
The rest of your life is not long, and who you are with is really important.

author:Coconut City said
The rest of your life is not long, and who you are with is really important.

In this life, there will always be some people you like and people you don't like, and some people are tired of getting along with him, so don't continue to get along. The older you get, the more you can understand the ruthlessness and harshness of the years, and it is already a great happiness to meet a suitable person. What kind of person, what kind of friends to make, what kind of friends, what kind of people to achieve. The circles are different, there is no need to be strong, and the hearts of people are different, so they cannot go the same way. The rest of your life is not long, and who you are with is really important.

The rest of your life is not long, and who you are with is really important.

The seasons flow, and the years do not live. What can be eternal, can remain in the heart, and can resist the vicissitudes of life must be a kind of beauty, or a dream, or a fateful and unforgettable joy and sorrow. "Life is like a flower, and the optimistic person wishes it to bear sweet fruit, and the pessimistic person will worry that it will lose its short-lived floral fragrance. Optimistic people only care about laughing and forgetting their grievances; Pessimistic people only care about resentment and forget to laugh. Life is both sunny and downpouring, and at any time, we need to judge the situation and do it appropriately. Time is mysterious, it will let the past pass, and it will also change your previous perception. Morning and twilight, going around and around, all emotions, can only be faced alone. Learn to digest joys and sorrows, slowly look down on gains and losses, and meet yourself in the process of coming and going. Just like spring returns to the earth, falling leaves turn into dust, nature is in order, and so is life. There will come a time when you will say goodbye with a smile and no longer be sad and afraid.

The rest of your life is not long, and who you are with is really important.

The greatest luck in life is to meet someone who achieves each other with you. When you are confused, guide each other; When you are depressed, encourage each other; When you succeed, you recognize each other. May you and I be able to strengthen each other, support each other, and achieve each other. May the feelings we meet be the best. You have to understand that if you have a wide heart, you will be happy, so you must not put too much pressure on yourself, and don't be depressed because of some small things, let alone let yourself live too tired, you must learn to enjoy life, learn to let yourself relax a little, learn to let yourself live happily and comfortably. I hope that you will love yourself well and live more for yourself at all times. Usually you have to ask yourself more - ask yourself: Are you tired of living, who do you blame? Blame yourself. In order to live, you ran around day and night, saved money and didn't save a little, and finally branded a sick body, and you were not blessed to enjoy a mountain of gold. Second, ask yourself: Do you live a tangled life, who do you blame? Blame yourself. You think hard about the things you can't think of, you know that there is no result and you are still caught in the whirlpool, and if you can't think of it, it's a catastrophe and a knot, so why torture yourself too much. Three ask yourself: Do you live a restrained life? Blame whom? Blame yourself. I don't dare to say what I want to say, the person I want to love is shy, and I always live for others to see, and I have lost how many unique personalities. As long as you live, there will be tiredness, annoyance, bitterness, and sweetness. Instead of having more hearts, it is better to have fewer roots; Instead of reddening your eyes, you should smile and forgive.

The rest of your life is not long, and who you are with is really important.