
Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

SJ Sports Circle

2024-06-03 15:28Published in Hunan

The NBA league is every inch of land, the league and team owners are making a lot of money, and the players' salaries are also rising! Take players as an example, according to NBA salary website Spotrac, there will be 6 players in the league with an annual salary of more than $50 million next season, they are Curry ($55.76 million), James/Jokic ($51.42 million), Durant ($51.18 million) and Beal ($50.2 million); Take the league as an example, according to previous reports by the American media, the NBA is about to finalize a new broadcast contract with ESPN, NBC, and Amazon with an annual broadcast cost of more than $7 billion, which means that the league will soon give birth to stars with an annual salary of more than $80 million or even more than $100 million! The carnival of the future of the NBA belongs to young people, and not every veteran can always get a piece of the pie with a super top salary like the old Giancurry! Looking at today's alliance, there is a meritorious veteran in the east and west who is eager to get a decent pension contract, but both of them have become the most undignified veterans!

Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

Tang Shen refused to pay 50 million US dollars for 2 years, and the warriors were benevolent and righteous

On the western side, the most undignified veteran is Tang Shen! Tang Shen spent his entire career with the Golden State Warriors, and he and Curry are regarded as the best scorers in NBA history. In this process, Tang Shen suffered devastating injuries for two consecutive seasons, but the Warriors still provided him with a 5-year super cap salary contract of $190 million, writing the most emotional story in the history of competitive sports, as if to tell: Don't be afraid, Tang Shen, you are responsible for recuperating the injury, and I am responsible for supporting you! However, as the Warriors dynasty came to an end and lost its competitiveness for the championship, and as the team's salary exploded and the super luxury tax was triggered year after year, the Warriors had to take the initiative to change to adapt to the new version of the NBA's collective bargaining agreement.

Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

Tang Shen's contract has expired, and in the past year, Tang Shen and the Warriors have been negotiating a contract extension, but they have never been able to find an answer that satisfies each other! According to NBA Register Shams, the Warriors have always been willing to provide Tang Shen with a 2-year $50 million contract extension, but Tang Shen decisively refused, and there was no progress in the renewal negotiations! The 34-year-old is hungry for a decent retirement contract, but his quality and the reality of the Warriors are not enough to sustain it. This past season, the Warriors missed the playoffs, and Tang played 77 games, averaging 17.9 points + 3.3 rebounds + 2.3 assists + 3.5 three-pointers per game, shooting only 43.2%. From a top 3D superstar to a three-point blacksmith, Tang Shen is unwilling to accept reality, and Xu has played the last game of his Warriors career; The warriors are also benevolent, they are also ready to say goodbye to the soup god, and they need to cultivate young people like Kuminga.

Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

Butt demanded $113 million over two years, and Riley did it step by step

On the eastern side, the most unseemly veteran is none other than Jimmy Butler! From the Bulls to the Timberwolves, and then from the 76ers to the Heat, Butler's jersey color has been changing, but the attributes of the court's tough guy have always been the same, and they reached their peak during the Heat period! 5 seasons, 5 playoff trips, 3 times to the Eastern Conference Finals, 2 times to the Finals, Butler used his hardness to lead the civilian heat forward and left countless famous scenes, just one championship ring is missing to be a god! However, Butler's regular season paddling playoff style of play is mixed, especially this season, Butler suffered an injury in the playoffs and was reimbursed for the season, which directly led to the Heat being 1-4 in the first round! But then again, what if Butler doesn't get hurt? Considering the roster reserves of teams such as the Green Army and the Knicks armed to the teeth, it seems that it will be difficult for the Heat to make waves in the East! Although Butler and the Heat fell, Butler's mouth was still very hard, and he bluntly said in an interview: If I can't play, the Green Army will have gone home, and the New York Knicks will definitely have to go home!

Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

It's not so much that Butler is blindly confident, it's that he's building momentum in my own contract extension negotiations. The 34-year-old has two years left on his contract worth $101.2 million, a salary of $48.8 million next season, and a player option worth $52.41 million for the '25-26 season. According to NBA salary expert Bobby Marks, Butler has two options for an early contract extension. First, Butler can decide to exercise the 25-26 season player option in the offseason and sign a one-year, $58.6 million early contract extension with the Heat; Second, Butler could waive the '25-26 player option and re-sign a two-year, $113 million early contract extension. Butty's unsuccessful request for a big contract caused Riley to fight back, and Riley stepped forward, saying bluntly in an interview: If you can't play, you should keep your mouth shut. If you're going to get a top salary, we've got to think about it, it's a big decision to invest so many resources, unless he's going to play every night! Judging from the current situation, even if the Heat lose Butler, they will not meet his salary extension requirements.

Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just a business

Veterans don't die, but veterans will eventually wither! Whether it is Tang Shen or Butler, their age, physical condition, competitive state, salary space of the parent team and the strict new version of the NBA collective bargaining agreement all determine that it is difficult for them to get a decent pension contract as they wish, and Tang Shen Butler will undoubtedly become the representative of the most undignified veteran, leaving may not be the best solution but has to be put on the agenda! To put it more bluntly, in the Warriors, Tang Shen's status cannot be compared with that of the team soul library; In the Heat, Butler's treatment will not be better than Wade, the former team soul, and Xiao Tiantian when she is in the prime of life will eventually become an aging Mrs. Niu. This is the most real and cruel NBA, it's just a business! Fans, what do you think about this? Leave me a comment to discuss.

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  • Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business
  • Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business
  • Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business
  • Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business
  • Reject 50 million! Ask for 113 million! The most unseemly veteran is born, and the NBA is just business

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