
With the blessing of top art resources, China Railway Construction Real Estate plays a sense of rhythm at home

author:Xi'an property market dynamics

On June 2, the Art Community Co-creation Conference jointly organized by China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China Region and Shaanxi Grand Theatre and Xi'an Concert Hall came to an end in the Opera Hall of Shaanxi Grand Theatre.

Li Yuan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Director of China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China Company, and Cao Yan, General Manager of Shaanxi Grand Theatre Xi'an Concert Hall, shared their perceptions and thoughts on the empowerment of culture and art in community life by China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China Company and Shaanxi Grand Theatre Xi'an Concert Hall. Wen Wanliang, general manager of Western Film Media, shared the relationship between the city, art and life from the perspective of a documentary. On behalf of the company, Li Liuan, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China Company, signed a strategic cooperation plan for the art community with Shaanxi Grand Theatre, Xi'an Concert Hall and West Film Media and the shooting plan of the first full-process documentary "Housework Trivials" in the real estate industry.

The heavyweight guest Li Sisi assisted, the top symphony opened, the principal soloist of the Xi'an Symphony Orchestra, and the children's choir of the Xi'an Concert Hall sang. Different from the traditional real estate brand conference, the art community co-creation conference in Central China of China Railway Construction Real Estate can be described as full of literary and artistic style, and the reason why it can leverage so many top cultural and artistic resources is due to the continuous cultivation of China Railway Construction Real Estate in Central China for eight years and the continuous thinking about urban culture and lifestyle.

With the blessing of top art resources, China Railway Construction Real Estate plays a sense of rhythm at home

City + culture plays a strong brand voice

In 2016, with a very forward-looking vision, China Railway Construction Real Estate laid out the city before the first year of the take-off of Greater Xi'an, took the responsibility of the central enterprise as its own responsibility, brought a very representative model of human settlements to the city, and refreshed the new height of residential buildings in the north of Xi'an with leading products. At the same time, China Railway Construction Real Estate Xi'an Company also has a deep insight into the urgent needs of urban residents for spiritual and cultural life. As a result, the Central China Region of China Railway Construction Real Estate has opened its own unique city + cultural strategy road, bringing countless world-class cultural and artistic works to Xi'an, bringing them to the residents of the city and the owners of China Railway Construction.

Since 2017, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda outdoor performance has been held for three consecutive years, allowing more citizens to have the opportunity to appreciate the charm of symphony. In the same year, the opening premiere of the Shaanxi Grand Theatre and the staged of the self-made opera "Turandot" brought the city an unprecedented audio-visual feast of epic opera culture with a super-first-class production level; In 2018, Central China brought the internationally acclaimed cultural performance IP Youren Divine Drum to Xi'an, sounding the "Heartbeat of Chang'an" under the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and the "With the Masters" art life season launched in the summer of the same year allowed countless small owners to enter the theater and experience the world's top immersive interactive performance "Sraffa's Snow Show"; In 2019, in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Central China joined hands with the Xi'an Symphony Orchestra to create an outdoor performance for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. In 2020, Central China and the Xi'an Symphony Orchestra jointly launched the "National Treasure Concert on the Cloud", which was moved into the museum through online live broadcast, carrying out an unprecedented cultural cross-border feast. In 2021, the world-famous immersive technology art exhibition "teamLab FuturePark" was brought to Xi'an by Central China, bringing the ancient city that is constantly rejuvenating to the world again. In 2023, under the exclusive sponsorship of Central China, the Philharmonic Theatre Management will bring the stage trilogy "Amazing Dream" directed and performed by China's top theater artist Chen Peisi, helping to open a new cultural landmark in Xi'an Beicheng. This year, Central China will also be the world's first real estate brand title sponsor to exclusively launch the "Nielsens & Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 2024 Xi'an Concert", playing the world's top classical music in the ancient city of Xi'an. It can be said that the seven years of China Railway Construction Real Estate in Central China have been deeply involved in Xi'an, and it is also the seven years of Xi'an's urban art and culture bursting with vitality.

Art leads the industry to initiate the ultimate involution

Based on the consensus and tacit understanding of seven years of side by side and the continuous thinking and exploration of urban living lifestyles, China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China has exceeded 10 billion yuan, ranked among the "single-city 10 billion club", and has been firmly chosen by more than 15,000 owners, in 2024, Central China will choose to continue to deepen the city + cultural strategy, introduce top cultural resources from the city into the community, and release in-depth strategic cooperation with Shaanxi Grand Theatre and Xi'an Concert Hall through this co-creation conference. Bringing customized community cultural life to the owners of China Railway Construction Real Estate in Central China.

Ticket purchase benefits, theater exploration, face-to-face with celebrities, percussion experience, and classic performances. The city's top cultural and artistic activities, which are hard to find, will become the daily life of railway construction owners after this strategic signing.

What's more worth mentioning is that the Central China Region of China Railway Construction Real Estate will dig deep into the advantages of art education resources of Shaanxi Grand Theatre and Xi'an Concert Hall, and bring rich art education experience courses to small owners. The Iron Construction Small Owners Choir under the guidance of the Shaanxi Grand Theatre and Xi'an Concert Hall Art Education Center will also start the selection after this co-creation conference, and the outstanding students of the Railway Construction Children's Choir will have the opportunity to go directly to the stage of the Xi'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda City Performance.

With the blessing of top art resources, China Railway Construction Real Estate plays a sense of rhythm at home

While other developers are still rolling up products, China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China has been developing a faster community lifestyle on top of product strength. It can be said that China Railway Construction has firmly achieved both and all in terms of product creation and life construction.

At the art community co-creation conference, the industry's first real estate full-process documentary "Housework" was also announced. China Railway Construction Real Estate will join hands with Western Film Media to bring the first real estate industry documentary to China, integrating the concept of community development, the beginning and end of house construction and the thinking of lifestyle into this documentary, speaking for the development of the industry, and also telling the story of eliminating the information gap in real estate through the documentary, so that the people can fully understand the growth rhythm of their homes.

With the blessing of top art resources, China Railway Construction Real Estate plays a sense of rhythm at home

Four major products were unveiled to build a new height of urban human settlement

"Not only to create a good-looking appearance, but also to create an interesting soul" is the reason why China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China and Shaanxi Grand Theatre Xi'an Concert Hall have always been moving forward side by side, and it is also the reason why China Railway Construction Real Estate has always insisted on working together to continue to create an artistic life, and it is also a model answer for the spiritual pursuit of urban human settlements. On the product creation side, the Central China region of China Railway Construction Real Estate after 10 billion yuan is also extremely refined and polished, and will launch four representative works in three deep cultivation sectors in the second half of this year.

After the Western Twins, China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China brought the first customized product "Yulan River" to Chanba International Port, paying tribute to the city and the international port with pomegranate flower elements, creating a high-quality fourth-generation pure residential area for young families with ultra-high standards, and creating a community life of a school with books inside and outside the wall with a parent-child growth space.

As the first stop of China Railway Construction Real Estate's deep cultivation in Shaanxi, in 2024, China Railway Construction Real Estate will continue to present 500 acres of TOD in Daming Palace to lead the trend of human settlements in the north of the city. Following Xipai City Tianlin and Xipai City Tianhua, Xipai Tianlu and Xipai Tianzhu will enter the market and create a TOD big city life. As the early access version of large-scale smart life, Xipai Tianlu has created the first intelligent community runway in the area to empower healthy living. The 127-square-meter small apartment and 11-meter runway-style balcony refreshed the ultimate living experience in the area of the area. Xipai Tianzhu will bring Xi'an's first marine resort-themed community, with six ocean-themed interactive spaces, including "Sea Island, Heart of the Ocean, Sea Forest, Sea Club, Houhai Walk, and Sea Manju", completely subverting the Xi'an community living experience.

As the blockbuster work of China Railway Construction Real Estate this year, China Railway Construction Real Estate and Yuexiu Real Estate, with the collision of the top product power genes of state-owned enterprises as the source of inspiration, bring Xi'an's high-quality residential model - Zhuyue in the high-tech CID of the city's high-value highland.

It reproduces the landscape of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty in the sixteen realms of Rim River, and presents the large flat works with the view of the sky garden of every household.

At the same time as the art experience and life enjoyment brought by the product upgrade and iteration, the community platform and service experience of China Railway Construction Real Estate in Central China will also be upgraded to match the products and the life of the owners. At this art co-creation conference, the Central China Region of China Railway Construction Real Estate also shared the thoughts on community building after a total of 15,000 owners. Therefore, the concept of gathering a group of like-minded people with similar cultural aesthetics, equal spirits, and like-minded people to form their own schools with interests and connect groups because of their love to create a beautiful community that they yearn for has grown. In 2024, as the first year of community construction, China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China Company will also initially operate the six major sectors of taste, nature, blog, sports, art, and public welfare, cultivate a number of influential star clubs, integrate internal and external resources, and work with owners to promote the construction of community culture, and take a solid step for the infinite imagination of a beautiful home.

With the blessing of top art resources, China Railway Construction Real Estate plays a sense of rhythm at home

Artistic blessing, excellent products. An art community co-creation conference allowed us to see the brand concept of "soft and hard" of China Railway Construction Real Estate, and also refreshed our cognition of community life again. In the past eight years in Shaanxi, China Railway Construction Real Estate Central China has used the concept of city + culture to boost urban culture, change community life, and promote industry upgrading with ultimate product strength. We believe that after 10 billion yuan, China Railway Construction will bring more advanced perception and experience to the city and its owners.

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