
China has criticized the Philippine President for distorting the situation in the South China Sea

author:Global Times New Media
China has criticized the Philippine President for distorting the situation in the South China Sea

Fan Fan, a special correspondent of this newspaper in the Philippines, and reporters Li Meng, Liu Caiyu, Zhen Xiang, Chen Kang, and Liu Yupeng

In response to Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos' recent speech on the South China Sea issue at the 21st Shangri-La Dialogue (hereinafter referred to as the "Meeting") held in Singapore, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in response to a reporter's question on the 3rd that the Philippine side's relevant statements ignore history and facts, promote its erroneous position on maritime issues, and distort and exaggerate the situation at sea. Recently, the Philippines has been making a lot of moves in the South China Sea, on the one hand, it has broken its promises and continued to deny the "gentlemen's agreement" and internal understanding reached with China on the proper management of the situation in the South China Sea. On the other hand, it has repeatedly provoked in the waters of Ren'ai Jiao and Scarborough Shoal, seriously violating China's territorial sovereignty. A number of Chinese experts said in an interview with the Global Times on the 3rd that the Philippines' frequently provocative remarks and actions in the South China Sea rely on the unreliable so-called "United States support", which not only violates the "Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea", but also introduces foreign forces to interfere in South China Sea affairs, which may "destroy regional peace". A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry criticized by name on the 3rd, "The United States, out of geopolitical selfish interests, has played an extremely disgraceful role in supporting and cooperating with the infringements of the Philippines and using the South China Sea issue to sow discord between China and regional countries."

"Self-deception will not allow the Philippines to win the trust of the international community"

In response to Marcos' speech at the "incense meeting", the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release on its official website on the 3rd in the form of a spokesperson's answer to reporters' questions, clarifying China's position. The spokesman pointed out that the responsibility for the recent escalation of the South China Sea issue between China and the Philippines lies entirely with the Philippine side. The Philippines has violated its commitments, China-Philippines consensus, and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. Frequently infringing on rights, provoking and creating incidents at sea; colluding with foreign forces to form factions and flex their muscles in the South China Sea; Spreading false information slandering and smearing China and misleading the international community. The spokesman also asked, "Clear-sighted people can clearly see who the current Philippine foreign policy serves and who the maritime operations are for, and self-deception will not allow the Philippines to win the trust of the international community." ”

Zhu Feng, executive dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, said in an interview with the Global Times on the 3rd that the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson's Q&A clearly explained the source and context of the dispute between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea. He said: Recently, the Philippines has deliberately aggravated the situation in the South China Sea based on domestic political considerations and instigation and provocation by major powers outside the region, violating a series of basic principles for handling disputes in the South China Sea, such as the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. In fact, China's statement has once again played an important role in clarifying the root cause of the China-Philippines issue.

Dai Fan, deputy dean of the School of International Relations of Jinan University, told the Global Times on the 3rd that China's statement is very clear about China's rights and interests and claims in the South China Sea and its responsibility for the recent escalation of the South China Sea issue. Even so, the Chinese side still believes in the statement that with the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea remains generally stable. There is no problem with the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by States under the law. China will continue to firmly safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and at the same time always adhere to the principle of properly handling maritime conflicts and differences through negotiation and consultation with the countries directly concerned concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts. This shows that China is proceeding from the peace and stability of the entire regional situation and adopting a very rational and responsible attitude in handling issues related to the South China Sea.

"Crazy? Or a warmonger? ”

At the same time, some countries outside the region were excited about Marcos's speech on the South China Sea issue. "The United States congratulates the Philippines on its eloquent expression of its position in the South China Sea," the Philippine Star reported on the 3rd with this headline, Philippine Defense Secretary Teodoro and US Secretary of Defense Austin held a meeting on the sidelines of the "incense meeting." At the beginning of the meeting, Austin "congratulated" Marcos on the Philippine position on the South China Sea and said that "the harassment the Philippines is facing is dangerous...... We are more than friends and allies. What affects you will affect us as well." Teodoro responded by saying that he was "grateful to the United States for supporting Marcos' emphasis on the rights of small nations."

In a speech at the "Xianghui" on May 31, Marcos accused "individual countries of enforcing their domestic laws outside their territory and jurisdiction" in response to the intensifying maritime frictions and disputes between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea, citing the so-called arbitration tribunal arbitration in the South China Sea. He also forcefully claimed, "I don't intend to give in, the Filipinos never give in."

In a question-and-answer session after his speech, Marcos also declared that if a Filipino citizen were killed in the conflict, it would be "very close to what we define as an act of war," that Manila "would respond accordingly" and that its ally, the United States, "would uphold the same standards and support any joint action by the Philippines." According to the French broadcasting corporation International, this is "the Philippine president drawing a red line for war in the South China Sea conflict". The website of the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" said that Marcos's words mean that "the Philippines may drag China and the United States into war."

In this regard, Major General Xu Hui, a member of the Chinese delegation and dean of the International Defense College of the National Defense University, who participated in the "incense meeting," questioned Marcos on the spot: "The recent behavior of the Philippines does not seem to take into account the feelings of other parties, and this may destroy regional peace." What are your thoughts on this? Marcos hesitated and replied, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Dai Fan said that both Marcos' speech on the South China Sea issue and the US side's "congratulations" show that the Marcos administration's foreign policy, especially its China policy and South China Sea policy, is deviating from the track of serving the national interests of the Philippines and is in fact serving the interests of the United States.

Rigoberto Tigrau, a well-known Philippine political commentator and spokesman for former President Arroyo, published an article entitled "Crazy? Or a warmonger? ". The article said that Marcos's talk of "war" and tampering with the conditions for triggering the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty "is shocking whether it is boastful, whether he has not woken up or has not woken up from a hangover." The commentary said that it is hoped that Marcos "will not be so stupid as to really want to start a war against China", and even if he tries to launch a "cold war" against China, he will be met with fierce counterattacks from China. "I am sure that if Marcos does not change policy quickly, he will be like his father in 1986."

The Philippines became a "backstabber for regional stability"

Recently, the Philippines has not only slandered and smeared China everywhere, but also frequently provoked in the South China Sea. The Philippine Daily Inquirer quoted sources on the 3rd as saying that Philippine Navy planes airdropped supplies to Philippine warships illegally "beached" at Ren'ai Jiao on May 19, and the materials were seized by the Chinese side and dumped into the sea. According to the report, the Chinese coast guard ship also obstructed the Philippine side's operation to return sick soldiers to the rear.

However, Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao said that a video released by Chinese media on June 2 showed that when the Philippines airdropped supplies to a warship that was illegally "beached" at Ren'ai Jiao, the Chinese coast guard responded in accordance with laws and regulations, and at least two personnel on the Philippine warship pointed guns at the Chinese coast police on the deck.

The Philippine side has frequently provoked, what is the confidence? Many analysts believe that the Philippines believes that it can rely on "the support of the United States". Marcos made several references to the United States in his "incense meeting" speech. "Why does the Philippine president's speech always mention the United States?" When asked by the media about the incident, Philippine Coast Guard Commander Ronnie Gawan threw all the blame on the president himself, claiming that he "only obeys the president's orders"; In the face of reporters' questions, Marcos simply remained silent and walked away.

In fact, this is a very dangerous situation for the Philippines. Herman Laurel, director of the Philippine Institute for Strategic Studies in the Asian Century, had previously warned Marcos that "the alleged support of certain countries outside the region for the Philippines lacks credibility." He called on the Philippine government to return to rationality and not fall into the "trap of pursuing selfish interests" in certain countries. Laurel said the Philippine government was like a vassal of the United States and felt insulted as a Filipino. In ASEAN, other countries do not want to be dragged into geopolitical conflict by the United States. ASEAN and other members have tactfully criticized the Philippines, apparently disagreeing with its South China Sea policy and the rhetoric that the Philippines is shifting the blame to China.

Dai Fan said that the Philippine government's foreign policy, especially its China policy and South China Sea policy, has become "alternative" throughout ASEAN. Among the countries in the ASEAN region that have disputes with China in the South China Sea, the only country that has chosen to provoke and confront China is the Philippines. The Philippines' provocations in the South China Sea are not only detrimental to the peace and stability of the entire region, but also collude with foreign powers to undermine ASEAN's commitment to maintaining regional stability. It can be said that the Philippines has become a "backstabber for regional stability".

In an interview with the media, Maj. Gen. Xu Hui said that the Philippines did not realize that it was isolated by ASEAN. The Philippine side's introduction of foreign interference in the South China Sea violates the basic principles of ASEAN (dispute settlement). He said, "China has all the means to solve the China-Philippines problem, but we have not used military means for decades, hoping to solve the problem through peaceful means." ”

"China's defense minister promotes the return to the right path of dialogue and consultation", the Philippine Business Daily said on the 3rd that Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun said at the "incense meeting" on the 2nd that China has maintained sufficient restraint on infringement and provocation, but this is also limited. It is hoped that individual countries will have a clear understanding of their interests and return to the right path of dialogue and consultation. ▲