
Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

author:Guiyang small data

Ichi-ken is derived from the Japanese word that can be understood as "one building per household".

The one-family building model is somewhat similar to the living form of single-family villas in the mainland, but the land it occupies is often larger, and the floors and architectural styles are not restricted, which is actually equivalent to the self-built houses on our rural homesteads now.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

Today, Zhejiang Lishui is already testing the waters of micro-residential land, where owners can buy land independently or jointly and build it "tailor-made" according to their own needs, and also have independent property rights.

This move is undoubtedly a pioneer for customized real estate development, and if the pilot effect is good, it is not ruled out that more cities will follow up in the future and carry out large-scale promotion.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

Judging from the above meaning, the current formulation is "to meet the diversified and improved housing needs of residents", but in fact, no matter what kind of housing construction standards and norms are subject to change, whether it is just needed, just renovated, improved, villas, etc.

With the sharp decline in the number of newborns, it is foreseeable that the demand for rigid demand, rigid change and replacement of houses in the past will also weaken year by year, and will be replaced by people's personalized and diversified demands for living space.

For example, for house design, space layout, building material structure, façade style, decoration facilities, etc., each household will have a more suitable plan for themselves.

For the market, the norms will change, the market will change, but what really remains unchanged is people's constant pursuit of a beautiful form of housing.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

So, what is the definition of a good form of housing for most Chinese people?

Is it a large level? Or a 7-storey bungalow? Or townhouse, courtyard villa? Or a single-family house, a one-family building?

This determines the actual carrier of the new model of real estate development in the next few decades, the so-called "whoever can build a good house for the masses will have a market, development and a future".

However, the point is that different classes and different families have different definitions of "good houses".

Therefore, the customized and personalized residential form is a new real estate track with great potential, of course, this also involves the relaxation of some boundaries and testing the water, such as the practice of Lishui, Zhejiang, which is very meaningful.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

From the perspective of international experience and cases of advanced construction in large cities, the types of real estate in large cities are roughly divided into two categories:

One is the apartment living space with high-rise buildings in the core area of the city, which is called "apartment" in English, also called "village", which means a certain living unit in a building.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

This kind of apartment is often located in the core area of the city, with high-quality urban supporting resources, whether it is transportation, commerce, medical care, education, etc., are very good, business attributes are very strong, and many belong to high-rise, super high-rise buildings, and will also have a good landscape view, which can be called the core assets that are very scarce in international cities.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

The other type belongs to the villa residential area located on the outskirts of the city, which is called "house" in English, that is, a detached house with a single house and a single courtyard.

Such villa settlements often form a certain agglomeration residential community, which has relatively complete education, medical care and basic living facilities, and it should be noted that the emphasis here is on basic living facilities.

If you want to carry out more advanced and refined social division of labor and activities (such as finance, business, etc.), you need to go to the nearby city center downtown, and the villa residential areas in the suburbs are often a certain distance from the city and need to be driven to it.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

Of course, in the villa subdivision, there are also some wealthy giants who have single-family estates and castle-level existences, and if conditions permit, it is not strange to contract an island, but that is a very small number after all.

Therefore, it is no problem that the types of living in most cities in the world are roughly divided into urban apartments and suburban villas.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

In fact, in most international metropolises, the high-end mansions in the city are often those towering super-high-rise buildings and large flat-floor apartments, because their substitutability is too limited, and the cost of building a super-high-rise building is much higher than that of a new large house in the suburbs.

Even in Japan, where one-family construction is prevalent, high-rise condominiums in the core of the city are more valuable, and the higher the floor, the higher the rent and valuation.

After all, compared with the land occupied by a low-rise household, standing on a super-high-rise building, taking a glance at the mountains, enjoying the prosperity brought by human commercial civilization, as well as the fine service and all-round support of urban supporting resources, is the real scarcity.

Will "one-family-built" villas become the mainstream of real estate in the future?

From the perspective of the path of international urban development, in the future first- and second-tier cities, super high-rise, high-rise residential buildings, and large flats will become more scarce, while one-family and detached houses in the suburbs may become the residences of most ordinary people.

Therefore, if the cost and efficiency of land use in the suburbs of the city are not considered, it is also possible that the form of one-family construction or self-built houses will become the mainstream of improving housing.