
Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

author:Vigorously love life
Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.
Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to deposit money, you must remember these three do's and five don'ts to ensure the safety of our funds.

To be honest, it is really difficult to make money now, and everyone is no longer as lavish as before, and we all know the importance of saving money.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

But depositing money in the bank is not a matter of overnight, and there are some small details that can be asked by the university. Therefore, the next time you go to save money, you should remember these three do's and don'ts, so as not to suffer unnecessary losses of money.

Let's start with three things:

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

The first one is to confirm that there is a deposit insurance logo

This is very important, this logo, means that when the bank is in trouble or fails, depositors' deposits can get a favorable guarantee, which can make us more assured of the existence of this bank, no worries, with this protection, do not worry about the possible risks of the bank, can rest assured and boldly entrust their savings to the bank, is a solid and safe protective wall.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

The second is to deposit the money in a certificate of deposit or passbook

Nowadays, many people like to use mobile banking APP, and the information on it is indeed connected to the bank, and you can see your various deposits or financial products at any time, but you must know that in addition to what you really grasp in your hands, I think everything else is not safe.

Only when you hold a certificate of deposit or passbook, you must have a certificate, and your heart will be safe, because the passbook records each of our transaction information in detail, and this deposit certificate also records our deposit information very clearly, including the amount of our deposit, the interest of the deposit, and the maturity date of our deposit, which are written very clearly.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

Especially for the elderly, if you don't know how to use a smartphone, it will be safer and more secure to store your money in a deposit certificate or passbook, at least you will be able to know the information about the money at all times.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

The third is to handle the deposit business over the counter

Handling at the counter can ensure the safety of our funds, and there are bank staff to help you handle the business one-on-one, if you don't understand anything, you can ask at any time.

If you operate on the ATM, you can only call the customer service number if you don't understand, so you may encounter Internet fraud, especially for the elderly, in order to avoid these unnecessary troubles, please choose to handle business at the counter, which can protect the maximization of the interests of our depositors.

The above are the three requirements of our deposit, so what are the five don'ts of deposit?

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

The first one is not to deposit more than 500,000 in one bank

There is such an old saying, for safety, don't put your eggs in one basket, and the same is true for bank deposits, because if the bank encounters a crisis, the maximum compensation is 500,000, if you exceed, then there will really be an accident, there is no guarantee, not only the interest will be lost, but the principal will also be affected.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

Second, don't deposit long-term deposits

The longer the bank deposit, the higher the deposit interest rate, some old people are diligent and thrifty, feel that they don't need to use money, put the money in the bank, and put the money for a longer time, the interest rate can be taken a little more.

And there are gifts, especially some small banks, they are taking advantage of the old people to be greedy for cheap, using various means to attract them to save money, but these small banks generally have no guarantee, if there is really an accident to go bankrupt, then it will be more than worth the loss.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

Third, don't handle automatic rollover

The interest rate of the bank is different every year, if you handle the automatic rollover, and if the interest rate in the second year falls or rises, then you will have a certain loss, we are not afraid of trouble, the deposit is due, go to the bank to handle it, to ensure that your interests are maximized.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

Fourth, don't be gullible

No matter how familiar you are with the bank manager, don't disclose your identity information, especially ID cards and passwords, some customers will often deal with the bank, so they will have a closer relationship with the bank staff.

They also saw that the God of Wealth came, the service was very enthusiastic, and the relationship would be very familiar, you treat them as friends, but in their eyes you are the God of Wealth, if you happen to meet a bad heart, but then you don't know whose deposit it is.

Starting from June 1st, when you go to the bank to make a deposit, you must remember these three do's and don'ts.

Fifth, don't leave the bank right away

We handle the business well, remember, do not leave the bank immediately, we must carefully check the deposit certificate in our hand to see if it is written on the deposit certificate, if it is not written these four words, quickly find the staff to correct, otherwise the loss will be great.

We need to make a plan for saving money according to each person's actual situation. The above is the three and five don'ts that we should pay attention to when saving money, what other different views do you have on this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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