
From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

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From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

How to continue the Chinese historical context? How to innovate and develop cultural inheritance?

"Chinese modernization has endowed Chinese civilization with modern strength, and Chinese civilization has endowed Chinese modernization with profound foundations." On June 2 last year, at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth exposition of a series of major theoretical and practical issues in the inheritance and development of Chinese culture from the overall strategic height of the development of the cause of the party and the country.

In the past year, Xi Jinping visited the ancient city, explored the cultural context, looked at the intangible cultural heritage, and constantly explored the answer of the times of "why China", leading China to take the road of cultural inheritance.

Stay at the roots

Take the road of ancient city protection

Tianjin Ancient Culture Street, known as the "hometown of Tianjin", is the earliest economic, cultural and commercial gathering place in Tianjin.

From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

On the afternoon of February 1, 2024, when Xi Jinping inspected Tianjin Ancient Culture Street, he interacted with store employees and the people at the scene. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi

On the afternoon of February 1 this year, Xi Jinping came to Tianjin Ancient Culture Street, and successively walked into Guifaxiang 18th Street twist, nut zhang, clay figure zhang, Yangliu youth painting and other characteristic stores to learn about product types, sales and traditional cultural inheritance and development.

During the inspection, Xi Jinping pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is inseparable from the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional culture, and Tianjin is a city with great characteristics and charm, and it is necessary to protect and make good use of historical and cultural blocks to make them shine in the construction of a modern metropolis.

Tianjin retains a large number of modern buildings and historical and cultural districts with unique styles, and it is the mission of the times to protect Tianjin's unique Tianjin culture.

On January 17, 2019, during the inspection in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Xi Jinping came to Liang Qichao's former residence and listened to the introduction of the protection of Tianjin's historical and cultural blocks in combination with the exhibition panels. He pointed out that it is necessary to cherish the historical and cultural heritage of the city, develop it in the course of protection, and protect it in the course of development.

From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

Customers watch a performance at a time-honored store in Tianjin. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Zishuo

Institutional Guarantee: Compile the "Tianjin Historical and Cultural City Protection Plan (2020-2035)" to form an overall protection structure of "one city, two districts, two belts, and multiple points"; Normative documents such as the Regulations on the Protection of Historic Buildings in Tianjin have been issued to further improve the system of policies and regulations for the protection of historic buildings.

Innovation and empowerment - adhere to market-oriented operation, realize the renewal and upgrading of historical and cultural blocks, and explore the formation of a "historical style architecture +" model. At the same time, it will promote the in-depth integration of cultural and tourism formats, markets and products, inject new vitality into old buildings, continue new stories, and bring new popularity.

Cross-border integration - continuously expand consumption scenarios, create parallel reality digital immersion projects, build an IP matrix of historical and cultural blocks with high standards, and build an online and offline co-creation platform for digital cultural tourism.

An ancient street and a historical and cultural heritage connect the past, present and future, and contain the cultural code of Chinese modernization.

Inherit the bloodline

Take the road of intangible cultural heritage

Located on the banks of the Yuanjiang River, Changdehe Street has a long history and was destroyed in the Battle of Changde in 1943. In recent years, Changde City has restored the style of Laohe Street and built this place into a historical and cultural district.

From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

On the morning of March 19, 2024, when Xi Jinping inspected Changdehe Street, he had cordial exchanges with shopkeepers and tourists. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

On March 19 this year, Xi Jinping came here to inspect a variety of special snacks, specialties and handicrafts, communicate cordially with shopkeepers and tourists, and appreciate the display of intangible cultural heritage skills, and learn more about the restoration and utilization of streets in the old city of Changde, urban planning, and comprehensive treatment of the water environment.

Walking along Changdehe Street, a giant ink painting drawing attracted Xi Jinping's attention.

This work is the design of the wood carving created by Pan Nenghui, the intangible inheritor of Pan's art wood carving, based on Shen Congwen's famous book "Xiangxing Essays", and he plans to restore it to a 10-meter-long giant red toon gloomy wood in 10 years.

"The colorful traditional culture with local characteristics together constitutes a brilliant Chinese civilization and boosts economic and social development." When Xi Jinping inspected Changde River Street, he pointed out that Changde is a place of cultural inheritance, and the silk strings, high cavities, and trumpets here should be inherited and used well with appropriate carriers, and develop well with the times.

From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

Pan Nenghui and his wife Hu Meihua demonstrate wood carvings on Changdehe Street in Hunan. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuge

How to bring intangible cultural heritage to life in the new era?

In recent years, Changde has made great efforts to explore a new cross-border, cross-domain and cross-industry model of "intangible cultural heritage + cultural tourism", "intangible cultural heritage + education" and "intangible cultural heritage + technology", attracting more than 50 intangible cultural heritage teams such as Taoyuan embroidery, hemp painting and Changde wood carving to settle in Changde River Street, creating a situational and immersive multicultural experience, and integrating the national tide intangible cultural heritage into the daily life of citizens and tourists.

At present, there are more than 100,000 representative intangible cultural heritage projects at all levels, more than 90,000 representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage at all levels, and more than 6,700 intangible cultural heritage workshops.

Intangible cultural heritage items are inherited by people, and the inheritors from generation to generation have come forward to make the cultural carrier more vivid.

Continuation of the context

Take the road of civilization inheritance

The Great Wall is the largest existing cultural heritage in mainland China, and it is also a window for the world to experience and understand Chinese civilization.

On May 14 this year, Xi Jinping replied to the villagers in Shixia Village, Badaling Town, Yanqing District, Beijing, profoundly explaining the unique value of the Great Wall and the great significance of protecting the Great Wall.

"I hope that everyone will continue to work hard and work hard for a long time, protect the Great Wall like a homeland, carry forward the culture of the Great Wall, tell the story of the Great Wall, drive more people to understand and protect the Great Wall, pass on this precious wealth left by our ancestors from generation to generation, and contribute to the construction of a socialist cultural power and the promotion of Chinese-style modernization."

From "preserving" to "coming alive" to guarding the Chinese cultural context with the general secretary

The picture shows the Badaling Great Wall. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ju Huanzong

In 2019, Xi Jinping presided over the ninth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, which deliberated and approved the "Plan for the Construction of the Great Wall, the Grand Canal and the Long March National Cultural Park"; In 2021, the "Plan for the Construction and Protection of the Great Wall National Cultural Park" was issued, proposing to build the Great Wall National Cultural Park into an important symbol of promoting the national spirit and inheriting Chinese civilization.

In recent years, it has organized and implemented resource surveys and cleaned up the Great Wall to protect the family; Establish a legal system with the Regulations on the Protection of the Great Wall as the main body and local special regulations as the support; We continued to promote the protection of the Great Wall itself, and successively approved 289 projects for the protection and maintenance of the Great Wall; Intensify inspections to protect the "last mile" of the Great Wall...... The protection and inheritance of the ancient Great Wall has ushered in a new chapter.

To protect the Great Wall, we must carry forward the culture of the Great Wall, tell the story of the Great Wall and tell the story of China.

The epic drama "Xiongguan under Heaven" brings a visual feast, the tourism resources of the Great Wall lead the way to prosperity, and research activities continue to be carried out...... Relying on the cultural resources of the Great Wall, various fields seek development according to local conditions, and continue to write a new chapter in the era of cultural heritage protection.

At present, there are a total of 43 world cultural heritages, world cultural and natural heritages, and 43 world intangible cultural heritages. They are scattered across the splendid land, and continue to explore the path of revitalization and inheritance.

-- Digital empowerment makes culture "live". "Vitality Forbidden City", "Panorama Terracotta Warriors" and "Cloud Tour Dunhuang" have been launched, and AI algorithms have realized the restoration of cultural relics and the naked-eye 3D restoration of archaeological sites.

——Innovation and integration, so that culture "fire". Yue opera "New Dragon Gate Inn", dance drama "Tang Palace Night Banquet", "Only This Green", movie "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an" and other frequent hits; It is difficult to find tickets for cultural and museum attractions such as the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, and "going to a city for a museum" is getting hotter and hotter.

Today's China, with the unique language of Chinese culture, shows the world the cultural charm of the ancient oriental civilization.

"It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point." A year ago, Xi Jinping made a clear direction for the development of cultural inheritance at a symposium on cultural inheritance and development.

Standing in the new era and looking into the future, Xi Jinping solemnly declared: "Chinese-style modernization is the new life of the old state of the Chinese nation, and it will surely promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization." ”

Source: People's Daily Online-Communist Party of China News Network

Editor: Sha Zhiyuan

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru