM-i and Seal 06 DM-i, which is of course no problem. After all, the birth of BYD's fifth-generation DM technology, in addition to making BYD's own product strength more sophisticated, can also promote the technological innovation of the entire industry to a certain extent, and competition itself can promote technological iteration.

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

However, there are still some obvious remarks on the Internet aimed at BYD, which cannot be said to discredit BYD, but the most widely disseminated of them comes from the former independent brother - Geely Automobile and its executives.

At noon on the 29th, Xu Weidong, an executive of Geely Automobile, released a message about Geely Raytheon's engine has won the highest thermal efficiency certification of 46.1% in 2023, and shouted the slogan of "the world's highest facts have the final say", and also called on the media and KOLs to forward it, and my circle of friends is lively......

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

This is obviously aimed at BYD's fifth-generation DM technology under the 46.05% engine thermal efficiency, you BYD's 46.05% engine thermal efficiency dare to claim the highest in the world, so what is my Geely 46.1%? I'm sorry, it's a little bit stronger than you BYD!

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

It's like a neighbor's daughter-in-law today, everyone praises the bride and groom for their talent and beauty, and a match made in heaven, but an old man next to him stood up and said that they are far worse than my son and daughter-in-law. What do your parents and relatives think?

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

Personally, I think that even if Geely really won the highest thermal efficiency of 46.1%, it would be a bit inappropriate to say this when BYD's family was "doing a happy event", right?

Li Yunfei, general manager of BYD's brand and public relations department, also quickly began to tell the facts and lay out the basis! At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 29th, Li Yunfei released a message on social platforms, emphasizing mass production, mass production, mass production! The implication is that let's not talk about the data in the laboratory, the engine thermal efficiency of 46.05% under the fifth-generation DM technology is the highest among the current production models.

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

There may be some friends who are good at "automatic bar lifting" and quit! Don't talk about this at BYD, you use the data of the China Automotive Center, and Geely has also obtained the certification of the China Automotive Center, what's the matter? The data of the laboratory must not be as good as the data of your mass production, in case someone already has the capacity for mass production and direct mass production, how should you BYD deal with it?

At 7 o'clock in the evening, that is, at the beginning of the "Di Fan" conference, this old brother uploaded a thermal efficiency certificate of a certain BYD engine that was also issued by the China Automotive Center with a thermal efficiency of 46.5% on social platforms, and "understated" with the text: We still have a lot of higher thermal efficiency like this that is not mass-produced, but I just don't want to say it. is also equipped with an emoji that covers his face and smiles bitterly, giving people the feeling that this kind of battle between kings and bronze is so boring! By the way, we also previewed the "aftermath", we can have engine technology reserves with a thermal efficiency of 46.5%!

BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

At this point, even if this drama comparable to "the second prince vs. Fan Xian" is over, what else can the auspicious bigwigs say? Go back to your database and see if there is a certificate with a higher thermal efficiency of 46.5%? It's going to be early! Anyway, as of the draft, it is already Children's Day on June 1, and Geely has not made any latest statements on this matter!

Some friends said, this time the "thermal efficiency battle", Geely and BYD, who is the winner?

What a winner! Brothers are out of the wall to resist their insults!

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  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong
  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong
  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong
  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong
  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong
  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong
  • BYD held a "happy event", and someone smashed the field? This brother is understated, and the "back move" is really strong

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