
The Controversy on the Origin of the Universe -- The True War (II)

author:Teacher Migo of the Heavenly Heart

Speaking of materialism, he hurriedly turned around on the ground a few times, muttering to himself: "Our universe cannot be explained by the appearance of reality, but must be thought of in terms of the concept of virtual time or even virtual space!" This must be viewed from the height of 12 dimensions and above! To look at it dialectically, we have dialectical materialism......"

Seeing the materialist lost soul, I knew that he had fallen into a deep entanglement, and what defeated him was his proud logical speculation!

Then the spiritualist came running again: "How's that? I've just had a fight with materialism, and I'm tired, aren't you? That guy is not easy to deal with, I have been fighting with him for thousands of years, and I haven't decided the winner yet, what new weapons do you have? Let's take a good look at the countermeasures! ”

When I saw idealism, I inevitably started to learn again. However, we are still allies on the surface, so we still need to speak tactfully. After thinking about it, I think it's better to let the materialist guy be the fuse. So he said, "I listen to materialism, they always like to attack you with some broken problems, I wonder if you have any new counterattack weapons now?" ”

"What kind of broken problem?"

"He denied that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good, for example, when a snake came to the park and gave people fruit that they should not eat, and people became bad, and he said that God did not know this snake, he was not omniscient, and if he knew it, he would not be all-good, and if he wanted to control it, he would not be all-powerful."

"Humph! How can the belly of a villain be a holy heart? ”

"And how are you going to fight back against him?"

"God is all-powerful and omniscient, and all things in the universe were created by God, so how can we not know the existence of a serpent? Knowing that the serpent was going to do something bad and not doing it harm shows that God is all good. ”

"If you don't blame the serpent, why punish only people? What about kicking people out of the park? ”

"That's not expulsion, it's salvation!"


"Yes, God is omniscient, and God knows that the serpent will tempt people, and the next time they will give people to eat fruit that contains poison, and in order to protect people, he will let them go."

"Oh! That's right. But materialism also says that God cannot create a stone that cannot be held by himself, proving that God is not omnipotent. What do you say about that? ”

"Hmph, let me tell you, whoever wants to talk about this issue will definitely shoot himself in the foot!"

“…… Yes? Oh, this is what materialism says, to smash it is to smash it is to smash his feet. So how are you going to answer him? ”

"Materialism proves that the universe is multidimensional, and that God created a stone that cannot be moved in three-dimensional space-time, but can be moved in five-dimensional space-time, is this considered an explanation? Materialism says that there are parallel universes, and the stones created by God cannot move in this universe, but can move in another universe, is this another explanation? That's why I say that this stone problem that materialism came up with can only hit his own feet! ”

I was secretly shocked in my heart, this idealism is not what it used to be, and I have learned to use new knowledge as a weapon! It seems that those old problems can only lead to verbal wars, and there is no point. So I asked, "I have a long time in my heart that I don't know, and I hope that Brother Weixin will enlighten me." ”

"The boundless love of my God will enlighten your heart."

"May I ask you, are man created by God?"

"Of course, God created everything, including us humans."

But what is the use of us human beings to God? The fruit of our harvest was placed on the altar of God, and God did not move. Every penny of the money we earn is put in our pockets or in the bank, and God does not come to collect taxes. In the past, people prayed to God and even gave their lives, but God did not respond to their needs, and it seems that God does not need human life, so what is the use of God creating us human beings? I believe that God cannot do meaningless things. ”

"God loves mankind, man is a child of God, God never asks anything from his children, man must worship God."

If God really doesn't need us, then his love for humanity is temporary, so that God can change his mind at any time and destroy the whole world at any time, without asking why, because God doesn't need humans to know why. Why, then, should we respect God? What about honoring the God who wants to destroy us without any reason? ”

"God loves the world, only sinners are destroyed, and believers will go to heaven."

"So God still needs believers, otherwise why should he keep believers?"

"No, God has no need for human beings, God is omnipotent and all-powerful, so how can we need lowly human beings? God keeps believers for love. ”

"For love? Human beings care for their children for the sake of succession, but is God caring for us for this? Will God pass on the throne to man after death? But to whom will it be passed on to so many people? ”

"Shut up! How could God die? ”

"Does God not die and pass on to His children while He is alive? So why did God go on his own? ”

"God did not create mankind for succession, but because God loves mankind."

"Oh, well, let's just think that God created human beings to find a place to put down his love, and we still hope that God will never change such a hobby, so why would God make a mistake?"

"God can't make mistakes!"

"God does not make mistakes, so why are some of the created people scolding God?"

"Who is it?!"

"It's the materialist people, I just heard that they have disrespect for God, and they claim that there are more people who believe in materialism than they believe in God!"

"Nonsense! There are many times more believers than unbelievers! ”

"Really?! Let's not argue about who has more and who has less, I want to understand why God created a large number of people against him. If it's not a mistake, is it deliberately scolding? ”


I was startled and looked around to see where the devil was and what he looked like. But I heard the spiritualism solemnly say: "Those who do not believe in God are all deceived by the devil, and we believers in God want to dispel the devil in their hearts and let them return to the arms of God." ”

But why didn't God kill the devil and let the devil do harm? Is it because God can't defeat the devil, or is there a secret agreement with the devil? Or is God's love so broad that even the devil loves it? ”

"God commands us to love our enemies."

"So we can love the devil openly?"

"Love...... Devil, I'm afraid this won't work. ”

"Why not? Isn't the devil our enemy? Are they still friends? Wouldn't it be cuter if it was a friend? ”

“…… Well, we can't speculate on God's will with our humble hearts. We can only wait for God's enlightenment. ””

"Do you mean that our human minds are also inspired by God?"

"Yes, God created all things, and our minds are given by God."

"So I have this thought now: Can God swap places with me? I want to be a god and let God be a mortal. Do you think this thought was also inspired by God? Why did I be inspired to think so? ”


“…… ……”


I was startled again: "The devil is here again?" "My heart said don't be so startled all the time.

"You're the devil!"

"Huh? Am I the devil? That's impossible! I was upset and protested, "How can I be the devil?" I'm not qualified to be a devil at all, because I'm handsome. ”

"I don't talk to the devil! I want to stay away from the devil! With that, the spiritualism ran away.

I stood there for a moment. Is this a win or a defeat? Thinking about it, shaking his head and sighing, this can't go on! One doesn't plan to reason with me, the other says I'm a devil, and he doesn't even talk to me, how can this be beaten? It's a pity that the big killing weapon I prepared, the Celestial and Human Science Experiment, has not been taken out yet!

There's really no way, put the three theories in front of everyone, or let everyone choose, which one are you more willing to accept?

Let's start with idealism, believe in this theory, the best outcome for a person is to give himself to the god who is high up and powerful, and can destroy you with a wave of his hand. When a person dies and goes to heaven, he has to do his godly work every day, with billions of people (standing?) Sitting? Happiness in the arms of God. And it must be happy, and it is strictly forbidden to have any unhappy thoughts, and to laugh there forever...... It's a little scary to think about.

Speaking of materialism (note: the identity and origin of things are unknown), believing in this theory, the ultimate destination of human beings is to hand over to the nature that has no life, no feelings, and no knowing what it is. After the person dies - oops, there is nothing together! When a person dies like a lamp goes out, everything is empty after death, and after death he becomes organic fertilizer. Damn, there is a little way, who wants to believe this?

Finally, let's talk about heaven and man. Believe in this theory, the ultimate destination of human beings is to ascend to the heavenly realm, their own destiny is in their own hands, and their sovereignty is always their own! Heaven is the fruit of one's own cultivation, and it is exclusive to oneself! There is no high god in the heavenly realm, only the supreme heavenly way restricts you to be a good person. It is a world of colleagues, classmates, and colleagues, a world that is the same as human society, and everyone is kind!

Tell me, friend, what is your choice?

For more details, please read the free novel "Lingtianji" by Tomato

The Controversy on the Origin of the Universe -- The True War (II)