
National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

Football Newspaper

2024-06-03 10:42Posted on the official account of Guangdong Football News

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

Reporter Jia Yanfeng reports that once again on Chinese soil, Ivankovic's tan hair has been dyed white by the years. However, his eyes remained steadfast and his heart was still full of desire for victory. In the face of doubts and expectations, he took it in stride, and he knew that the real challenge began. Shenyang, the city that has witnessed the glory of Chinese football, has now become his battlefield again.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

"Over the years, I have been following the development of Chinese football. After taking over the Chinese team, I feel that the current group of players has significantly improved their ability to accept complex tactics compared to when I first coached in China. "As in the past, Ivan always finds some positive signs in the midst of difficulties to cheer himself up.

Talking about the preparation, Ivan expressed his gratitude, "At the beginning, I felt the support from many aspects, and the Football Association prepared a strong support team for me, which was more meticulous and thoughtful, and basically implemented according to my requirements. So, the pressure is really coming to me...... Hehe, don't give me any room to make excuses. With that, he smiled.

Ivan, it seems, is not so nervous, after all, there have been many similar moments in his coaching experience. Therefore, even if you know that the task is difficult, you can still face it calmly.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

It is worth mentioning that during his time in Oman, Ivan and Milou became good friends, and before returning to China, Milou shared a lot of experience with him.

Unlike his predecessor Jankovic's militarized management model, Ivan's attitude is relatively open. In the first few days when there is no specific tactical training content, the training sessions are open to the media throughout the course; After entering the tactical training session, it will be open for 20 minutes. Another point is more intimate, in the past, players were arranged to accept media group interviews after training, but now it has been changed to before training, so as to ensure that the media has sufficient time to prepare manuscripts, so as not to wait outside the field during the period when they cannot watch training; It can also ensure that the players can return to the room to take a shower as soon as possible after the training, reducing the risk of colds.

In each training session, the technical analyst will use a drone to film the entire training process, and then edit it according to Ivan's requirements so that he can find problems. This analyst, with whom he has worked for a long time, trusts each other. In addition, the Football Association has also done a good job of intelligence gathering, and has a good understanding of the opponent's formation, injuries, personnel characteristics, etc., compared to the rush against Singapore, this time against Thailand, the preparation is much more substantial.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

It's been a long time since such an important game has been held in Shenyang, and it's time for the league break, so many old internationals have come to visit the class.

Li Jinyu came with his son, he took a photo with everyone on the sidelines, Ivan passed by at this time, but walked away after taking a photo with his son.

"He must be treating me like a regular fan!" Li Jinyu smiled, but as soon as he turned his head, Ivan came back with a translator, and he said to Li Jinyu, "When I saw you in the national team, I immediately remembered the scene of the 04 Asian Cup, you and a few of them kicked me out of the final, I remembered this old account again, they have been trained by me, and I have to give you something to see!" Ivan pouted in the direction of Shao Jiayi, Zheng Zhi and others, and Li Jinyu smiled after hearing this. It turned out that pretending not to know was Ivan's "dismount", how could he not know Li Jinyu, the two not only worked together in Taishan, but he also said that Li Jinyu is one of the best players and best strikers in China.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

Zhao Junzhe was also going to come, but because his youngest son was going to have a foot operation, he couldn't get out, so he had to let his eldest son Chenchen pay tribute to the national team as a representative.

"Zhao Junzhe and Liaozu, is one of the most powerful opponents of Taishan in the past, it is a pity that Liaozu was disbanded, I have always believed that the former Liaozu, even if it did not win the championship in the Chinese Super League, is also a championship-level team, whether it is strength or contribution." Ivan said. A similar point of view was also made by Tuba.

Many fans took photos with Ivan, "It really feels like a home stadium here, and I hope that on the day of the game, the enthusiasm of the fans can give us more help!" Ivan muttered to himself.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

Ivan has worked in four national teams in different capacities, first playing the World Cup in France as an assistant coach in Croatia; then played the Asian Cup in China and the World Cup in Germany as the head coach of Iran; played the Asian Cup as the head coach of Oman; China is the fourth national team led by Ivan. When this newspaper asked him which national team had the most difficult work, he did not hesitate to say that it must be China, because China is very big and special.

"Isn't it hard to work in Iran? It seems that there is always a very strong criticism directed at you. The reporter asked him.

"On the whole, Iran's football culture is still very deep, the youth training system is relatively complete, and the international players' understanding of football rules and tactics is relatively unified." Ivan said.

Ivan believes that Chinese football currently does not have a relatively clear and unified football system, the league is fighting separately, and the requirements for playing are different, so when selecting people, in addition to considering the ability required for basic position responsibilities, we should also consider their understanding of offensive and defensive principles, and the concept should be as close as possible, which can save time.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

In this squad, some players don't have a lot of playing time in the middle of the squad, but they are still selected, Ivan said so, and it is understandable.

In addition, when it comes to selection, Ivan pays more attention to the balance of attack and defense, which can also explain why some players show good individual skills but fail to make the selection.

In the battle between China and Thailand on June 6, if it is won, the Chinese team will advance to the round of 18. "I hope that the players can play a game without regrets, don't think too much, don't have all kinds of concerns, and don't put shackles on themselves in advance." "I chose them all, so I'm fully responsible for them and the results," Ivan said. After the World Cup in Qatar, Dalic [Croatia's manager] spoke to me and said that what he was more proud of than his results was that he had built a team that was united and dedicated to fighting for each other. All the glory achieved by the team belongs to the country and to the people. ”

Ivan's meaning is clear, he wants the internationals to let go of their hands and feet, to fight for their dreams and for each other.

National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

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  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses
  • National Football Coach: The Football Association has prepared a strong security team and does not give me any room to make excuses

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