
Third, the four-wheeled vehicle inspection is coming, urban areas, towns, and rural areas, and offenders are detained and fined

author:New energy strategist

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In the market of transportation, electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles also have a certain market share. Especially in towns and rural areas, it will be used more frequently, and it is also one of the few private means of transportation suitable for the elderly. However, in terms of sales and use of cars, now the requirements around the country are becoming more and more stringent, in order to prevent the occurrence of all kinds of traffic violations from the source, recently many places across the country have carried out special rectification actions, urban areas, townships, rural markets are strictly investigating three or four-wheeled vehicles, car owners should pay attention to the offenders will be directly fined, vehicle seizure and towing punishment.

Recently, Ningxia Guyuan has been focusing on the rectification of various traffic violations of electric two, three and four-wheeled vehicles, and clearly proposed to strengthen the investigation and handling of traffic violations such as electric two, three and four-wheeled vehicles without a license and license, running red lights, driving in the opposite direction, and not wearing safety helmets.

Third, the four-wheeled vehicle inspection is coming, urban areas, towns, and rural areas, and offenders are detained and fined
Third, the four-wheeled vehicle inspection is coming, urban areas, towns, and rural areas, and offenders are detained and fined

Including Shanxi Yuncheng, it is also proposed to vigorously carry out special rectification of illegal carrying of tricycles to ensure the safety and smoothness of urban and rural roads in the jurisdiction. In the operation, the police will adhere to the combination of "punishment + education", correct it in action, and more importantly, improve the traffic safety awareness of drivers and passengers.

On the whole, the trend of many places in the management of electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles has been clear, and standardized management is the general trend. The majority of car owners only take countermeasures in advance, and they will not face fines and detains on the road.

Third, the four-wheeled vehicle inspection is coming, urban areas, towns, and rural areas, and offenders are detained and fined

Key point 1: Don't buy non-standard models

Although many places have set up transitional policies for non-standard electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles, those that are allowed to be registered are non-compliant models that are in use in the market before the announcement is issued. When buying three- and four-wheeled vehicles, you must pay attention to the remarks that you can go on the road without getting a license or taking a driver's license. If it is found that there are stores selling electric three- and four-wheeled vehicles that do not meet the national standards, you can report them in a timely manner, and buy a car to identify models with 3C certification, certificate of conformity, vehicle consistency certification, and complete qualifications, so as to ensure that the follow-up license plate is worry-free on the road.

Third, the four-wheeled vehicle inspection is coming, urban areas, towns, and rural areas, and offenders are detained and fined

Key point 2: Illegal manning should be avoided

In fact, it is not difficult to find through the rectification of three- and four-wheeled vehicles in many places that illegal carrying people is also a major focus of investigation and punishment on the road. The rear compartment of the freight tricycle can only be used to transport goods, illegal carrying of people to themselves, others and road travel safety will bring hidden dangers, on the road traffic police will take education and persuasion punishment, the owner must standardize the use of the car, improve driving safety.

Third, the four-wheeled vehicle inspection is coming, urban areas, towns, and rural areas, and offenders are detained and fined

Of course, there is another point to remind the majority of car owners, whether it is an electric tricycle or a four-wheeled vehicle, the license plate and driver's license problem must be solved before hitting the road. Now non-standard models can also be filed on the temporary transitional license plate, and the owner shall file the license plate in accordance with local requirements in a timely manner. As for the driver's license, now the motorcycle driver's license is directly sent to the countryside and sent to the village, and it is definitely much more convenient for the owner to take the driver's license than before.