
Ningyuan Town: Anti-drug inspections will not be slackened to build a strong anti-drug safety line

author:Micro-look at Valium

In order to do a solid job in the work of prohibiting planting and eradicating narcotics, enhance the anti-drug awareness of the masses, and form a pattern of joint management, combination of crackdown and prevention, and everyone's responsibility. In the past few days, Ningyuan Town has made detailed arrangements, vigorously publicized, refined measures, clarified responsibilities, and promptly organized 14 villages to carry out the investigation and inspection and eradication of illegal cultivation of narcotic plants from house to house and plot by plot.

Ningyuan Town: Anti-drug inspections will not be slackened to build a strong anti-drug safety line
Ningyuan Town: Anti-drug inspections will not be slackened to build a strong anti-drug safety line
Ningyuan Town: Anti-drug inspections will not be slackened to build a strong anti-drug safety line

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