
For five years, Uncle Gong has always remembered this friendship

author:Linghe Police

Recently, the Shiqiaozi Police Station of the Linghe Public Security Bureau received a touching letter of thanks, in which Uncle Gong told the story of him and the policeman Zhao Yang.

For five years, Uncle Gong has always remembered this friendship

Uncle Gong, who is over seventy years old, is a resident of Wenchang Community, Shiqiaozi Street, his wife has passed away for many years, and he has been living alone, in April this year, he wanted to give his son a birthday gift and a surprise to the child, but found that he couldn't remember his son's specific date of birth for a while, so he came to the Shiqiaozi Police Station to find police officer Zhao Yang for help.

Five years ago, Zhao Yang met Uncle Gong when he was a police officer in Wenchang Community, and when he saw him living alone, he often went to his home to greet him, and formed a deep friendship with Uncle Gong. One day in 2021, when Uncle Gong was crossing the road in front of the Splendid Home Community, he didn't want to be hit by a car, so Uncle Gong called Zhao Yang for help, and Zhao Yang rushed to the scene as soon as possible, contacted the ambulance to contact his family, and provided help in time.

For five years, Uncle Gong has always remembered this friendship

Later, Zhao Yang changed his position and no longer worked as a community policeman, but he still often cared about Uncle Gong's life. A few days ago, Uncle Gong came to the Shiqiaozi Police Station, Zhao Yang warmly received him, helped him check the household registration file, found his son's date of birth, worried that he would not remember, and found a pen and paper to write on the paper, and put the note in Uncle Gong's household registration book. Ask the uncle if there is anything else? The uncle said, go to the morning market to buy a piece of tofu and then go home.

Zhao Yang was on duty that day, but he saw that the uncle's legs and feet were not good and he was struggling to walk, so he asked the auxiliary policemen on the same shift, Jin Shu and Zhang Zhengbin, to drive to the palace uncle. There were a lot of people in the morning market that day, and auxiliary police officer Jin Shu got out of the car first and bought 5 yuan tofu for the uncle.

For five years, Uncle Gong has always remembered this friendship

After returning home, Uncle Gong was very moved, so he wrote this letter of thanks word by word, telling the story of him and the policeman Zhao Yang. Uncle Gong said, "That year, at the party member meeting in the community, Zhao Yang said that the old people in the community are my parents, the residents are my brothers and sisters, and my mobile phone is turned on 24 hours a day, so you can look for me if you have something." Uncle Gong was deeply moved by these words, and he still remembered that Zhao Yang had said his mobile phone number several times.

Seeking truth, seeking truth and meticulousness, and serving the people in the jurisdiction are the daily working principles of all the people's auxiliary police of the Shiqiaozi Police Station, and the support and affirmation of the masses are also their driving force. Thanks to Uncle Gong, thank you to the people in the jurisdiction for their support to the police work, and the police and the people work together to create a safe and beautiful new home.