
Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

author:Autumn water chops the wild goose

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

Three teams in Guangdong, three destinies. Needless to mention, Hongyuan must have a long history, a deep culture, and a capable team. What about Guangzhou? Auction players, the economy is not good. What about Shenzhen? There are also big moves, they are not financial, on the contrary, it should be the players and the squad that have problems.

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

In the past few seasons, Shenzhen has invested a lot, but the effect is average. This team has always been a team with excellent conditions and average endings.

Since Li Muhao joined, the Shenzhen team has made people have great hopes. Later, there was a big bird, and a famous basketball commentator once said that the big bird Shen Zijie is the most likely player among Chinese players to impact the NBA. However, time has passed, and as we get older, this may have become completely impossible.

No way, this is the choice and destiny of a player on the way to growth.

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

Let's talk about Li Muhao first, who is 2.17 meters tall, has speed, bounce, flexibility, and flexibility. He also participated in the NBA draft, and in terms of his conditions, it blinded many people's eyes. As for Shen Zijie, when he first debuted, when Wang Shipeng interviewed him, he asked him: Why did you choose to play basketball, and his answer was very interesting: Glory to the ancestors!

Very simple, very real guy. And the personal conditions are also excellent, with high bounce, fast bounce speed, and sensitive response. has a super long arm span, which is like being born out of nowhere, which makes fans full of hope.

It didn't take long for Li Muhao to be good at confrontation and not dare to confront The characteristics were revealed. And this basketball is a sport that requires physical contact, and if you don't dare to fight, you will never be able to play. Especially in the NBA, which advocates confrontation, it is unthinkable that there is no strong confrontation.

Moreover, Li Muhao is very willing to attack, he has to use his hands to cover himself, is he afraid of colliding! Waiting for him to go north to the capital is a small peak in his life. Then, there was nothing to do, and he was already a substitute player when he returned to Shenzhen.

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

And the big bird Shen Zijie, until today, a mid-term investment is still difficult. He is characterized by secondary rebounds and baseline eating, and attacking with the ball is his difficulty. In other words, it's all about someone assisting, no one giving him the right amount of ball, and he's just a piece of wood, just stumbling under the basket.

There is also a feature that is more characteristic than the others. That is the "peacemaker" on the field, if anyone is excited and has a quarrel, Shen Zijie will immediately step forward as long as he is present, hug the parties, persuade carefully, and turn the conflict into a jade silk. A lot of basketball hosts appreciate him for that, it's great!

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

But internally, he was very horizontal, in front of the TV camera, he scolded He Xining the same, and told the coach that he would fall. So, he has another name: Ball Tyrant!

Soft on the outside and arrogant on the inside, Shen Zijie is also a player with a lot of character.

It's going to be fine, Shenzhen wants to trade him. Finally, the management came to their senses and did not send away the ball tyrant, the team had a hard time, and it was impossible to go further.

Another news is that the team is going to hire Zhou Peng as an assistant coach. In fact, if Zhou Peng has coaching qualifications, he doesn't need to be an assistant coach, it must be good to let him be a coach directly. At the very least, he will far surpass the best coach, Qiu Biao.

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

Qiu Biao was really embarrassed on the stage of the finals. The 1 and 5 blocks and dismantlings of a Liaoning team turned out to be no way at all, and they could not find a contingency plan. In vain!

Zhou Peng is a person who is very willing to play with his mind, seeing him on the court, his sense of smell is very sensitive, and he will always appear in the position where he is most needed. Use the movements and methods he should use most to coordinate with his teammates and increase the intensity of the attack.

Although his projection is a nerve knife, sometimes he hits a series of threes, and sometimes, he hits iron frequently.

But his role on the court is absolutely top-notch, especially on the defensive end, and so far, no player has made offensive fouls as accurately as he does. It's just that the CBA referee is too poor and misjudged the offensive foul, but he still did it at a critical moment.

Send away the big birds, promote the teaching assistants, it's time to be reborn

This offensive foul is about your ability to anticipate and accurately and advance the offensive player's line. Is it in advance? Do you greet each other head-on? It's all principles.

Look at every defensive action of Zhou Peng, the most in place! Not one of them.

Now, the game has to implement the four quarters of six people with foreign aid. That's easy to do, find a big man to play as an inside line. Outside, there are many very good players in Shenzhen who are rising, such as Rong Zifeng, Wu Zihan and so on. It can be expected that there is another substitute for Li Muhao, which is basically not much worse than Shen Zijie.

This action of Shenzhen should be good news for the Mark Polo team! Make the right choice.