
Submissions | Siziwangqi will hold the 2024 New Era "Virtuous Youth" Commendation Conference

author:Vitality of the Four Sons of the King Banner
Submissions | Siziwangqi will hold the 2024 New Era "Virtuous Youth" Commendation Conference
Submissions | Siziwangqi will hold the 2024 New Era "Virtuous Youth" Commendation Conference

Recently, the 2024 New Era "Virtue Youth" Commendation Conference of Siziwangqi was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the Education and Sports Bureau.

Submissions | Siziwangqi will hold the 2024 New Era "Virtuous Youth" Commendation Conference

In order to vigorously practice the core values of socialism in the whole banner and strengthen the ideological and moral construction of minors, the Siziwang Banner Customs Working Committee and the Education and Sports Bureau organized the 2024 "Virtuous Youth" selection and commendation activities in all primary and secondary schools in the whole banner. Since the launch of the activity, 100 teenagers have stood out and been selected as "Virtuous Youth" after being recommended by the school and reviewed by the organizing committee.

Submissions | Siziwangqi will hold the 2024 New Era "Virtuous Youth" Commendation Conference

The majority of primary and secondary school students in the whole banner should take the selection of "virtuous youth" as an example, see the virtuous and think together, respect virtue and goodness, actively learn and practice the core values of socialism, further forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, inherit and carry forward the Chinese virtues, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, have lofty ideals, study diligently, work hard, and develop in all aspects of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. Strive to become a pillar of the motherland as soon as possible.

Source: Siziwangqi Education

Editor: Alatatuna Guri

Contribution email: [email protected]

Statement: Please indicate the source of the reprinted content Vitality Four Sons King Banner (hlszwq)

Submissions | Siziwangqi will hold the 2024 New Era "Virtuous Youth" Commendation Conference