
The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

author:The dragon squire

He's coming, he's coming! He was ordered to go to the "Asian Regional Security Dialogue" to start the performance, and also made unreasonable accusations against the Chinese side, claiming that China does not support Ukraine and will not hold talks with the Ukrainian delegation. has used the well-known "double standard" of the West to the fullest, he is, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky!

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

Now let's take a look at the wonderful performance of the famous comedian and current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. When he appeared, there were several very obvious signs: wearing a tight shirt, melancholy eyes, a sad face, a large group of non-Ukrainians as bodyguards!

According to multiple media reports, on June 1, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suddenly arrived in Singapore and appeared at the 21st Shangri-La Dialogue surrounded by a group of men in black, followed by talks with US Secretary of Defense Austin.

The talks lasted more than an hour, and after the meeting, Mr. Sky said they were "very good." It is reported that the two sides discussed the strengthening of Ukraine's air defense system, military assistance to Ukraine, and the preparation of bilateral security agreements.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

I have to say that both sides played really well. It made it difficult for Zelensky and the US personnel to meet each other, pretending to be worried about the country and the people all day long, with justice in mind, and there may be no future for this meeting.

Obviously, Zelensky's trip is definitely not a special trip to meet with the military delegations of the United States and Western countries, because their meetings are very frequent and extremely close. Therefore, Zelensky must have been arranged by some people to use this forum to reach out to the Asian community.

I think it is likely that it is the game led by the United States and the United Kingdom, allowing Zelensky to use his talent as an actor to perform live at the Asian Security Forum.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

So what was the purpose of his trip?

According to a number of media reports, Zelensky posted a number of messages on social platform X from June 1 to 2, announcing his multiple itineraries after arriving in Singapore to participate in the "incense party". For example, he met with a number of dignitaries and officials from Indonesia, the United States and Timor-Leste to call for support for Ukraine.

According to the Associated Press, Zelensky delivered a speech on June 2 titled "Reimagining Solutions for Global Peace and Regional Stability." Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is ready to listen to various proposals and scenarios that could help end the conflict with Russia. When Zelensky spoke, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin attended the discussion and sat in the front row.

In his speech, Zelensky expressed his gratitude to countries including Germany, the United States and the Netherlands for military assistance, especially air defense systems. In his speech, he said Russia launched nearly 100 missile strikes on Sunday and said that "no country can deal with it alone."

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

According to the report, Zelensky said at a press conference that he was deeply disappointed that China had clearly signaled not to participate in the "peace summit". He claimed. This is not good for China or the world.

Moreover, in response to a question from Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao", Zelensky claimed that he wanted to meet with the Chinese delegation many times, but it is very regrettable that there are no strong ties between Ukraine and China, and the Chinese side does not seem to want to establish such contacts with the Ukrainian side.

Zelensky is reversing right and wrong without blushing, not only coming to the Asian Regional Security Dialogue to "go to the hole" to solicit sponsorship, but also brazenly and shamelessly questioning China's teachers and initiating such false accusations. In the face of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's unfounded accusations, ASEAN has taken a cold look......

Frankly speaking, everyone knows that Zelensky is almost like a "marionette" on the Ukrainian issue. He went from Europe to the Asian Security Dialogue to point fingers, which was originally the wrong "set"!

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

Let's start with the "Peace Summit". The peace summit that Zelensky is referring to refers to the peace summit to be held in Switzerland on June 15, 2024, mainly for the high-level meeting on peace in Ukraine. The meeting was the first step towards a peace process in Ukraine and was aimed at "looking for the possibility of starting a negotiation process."

At the end of May, Mao Ning, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, made it clear that China would not attend the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland in June.

In fact, with regard to the Ukraine issue, China has long put forward relevant proposals for resolving the Ukraine crisis, has always advocated a ceasefire and an end to hostilities, and called for a solution through political dialogue. But it seems that it has not been adopted, and our special envoy took the initiative to visit Kyiv, but as a result, he was closed.

If our proposal is not accepted, what is the point of repeating it at the peace summit? To put it bluntly, has Zelensky done the main thing about Ukraine?

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

What is even more bloody is that since it is to discuss and mediate issues about Russia and Ukraine, Russia is not invited. This is exactly the same as the so-called "South China Sea President Case" unilaterally led by the United States and the Philippines in 2016, and it is obviously very inconsistent with China's consistent principles.

It is reported that more than a dozen countries, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Belarus, and Syria, have also successively stated that they will not participate in the Ukraine peace summit held in Switzerland. Moreover, neither the United States nor the host Switzerland participated, this is a naked "bloody drama"!

As for Zelensky's claim at the press conference that he wanted to meet with the Chinese delegation, I think this is typical nonsense. First of all, the organizers did not inform Ukraine in advance that Ukraine would participate, and neither Zelensky himself nor the Ukrainian side expressed their willingness to meet with the Chinese delegation through relevant media in advance.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

In other words, the organizers of the "incense meeting" and Zelensky may not have any intention of letting the Chinese side know at all. In this case, if we don't avoid it with interest, do we have to look at our faces and ask ourselves for being bored?

On social media, Minister Dong Jun smiled but did not say anything when asked by reporters whether he would meet with Zelensky. I think this is a very sensible and appropriate way of dealing with it, and it has successfully avoided embarrassment for all parties.

If the organizers plan to let the Chinese side know, or if the Ukrainian side really wants to talk to the Chinese side, at least honesty and courtesy must be in place. Therefore, this matter itself is an indecent job done by the organizers and Zelensky.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

In my opinion, Zelensky's trick is shouting for the "master" behind him; As for the purpose, I think only they know best.

Judging from the current situation of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Ukraine is completely at a disadvantage. According to relevant media reports, Russia has recently taken several more villages, and Ukraine urgently needs more support from the international community. I don't understand, the biggest shareholder behind Ukraine is the United States, the hegemon that claims to be able to beat the whole world on its own, as well as the entire NATO bloc; In addition, there are more than 35 countries, such as Israel, the "little bully" that once fought the invincible opponent in the Middle East, and Japan and South Korea, which are powerful countries in East Asia.

Now that this war has been fought for more than two years, Ukraine's military resources have almost run out. I feel that these developed countries that claim "civilization and justice" sell weapons to Ukraine, as if they are helping Zelensky to consume Ukrainians together, and then divide up Ukraine's assets.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain the reason why the United States, the hegemon of the world, and other developed countries supporting Ukraine, can't even do a Russia with a population of only 130 million!

What do these developed countries, who are "handing knives" behind their backs and claiming to represent "civilization and justice", want to completely carve up Ukraine?

The United States took the lead in supporting the sale of weapons and equipment to Ukraine, claiming to be helping and presiding over Ukraine's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty. As a result, the "money bag" of the United States, the BlackRock Group, bought all the state-owned assets of Ukraine for free to pay off the debt. When Zelensky attended the signing of the relevant agreement on behalf of Ukraine, his mouth seemed to be smiling crookedly.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

Is the role played by Zelensky a hero of Ukraine or an "agent" of the West?

Maybe in the eyes of his wife, he is a real hero! Zelensky has been asking for money and weapons everywhere all day long, and for two years he has been willing to buy even a suit. But his wife swiped millions of dollars to buy a bag at a luxury store on Fifth Avenue in New York, USA, and this matter has already spread all over the world!

Some people say that Lincoln was also born as an actor, and that's right!

But Lincoln had more than 20 years of political experience before running for president, from running for state legislature to congress. Zelensky is straight from the comedian to the president of Ukraine, this is rocket speed. It is equivalent to pulling out a person who has no experience in playing a small sampan and directly driving a 10,000-ton giant ship on the choppy sea route, and Ukraine's tragedy has long been doomed.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

The tragedy of the Ukrainian people lies in the fact that the rigorous and rational political experience is treated as a comedy speech. I thought that Zelensky, who had always made them happy in front of the screen, would lead them to live a happy life with the so-called "democracy", "freedom", and "equality" ideals advertised by the West, and become the next "beacon of human civilization" society to be envied by the world.

A number of media reported that Zelensky paid a high-profile visit to the Philippines and received a high-level reception from the Philippine side. In addition to sending senior former parliamentarians to pick up the plane, the Philippines also held a military parade ceremony for Zelensky at the Maracañan Palace, where Marcos Jr. is located.

According to the report, the Philippines and Zelensky have reached an agreement to set up an embassy in the Philippines and receive a bunch of verbal support from Marcos Jr., but have not yet reached a weapon, equipment and financial support.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot
The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

Actually, it's good for them to meet; There is a consensus between "chess pieces" and "chess pieces", and there are experiences. For the Philippines, which has been constantly provoking in the South China Sea during this time, the tragic situation in Ukraine is its best image example. Moreover, Ukraine is on the European continent, with an area of more than 600,000 square kilometers; The Philippines is an island country composed of archipelagos, with a land area of less than 300,000 square kilometers and a population about five times that of today's Ukraine.

Judging from US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's various arrogant speeches at the "incense meeting," the next Sino-US relations can be imagined. I believe that the United States will never give up the last chance to maintain its hegemonic status, nor will it give up playing the "Taiwan card," still less will it give up instigating the Philippines to provoke in the South China Sea.

In his public statement at the "Xianghui", Defense Minister Dong Jun issued three tough warnings of "not allowed", clearly indicating China's position and determination: (1) We will not allow hegemonism and power politics to harm the Asia-Pacific region; (2) geopolitical conflicts will not be allowed, and cold wars and hot wars will be introduced into the Asia-Pacific region; (3) No country, any force, will not be allowed to fight and cause chaos here.

The "peace summit" in Ukraine was cold, and Si Ji suddenly appeared that the "incense meeting" made unreasonable accusations against China and was slapped in the face on the spot

What should come will always come, and we must face it bravely and actively prepare for it. Regardless of the coastal wind and waves, we can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai!

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