
#散户炒股日记#今天上证指数指数探底3061.28, followed by a slight resistance, and finally closed at 3078.49. Hold patiently, what can you do, in short, you can't be convenient

author:Scorpio Butterfly 2021

#散户炒股日记# Today, the Shanghai Composite Index bottomed out at 3061.28 and then put up a little resistance to close at 3078.49. Hold patiently, what can you do, in short, you can't be cheap to others.

#散户炒股日记#今天上证指数指数探底3061.28, followed by a slight resistance, and finally closed at 3078.49. Hold patiently, what can you do, in short, you can't be convenient
#散户炒股日记#今天上证指数指数探底3061.28, followed by a slight resistance, and finally closed at 3078.49. Hold patiently, what can you do, in short, you can't be convenient
#散户炒股日记#今天上证指数指数探底3061.28, followed by a slight resistance, and finally closed at 3078.49. Hold patiently, what can you do, in short, you can't be convenient