
"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Grilled entertainment

2024-06-03 13:58Posted in Liaoning Entertainment Creators

Text | Grilled entertainment

came to the 5th season of "Sister Lang", which obviously "started high and went low", after three performances, there were still no popular sisters and popular stages, and the guest lineup itself was insufficient, so the communication power and influence of the show were also greatly reduced.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Why does "Sister Lang 5" have such a situation? A careful review reveals that there are no more than three reasons.

First, the selection and arrangement of songs seriously dragged behind, and a large number of backup dancers filled the big stage, which limited the performance of the sisters, and the performance stage was not brilliant.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Second, the competition system lacks new tricks, the reality show editing is not brilliant enough, and there are no famous scenes out of the circle so far, and the topic is naturally weakened.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Third, Mango failed to bet at the beginning, the powerful treasure sister was snubbed by the camera, and the strong sister couldn't hold up the façade, and the reputation of the show continued to decline.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

After three performances on the stage, the basic context of the program "Sister Lang 5" has been clear, and Mango's preferences are not hidden. It's a pity that the vision of the program team has always been very poor, the setting of the script story line is too obvious, the popularity ranking is difficult to convince the public, and the audience has never bought it.

3 sisters were forced

Based on multiple dimensions such as the number of shots, story line, popularity ranking, and publicity and momentum, the praise plan of "Sister Lang 5" was also exposed early, and the three sisters Qi Wei, Liu Xin, and He Jie are undoubtedly the key objects of care of the program team.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Qi Wei was invited by the program team from the first season, and finally made a blockbuster appearance this year, and Mango was naturally entrusted with the important task and booked the C position early. The first stage firmly occupied the C position, became the core captain early, and the popularity ranking remained high. There are all kinds of signs that Mango is determined to give the C position to Qi Wei.

It's a pity that Qi Wei's performance in "Sister Lang 5" was unsatisfactory, and her high popularity and hard power did not match, and controversy ensued over time.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Judging from the content presented on the first stage and the performance stage, Qi Wei lacked highlight performance, the original songs on the first stage were ridiculed by the group, and the live broadcast of the full open mic exposed the shortcomings of her singing skills, and was recited by the host Qi Sijun in front of the hot search, and the scene was extremely embarrassing. Qi Wei needs to come up with an explosive stage performance next, otherwise the C position will be a hot potato for her.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

He Jie shouted to the "Sister Lang" program team many times, and finally got the opportunity to appear this year. It can be seen that He Jie is holding back a lot of energy, and she also wants to prove herself in her heart, and Mango is also willing to cooperate with He Jie to stage a counterattack drama, starting from the self-recommended track, which does give her enough room to play.

But He Jie used too much force, and wanted to prove that she had strength and topics, but it backfired. After the four public groups were grouped, He Jie and Shang Wenjie had a dispute because of a chorus passage, and finally He Jie patted his ass and left, all the weaknesses in his personality were exposed, and the hot search was there, but the popularity of passers-by was lost.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Judging from the follow-up exposure content, He Jie's popularity will usher in a counterattack, but such a setting has lost a lot of popularity among passers-by, and there is basically no chance to become popular through the show.

As a popular player of Fast Girl, Liu Xin is also a popular player in "Sister Lang 5". Judging from the ranking of personal favorites, Liu Xin has been popular all the way, but judging from the performance in the show, in addition to his high popularity, there is not much content in the circle of fans, the performance stage is not brilliant, and the live broadcast of the full open mic also exposes its shortcomings, although its singing skills have improved, there is an obvious gap compared with Yuan Yawei, Shang Wenjie and other sisters.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

It is not a problem for Liu Xin to win the group quota, but there are no surprises on the stage and in the reality show part, and the high popularity only stays in the fandom, and the possibility of becoming a hit through the show is zero.

The dark horse script is too obvious

After three performances on the stage, the biggest dark horse of "Sister Lang 5" finally surfaced, and she was Chen Haoyu. The popularity of the first public ranked 22nd, the second public popularity ranked 14th, and the third public popularity ranked directly counterattacked to 6th.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Regarding Chen Haoyu's sudden rise, netizens' evaluations are polarized. Some people think that she has the strength and popularity to deserve such a position. But some people think that it is just a script setting, Chen Haoyu has become the object of Mango's support, and the whole story line is very cleverly arranged.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Judging from the whole process of the competition, Chen Haoyu is indeed very competitive, and the first song "Wild Son" on the first stage has set the tone for his advancement, and every performance has also played well. But I also have to admit that the script that the program team did give her was brilliant enough.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Even though the popularity ranking is not the top 4, Chen Haoyu still broke through successfully and got the qualification of captain, and the competition system of the fourth public seems to be tailor-made for her. As the captain, Chen Haoyu "grabbed" a hand of ace bomb cards, there is no shortcoming in the team, the competition system is set to be the captain must play in the reward show, and the mechanism of guaranteeing people reflects the captain's high emotional intelligence and high pattern.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

After the Four Princes, Chen Haoyu's story line and character design will be further fleshed out, and his popularity will rise to a new level. According to the development of such a script, Chen Haoyu will lead the team to break through all the way, and finally form a group at a high position and usher in a chance to turn the tables in the entertainment industry.

4 treasures were left out in the cold

Some sisters' talents are shown by the camera, and some sisters are not so lucky, obviously their strength is online, but the light is hidden, and they don't completely break out in the show.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Chen Lijun, Yuan Yawei, Shang Wenjie, and Zheng Nicole are the four sisters, and their stage strength is very outstanding, but the shots and story lines are not outstanding, which has become difficult for many audiences.

Chen Lijun is undoubtedly the out-and-out popularity king of this season's show, and she is leading the popularity fault line as soon as she debuts, and the leading fault line of various online voting data is a good example.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Chen Lijun's high popularity did not change the persistence of the camera and story line, but was directly pitted by the rules. Chen Lijun lost her qualification as captain early, and after joining Qi Wei's group, she completely became a "transparent person", with few shots and an incomplete story line. Because of physical reasons, Chen Lijun also withdrew from the live show, and the popular king was directly marginalized in the show.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Yuan Yawei is recognized as a big vocal, but there is always no room for performance in the show, and the selection of songs has never been able to get a song that suits him, and the popularity ranking is also outside the group position. The big vocal has become a popular bag in the show, and it is no wonder that netizens hope that Yuan Yawei will go to "Singer 2024" next door.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Nicole Zheng, who was born in a girl group, won the first place on the first stage, has no shortcomings in singing and dancing, and her stage performance is impeccable. But his ability was not recognized, and after losing his captain's qualification, the number of shots plummeted, and his popularity ranking fell from the 5th place in the first public to the 21st place in the third public, and it is unknown whether he can form a group.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

is also a supergirl, but Shang Wenjie did not enjoy the preferential treatment of the home field in "Sister Lang 5". From the first stage to the three performance stages, it was difficult to find a victory, the match point show lost to He Jie, the identity of the captain was also lost, and the popularity ranking was even stuck in the 10th place.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

As a super female champion, Shang Wenjie's strength is obvious to all, and a live show can explain everything. Shang Wenjie was full of firepower, her singing skills were solid, and the typhoon was atmospheric, leaving the other 6 sisters behind, and the 1,000 viewers at the scene voted for Shang Wenjie, and she also won the first place as she wished.

"Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

In addition to her outstanding stage strength, Shang Wenjie's sense of variety shows is also very strong, with personality, variety show, and pattern, which gives the audience a strong sense of contrast. Originally, Shang Wenjie could shine in the show like Chen Chusheng, but Mango ruined such a script with her own hands, played a good hand of cards poorly, and wasted such a good C candidate.

Do you have anything to say about "Sister Lang 5"?

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  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures
  • "Sister Lang 5" failed to bet! 3 people were forced out of the circle, the dark horse script is obvious, but it's a pity that there are 4 treasures

Personal opinion, for reference only

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