
Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

E-commerce newspaper Pro

2024-06-03 09:25Posted on the official account of Guangdong E-commerce News

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

The Cannes red carpet has become an Internet celebrity check-in place

This year's Cannes Film Festival has just ended. As in previous years, the star-studded Cannes red carpet still attracts attention.

Gong Li, Tong Liya, Tang Yan, Guan Xiaotong, Zhang Tianai...... The glamorous female stars have become a beautiful scenery on the red carpet.

Unexpectedly, a female Internet celebrity who is not very famous won the official close-up of Cannes for a minute. And there are almost no official shots of female stars in domestic entertainment.

This Internet celebrity's name is Qianhui, her full name is Wanqianhui, and she has more than 6 million followers on Douyin. According to the data, she is the wife of musician San Bao, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, and is currently the anchor of Douyin.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Source: Official video of the Cannes Film Festival

It can be said that among the Internet celebrities who come to the red carpet, she is the most popular, the most extravagant, and the most pompous.

Under the official lens, Qianhui was followed from the moment she got off the bus, with close-ups of her face, and a full-body vista, and a stunning appearance of a black and white swan dress at the beginning, just by covering an area, she had already won hemp.

On the Cannes red carpet this time, Qianhui brought three sets of looks, in addition to the black and white swan dress, there is also a mermaid princess dress and a yellow dress, which are very eye-catching, and the appearance effect is comparable to that of a first-line female star.

It is understood that Qianhui's styling team is Fan Bingbing's royal team: Bu Kewen, Wish Gui, no wonder there is an old man's posture.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Source: Qianhui Weibo

It is rumored on the Internet that Qianhui is the sales champion of Fan Bingbing's skin care brand Fan Beauty, and in order to reward her, Fan Bingbing generously lent her team to fulfill her red carpet dream.

Regarding the Cannes red carpet this time, Qianhui herself said that she was going to accept the award and was invited as a candidate for the award. At the same time, she also thanked the brand Fang Tingyan (a domestic medical technology company) for the invitation on Weibo.

It is reported that in order to wear the oversized skirt dress that was photographed by the Cannes red carpet official for one minute, Qianhui said that she "shrank her waist directly to 58 centimeters" in almost 10 days.

Regarding being captured by the official footage, Chie said, "Is this considered to win glory for the country? At least there is no disgrace. Regarding the hot search with the word "Internet celebrity", she said: "Does Internet celebrity have to be a derogatory term? Who defines the notion that it is not good? Can I redefine it? ”

In addition to Qianhui, the bottom hot child, Lu Xianren, Wang Qiye, Sister Maomao and Aunt Cleaning ...... These Internet celebrity faces that are often seen in short videos have also appeared on the Cannes red carpet.

The bottom hot boy who once again exposed his raw pictures, the supermodel Lu Xianren who played steadily, Wang Qiye, who is still a little abstract but eye-catching, and Sister Mao Mao even brought the cleaning aunt to the Cannes red carpet.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Source: Wang Qiye Weibo

It feels like they are going to say that sentence in the next second, "Life is as easy as a snap."

They are all Douyin's top Internet celebrities with over 10 million levels, even if there is no official footage on the red carpet this time, their own recorded trip to the Cannes red carpet has become their popular short video content material, and the number of likes has soared.

Judging from the retouched photos and videos that flowed out, they are very well prepared for this Cannes red carpet, and their styling creativity and jewelry style are even comparable to other stars.

Of course, not all Internet celebrities have the capital to dress up and support the scene. In order to grab the camera, these Internet celebrities can be said to do everything.

有人穿着东北大花,要“征服世界”;有人穿着马面裙,扇子两面分别写了Not Dior、From China;有人穿的像“芒果绵绵冰”……

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Internet celebrity Li Meiyue Source: Weibo

There are also people who pretend to be the spicy-eyed "Jade Emperor Queen Mother", but they were revealed to be the director and actor of a certain movie, and this time they came to promote the movie. They are not Internet celebrities, but they can be regarded as the ultimate set of Internet celebrities.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Source: Weibo

The Cannes red carpet with demons dancing is very similar to the Heze station that was full a few days ago. Some people are in the limelight, and some people are all foreigners.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

1.5 million just for one shot?

The phenomenon of Internet celebrities coming to the red carpet in Cannes is not a year or two. Last year, Cheng Shi'an and Oxidized Ju, who were also top Internet celebrities, have already walked on the Cannes red carpet.

Cinema tickets in Cannes are by invitation only and are not available to the general public. In the general perception, those who can walk on the red carpet in Cannes are basically celebrities with works and popularity. If there is no star of the work to appear on the Cannes red carpet in a high-profile manner, it will inevitably be questioned by the public.

In recent years, many celebrities have begun to appear on the Cannes red carpet, and they will basically say that they were invited by the brand.

It is reported that some large brand sponsors invite their own spokespersons and Internet celebrities to walk the red carpet every year.

Relatively speaking, the coffee position on the red carpet is not particularly important, it depends on who can be more eye-catching and grab more shots.

If you shoot it, you earn it, and it's not the lens that you grab, it's the traffic and popularity.

At the same time, spending money to be on the red carpet in Cannes has long been a secret in the industry.

Many in-house movie tickets will flow into the market, sold through intermediaries, public relations companies, travel companies, etc., with clearly marked prices, and even spawned companies and institutions that specialize in red carpet services.

A few years ago, there were still more stars on the Cannes red carpet, and with the gradual rise of Internet celebrity groups, the Cannes red carpet has also become a traffic password for them.

Recently, the influx of Chinese Internet celebrities on the red carpet in Cannes has once again sparked heated discussions.

A media person, Hong Huang, learned from a French public relations office about the business situation behind the Internet celebrity's paid appearance on the Cannes red carpet.

According to reports, if Internet celebrities want to go to the red carpet of the opening ceremony to take pictures, a one-stop service including makeup, photography, and transportation requires 1.5 million.

The official hotel prepared by the film festival for celebrities must have a work permit to enter, but someone secretly sells a work permit to Internet celebrities, and it is said that the price is 20,000 yuan.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Source: Hong Huang Xiaohongshu

In terms of photography, because selfies are prohibited on the Cannes red carpet, only journalists with press cards can take red carpet photos in Cannes.

Before the Internet celebrity goes on the red carpet, he must first tell his name to a reporter with a press card, and after walking on the red carpet, he needs to wait for a reporter to call his name, and the Internet celebrity can pose to the reporter who is in good contact.

In this way, a photo of an Internet celebrity walking the red carpet in Cannes was born. And the reason why Internet celebrities walk slowly on the red carpet has also been found.

The "most famous person" from the media heard from the intermediary that it costs 800 euros, or about 6,300 yuan, to leave a red carpet photo.

According to the intermediary, the price of admission tickets to the Cannes red carpet changes every year, and his red carpet tickets are 42,000 yuan this year.

In other words, if you just want to experience the Cannes red carpet, spend tens of thousands of dollars and sell dresses casually, you can go on the red carpet.

But Internet celebrities work hard to come to this trip, not only to walk the red carpet, but also to add more money than red carpet tickets.

In terms of styling makeup and hair, the agency said that it could help find hairstylists and fashion designers who have styled celebrities. And if you want to hire these people to serve you, the price is basically very expensive.

The above-mentioned service for Internet celebrity Qianhui this time, and Bu Kewen, the costume designer used by Fan Bingbing, is also Fan Bingbing's royal clothing designer, and it is said that his quotation for making skirts is about 400,000.

These exposed information are only the tip of the iceberg of the phenomenon of Internet celebrity paid red carpets.

For some, having a little presence at a high-profile event like the Cannes Film Festival is well worth it.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

The top Internet celebrity entered the market in a high-profile manner

If Heze Station is a collective carnival of a bunch of small Internet celebrities, then the Cannes red carpet is just a background board for a bunch of Internet celebrities to throw money at themselves.

For domestic Internet celebrities, going abroad to participate in the Cannes red carpet is equivalent to gilding, and if you are lucky, you may be able to be favored by international luxury brands.

Compared with small Internet celebrities who are trying to rub traffic, it is also a trend for more top Internet celebrities to walk on the red carpet in a high-profile manner.

As the top Internet celebrities in the industry, they have accumulated a certain amount of fan voice and capital, have a professional team to operate, and their performance on the Cannes red carpet is not even worse than that of celebrities.

The public is generally not optimistic about the behavior of Internet celebrities to rub the red carpet, and to some extent, they are no different from stars who have no works to walk the red carpet.

People like to look at powerful and strong, and they don't like clowns who slap their swollen faces and become fat.

If done properly, the head Internet celebrity on the Cannes red carpet is undoubtedly an opportunity to further expand his popularity and exposure. It's nothing for the Internet celebrity Sister Mao Mao to go on the red carpet, but the Internet celebrity Sister Mao Mao took the cleaning aunt on the red carpet, and it was very explosive.

The little person stepped onto the big stage, and the life of the cleaning aunt counterattacked, which is an inappropriate traffic password.

Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

Source: Yu and Mao Mao's Weibo

Moreover, it is not only the pursuit of traffic exposure, but also the intention of Internet celebrities to walk the red carpet may also mean that they want to develop towards a more high-end development.

The number of followers of Internet celebrities increases, and the commercial value will gradually increase. In the process of traffic monetization, if you win an international brand's advertisement, you can earn more than dozens of small brand advertisements.

Last year, Brother Yang's apprentice "Yellow of the Traffic Light" caused controversy due to the live broadcast style when bringing YSL products, and it has not been rebroadcast, which is embarrassing.

Lu Xianren has gone from being dressed in tatters to today's full height and becoming famous, which is also enviable.

The top Internet celebrities are constantly breaking through the ceiling, and the admission tickets that can be solved with money at this time are not too cost-effective.

Author | Pandora

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  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic
  • Internet celebrities smashed millions on the Cannes red carpet, and they really worked hard for traffic

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