
Wei Zhejia is the new chairman of TSMC! The current chairman, Liu Deyin, will retire

Wei Zhejia is the new chairman of TSMC! The current chairman, Liu Deyin, will retire

Mobile China

2024-06-04 11:56Published in Beijing

  On June 4, it was reported that the board of directors of TSMC confirmed Wei Zhejia as the new chairman.

Wei Zhejia is the new chairman of TSMC! The current chairman, Liu Deyin, will retire

Wei Zhejia

  According to Hong Kong's "China Review Press", TSMC held a shareholders' meeting at the Hsinchu State Guest Hotel today to re-elect directors, and TSMC's current chairman Liu Deyin will retire and hand over the baton to President Wei Zhejia, and TSMC will fully enter the era led by Wei Zhejia.

  Outside the Ambassador Hotel in Hsinchu, many TSMC shareholders lined up early in the morning to enter the venue, and the on-site security was heavily guarded, and the shareholders' meeting was invitation-only, and uninvited media and shareholders were not allowed to enter the venue. Liu Deyin arrived at the State Guest Hotel at about 8:40 a.m., looking in a good mood, and after the meeting, he will leave TSMC, where he has worked for 30 years, and officially retire.

Wei Zhejia is the new chairman of TSMC! The current chairman, Liu Deyin, will retire

Wei Zhejia serves as the new chairman of TSMC

  Liu Deyin announced as early as the end of last year that he would officially retire after this year's TSMC shareholders' meeting, and Liu made a retirement speech at the TSMC legal conference in January this year, saying that the past 30 years in TSMC have been an extraordinary journey, and he is very fortunate to be able to work at TSMC and contribute to the company, and he looks forward to spending more time with his family after retirement and opening a new chapter in his life.

  According to TSMC's list of director candidates nominated in April this year, there are 3 current directors Wei Zhejia, Zeng Fancheng, Gong Mingxin, and 4 current independent directors Peter Bonfi, Michael Spin Lint, Moses Ge Frelov, and Rafael Leiff.

  The English name of Wei Zhe's family is "CC Wei". Different from Liu Deyin's introverted personality and calm style, Wei Zhejia's first impression to outsiders is always smiling, funny, good at communication, and a hearty personality.

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  • Wei Zhejia is the new chairman of TSMC! The current chairman, Liu Deyin, will retire
  • Wei Zhejia is the new chairman of TSMC! The current chairman, Liu Deyin, will retire

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